Function dia_args::parse_stream

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pub fn parse_stream<R>(stream: &mut R, max_size: Option<u64>) -> Result<Args>
where R: Read,
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§Parses a stream of strings, separated by null byte (0)

This function can be useful for securely passing/parsing arguments across processes.


  • If max_size is zero, an error is returned. If None, MAX_DIA_ARGS_FILE_SIZE will be used. If the stream has more data than provided value, an error is returned.
  • If the stream contains an invalid UTF-8 string, an error is returned.
  • The stream is used as-is. So you might want to use BufReader.


let stream = b"run\0--faster=true";

let mut args = dia_args::parse_stream(&mut &stream[..], None)?;
assert_eq!(args.cmd(), Some("run"));
assert_eq!(args.take(&["--faster"])?, Some(true));