dialog 0.3.0

Display dialog boxes using various backends


A Rust library for displaying dialog boxes using various backends.


Currently dialog-rs supports input, message, password and question dialogs. It can use the dialog, kdialog, or zenity tools to display the dialog boxes. If none of these tools is available, the dialogs are printed to the standard output.


use dialog::DialogBox;

let choice = dialog::Question::new("Would you like to install Rust?")
    .title("Rust Installation")
    .expect("Could not display dialog box");
if choice == dialog::Choice::Yes {
    dialog::Message::new("You made the right choice!")
        .title("Rust Installation")
        .expect("Could not display dialog box");


For bug reports, patches, feature requests or other messages, please send a mail to dialog-rs-dev@ireas.org.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

dialog-rs complies with version 3.0 of the REUSE specification.