dicetest 0.1.0

Framework for writing tests with pseudorandom generated test data.


Dicetest is a framework for writing tests with pseudorandom generated test data.

Status of this crate

The author does not consider this crate as stable yet.

Simple example

Here's an example of a broken sort function tested with Dicetest:

fn bubble_sort<T: Ord>(slice: &mut [T]) {
    let len = slice.len();

    for _ in 0..len {
        for j in 1..len - 1 {
            let jpp = j + 1;
            if slice[j] > slice[jpp] {
                slice.swap(j, jpp);

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use dicetest::prelude::tests::*;

    fn result_of_bubble_sort_is_sorted() {
        dicetest!(|fate| {
            let mut v = dice::vec(dice::u8(..), ..).roll(fate);
            hint!("unsorted: {:?}", v);

            bubble_sort(&mut v);
            hint!("  sorted: {:?}", v);

            let is_sorted = v.windows(2).all(|w| w[0] <= w[1]);

Running cargo test produces the following output:

The test failed after 36 passes.

# Config
- seed: 795359663177100823
- start limit: 0
- end limit: 100
- passes: 1000

# Counterexample
- run code: "ABIDje/+CYVkmmCVTwKJ2go6VrzZWMjO2Bqc9m3b3h0DAAAAAAAAAA=="
- limit: 3
- hints:
    - unsorted: [255, 252, 131]
    -   sorted: [255, 131, 252]
- error: assertion failed: is_sorted

You can rerun the counterexample by setting a environment variable:



  • Write down your test data and use a loop.
  • Use the crate quickcheck.
  • Use the crate proptest.


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.