dfdx 0.9.0

Ergonomic auto differentiation in Rust, with pytorch like apis.
use crate::prelude::{CanUpdateWithGradients, Gradients, UnusedTensors};

/// All optimizers must implement the update function, which takes an object
/// that implements [CanUpdateWithGradients], and calls [CanUpdateWithGradients::update].
/// # Notes
/// 1. [CanUpdateWithGradients] requires an object that implements [crate::gradients::GradientProvider].
/// A common implementation involves implementing both [Optimizer] and [crate::gradients::GradientProvider]
/// on one struct, and passing self to [CanUpdateWithGradients::update]. See [super::Sgd] for an example
/// of implementing this trait.
/// 2. Update takes ownership of [Gradients], so update cannot be called
/// with the same gradients object.
/// 3. Optimizer itself is generic over M, not the update method. This means a single optimizer object
/// can only work on objects of type `M`. This also requires you to specify the model up front for the optimizer.
pub trait Optimizer<M: CanUpdateWithGradients> {
    /// Updates all of `module`'s parameters using `gradients`.
    /// Requires a `&mut self` because the optimizer may change some internally
    /// tracked values.
    fn update(&mut self, module: &mut M, gradients: Gradients) -> Result<(), UnusedParamsError>;

/// An error indicating that a parameter was not used in gradient
/// computation, and was therefore not present in [Gradients]
/// while a [CanUpdateWithGradients] was trying to update it.
pub struct UnusedParamsError(UnusedTensors);

impl std::fmt::Display for UnusedParamsError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            .field("tensors", &self.0)

impl std::error::Error for UnusedParamsError {}

impl Into<Result<(), UnusedParamsError>> for UnusedTensors {
    fn into(self) -> Result<(), UnusedParamsError> {
        if self.is_empty() {
        } else {