diesel 0.4.1

A safe, extensible ORM and Query builder
// FIXME(https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/19630) Remove this work-around
macro_rules! diesel_internal_expr_conversion {
    ($e:expr) => { $e }

macro_rules! column {
    ($($table:ident)::*, $column_name:ident -> $Type:ty) => {
        #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
        pub struct $column_name;

        impl $crate::expression::Expression for $column_name {
            type SqlType = $Type;

            fn to_sql(&self, out: &mut $crate::query_builder::QueryBuilder) -> $crate::query_builder::BuildQueryResult {

        impl $crate::expression::SelectableExpression<$($table)::*> for $column_name {}

        impl<'a, ST, Left, Right> SelectableExpression<
            $crate::WithQuerySource<'a, Left, Right>, ST> for $column_name where
            ST: NativeSqlType,
            $column_name: SelectableExpression<Left, ST>

        impl $crate::expression::NonAggregate for $column_name {}

        impl $crate::query_source::Column for $column_name {
            type Table = $($table)::*;

            fn name() -> &'static str {

/// Specifies that a table exists, and what columns it has. This will create a
/// new public module, with the same name, as the name of the table. In this
/// module, you'll find a unit struct named `table`, and a unit struct with the
/// names of each of the columns. In the definition, you can also specify an
/// additional set of columns which exist, but should not be selected by default
/// (for example, for things like full text search)
/// Example usage
/// -------------
/// ```rust
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate diesel;
/// table! {
///     users {
///         id -> Serial,
///         name -> VarChar,
///         favorite_color -> Nullable<VarChar>,
///     }
/// }
/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
/// More complex usage:
/// ```rust
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate diesel;
/// table! {
///     users (non_standard_primary_key) {
///         non_standard_primary_key -> Serial,
///         name -> VarChar,
///         favorite_color -> Nullable<VarChar>,
///     } no select {
///         complex_index_column -> Text,
///     }
/// }
/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
/// This module will also contain several helper types:
/// dsl
/// ---
/// This simply re-exports the table, renamed to the same name as the module,
/// and each of the columns. This is useful to glob import when you're dealing
/// primarily with one table, to allow writing `users.filter(name.eq("Sean"))`
/// instead of `users::table.filter(users::name.eq("Sean"))`.
/// all_columns
/// -----------
/// A constant will be assigned called `all_columns`, which will be a tuple of
/// all the columns that aren't in the "no select" group. This is what will be
/// selected if you don't otherwise specify a select clause. It's type will be
/// `table::AllColumns`. You can also get this value from the
/// `Table::all_columns` function.
/// star
/// ----
/// This will be the qualified "star" expression for this table (e.g.
/// `users.*`). Internally, we read columns by index, not by name, so this
/// column is not safe to read data out of, and it has had it's SQL type set to
/// `()` to prevent accidentally using it as such. It is sometimes useful for
/// count statements however. It can also be accessed through the `Table.star()`
/// method.
macro_rules! table {
        $name:ident {
            $($column_name:ident -> $Type:ty,)+
    ) => {
        table! {
            $name (id) {
                $($column_name -> $Type,)+
        $name:ident ($pk:ident) {
            $($column_name:ident -> $Type:ty,)+
    ) => {
        table! {
            $name ($pk) {
                $($column_name -> $Type,)+
            } no select {}
        $name:ident {
            $($column_name:ident -> $Type:ty,)+
        } no select {
            $($no_select_column_name:ident -> $no_select_type:ty,)*
    ) => {
        table! {
            $name (id) {
                $($column_name -> $Type,)+
            } no select {
                $($no_select_column_name -> $no_select_type,)*
        $name:ident ($pk:ident) {
            $($column_name:ident -> $Type:ty,)+
        } no select {
            $($no_select_column_name:ident -> $no_select_type:ty,)*
    ) => {
        table_body! {
            $name ($pk) {
                $($column_name -> $Type,)+
            } no select {
                $($no_select_column_name -> $no_select_type,)*

macro_rules! table_body {
        $name:ident ($pk:ident) {
            $($column_name:ident -> $Type:ty,)+
        } no select {
            $($no_select_column_name:ident -> $no_select_type:ty,)*
    ) => {
        pub mod $name {
            use $crate::{
            use $crate::query_builder::*;
            use $crate::types::*;
            pub use self::columns::*;

            pub mod dsl {
                pub use super::columns::{$($column_name),+};
                pub use super::table as $name;

            #[allow(non_upper_case_globals, dead_code)]
            pub const all_columns: ($($column_name),+) = ($($column_name),+);

            #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
            pub struct table;

            impl table {
                pub fn star(&self) -> star {

            pub type SqlType = ($($Type),+);

            impl QuerySource for table {
                fn from_clause(&self, out: &mut QueryBuilder) -> BuildQueryResult {

            impl AsQuery for table {
                type SqlType = SqlType;
                type Query = SelectStatement<SqlType, ($($column_name),+), Self>;

                fn as_query(self) -> Self::Query {
                    SelectStatement::simple(all_columns, self)

            impl Table for table {
                type PrimaryKey = columns::$pk;
                type AllColumns = ($($column_name),+);

                fn name() -> &'static str {

                fn primary_key(&self) -> Self::PrimaryKey {

                fn all_columns() -> Self::AllColumns {

            pub mod columns {
                use super::table;
                use $crate::{Table, Column, Expression, SelectableExpression};
                use $crate::query_builder::{QueryBuilder, BuildQueryResult};
                use $crate::types::*;

                #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
                #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
                pub struct star;

                impl Expression for star {
                    type SqlType = ();

                    fn to_sql(&self, out: &mut QueryBuilder) -> BuildQueryResult {

                impl SelectableExpression<table> for star {}

                $(column!(table, $column_name -> $Type);)+
                $(column!(table, $no_select_column_name -> $no_select_type);)*

macro_rules! joinable {
    ($child:ident -> $parent:ident ($source:ident = $target:ident)) => {
        joinable_inner!($child -> $parent ($source = $target));
        joinable_inner!($parent -> $child ($target = $source));

macro_rules! joinable_inner {
    ($child:ident -> $parent:ident ($source:ident = $target:ident)) => {
        impl $crate::JoinTo<$parent::table> for $child::table {
            fn join_sql(&self, out: &mut $crate::query_builder::QueryBuilder)
                -> $crate::query_builder::BuildQueryResult
                out.push_sql(" ON ");


macro_rules! select_column_workaround {
    ($parent:ident -> $child:ident ($($column_name:ident),+)) => {
        $(select_column_inner!($parent -> $child $column_name);)+
        select_column_inner!($parent -> $child star);

macro_rules! select_column_inner {
    ($parent:ident -> $child:ident $column_name:ident) => {
        impl $crate::expression::SelectableExpression<
            $crate::query_source::InnerJoinSource<$child::table, $parent::table>,
        > for $parent::$column_name

        impl $crate::expression::SelectableExpression<
            $crate::query_source::InnerJoinSource<$parent::table, $child::table>,
        > for $parent::$column_name

        impl $crate::expression::SelectableExpression<
            $crate::query_source::LeftOuterJoinSource<$child::table, $parent::table>,
                <$parent::$column_name as $crate::Expression>::SqlType>,
        > for $parent::$column_name

        impl $crate::expression::SelectableExpression<
            $crate::query_source::LeftOuterJoinSource<$parent::table, $child::table>,
        > for $parent::$column_name

macro_rules! join_through {
    ($parent:ident -> $through:ident -> $child:ident) => {
        impl $crate::JoinTo<$child::table> for $parent::table {
            fn join_sql(&self, out: &mut $crate::query_builder::QueryBuilder)
                -> $crate::query_builder::BuildQueryResult
                try!($crate::JoinTo::<$through::table>::join_sql(&$parent::table, out));
                out.push_sql(" INNER JOIN ");
                $crate::JoinTo::<$child::table>::join_sql(&$through::table, out)

/// Takes a query QueryFragment expression as an argument and returns a string
/// of SQL with placeholders for the dynamic values.
/// # Example
/// ### Returning SQL from a count statment:
/// #
/// # ```rust
/// # // example requires setup for users table
/// # use diesel::users::dsl::*;
/// # use diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment;
/// #
/// # fn main() {
/// let sql = debug_sql!(users.count());
/// assert_eq!(sql, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users");
/// # }
/// # ```
macro_rules! debug_sql {
    ($query:expr) => {{
        use diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment;
        let mut query_builder = DebugQueryBuilder::new();
        QueryFragment::to_sql(&$query, &mut query_builder).unwrap();

/// Takes takes a query QueryFragment expression as an argument and prints out
/// the SQL with placeholders for the dynamic values.
/// # Example
/// ### Printing SQL from a count statment:
/// #
/// # ```rust
/// # // example requires setup for users table
/// # use diesel::users::dsl::*;
/// # use diesel::query_builder::QueryFragment;
/// #
/// # fn main() {
/// print_sql!(users.count());
/// # }
/// # ```
macro_rules! print_sql {
    ($query:expr) => {
        println!("{}", &debug_sql!($query));