dexios-core 1.2.0

A library for encrypting/decrypting, password hashing, and for managing encrypted file headers that adhere to the Dexios format.
//! This module is used for standard, typical encryption and decryption.
//! The data is fully loaded into memory before encryption/decryption, and it is processed within the same "block"
//! # Examples
//! ```rust,ignore
//! // obviously the key should contain data, not be an empty vec
//! let raw_key = Protected::new(vec![0u8; 128]);
//! let salt = gen_salt();
//! let key = balloon_hash(raw_key, &salt, &HeaderVersion::V4).unwrap();
//! let cipher = Ciphers::initialize(key, &Algorithm::XChaCha20Poly1305).unwrap();
//! let secret = "super secret information";
//! let nonce = gen_nonce(&Algorithm::XChaCha20Poly1305, &Mode::MemoryMode);
//! let encrypted_data = cipher.encrypt(&nonce, secret.as_bytes()).unwrap();
//! let decrypted_data = cipher.decrypt(&nonce, encrypted_data.as_slice()).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(secret, decrypted_data);
//! ```

use aead::{Aead, AeadInPlace, KeyInit, Payload};
use aes_gcm::Aes256Gcm;
use chacha20poly1305::XChaCha20Poly1305;
use deoxys::DeoxysII256;

use crate::primitives::Algorithm;
use crate::protected::Protected;

/// This `enum` defines all possible cipher types, for each AEAD that is supported by `dexios-core`
pub enum Ciphers {

impl Ciphers {
    /// This can be used to quickly initialise a `Cipher`
    /// The returned `Cipher` can be used for both encryption and decryption
    /// You just need to provide the `argon2id`/`balloon` hashed key, and the algorithm to use
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust,ignore
    /// // obviously the key should contain data, not be an empty vec
    /// let raw_key = Protected::new(vec![0u8; 128]);
    /// let salt = gen_salt();
    /// let key = balloon_hash(raw_key, &salt, &HeaderVersion::V4).unwrap();
    /// let cipher = Ciphers::initialize(key, &Algorithm::XChaCha20Poly1305).unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn initialize(key: Protected<[u8; 32]>, algorithm: &Algorithm) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
        let cipher = match algorithm {
            Algorithm::Aes256Gcm => {
                let cipher = Aes256Gcm::new_from_slice(key.expose())
                    .map_err(|_| anyhow::anyhow!("Unable to create cipher with hashed key."))?;

            Algorithm::XChaCha20Poly1305 => {
                let cipher = XChaCha20Poly1305::new_from_slice(key.expose())
                    .map_err(|_| anyhow::anyhow!("Unable to create cipher with hashed key."))?;

            Algorithm::DeoxysII256 => {
                let cipher = DeoxysII256::new_from_slice(key.expose())
                    .map_err(|_| anyhow::anyhow!("Unable to create cipher with hashed key."))?;



    /// This can be used to encrypt data with a given `Ciphers` object
    /// It requires the nonce, and either some plaintext, or an `aead::Payload` (that contains the plaintext and the AAD)
    pub fn encrypt<'msg, 'aad>(
        nonce: &[u8],
        plaintext: impl Into<Payload<'msg, 'aad>>,
    ) -> aead::Result<Vec<u8>> {
        match self {
            Ciphers::Aes256Gcm(c) => c.encrypt(nonce.as_ref().into(), plaintext),
            Ciphers::XChaCha(c) => c.encrypt(nonce.as_ref().into(), plaintext),
            Ciphers::DeoxysII(c) => c.encrypt(nonce.as_ref().into(), plaintext),

    pub fn encrypt_in_place(
        nonce: &[u8],
        aad: &[u8],
        buffer: &mut dyn aead::Buffer,
    ) -> Result<(), aead::Error> {
        match self {
            Ciphers::Aes256Gcm(c) => c.encrypt_in_place(nonce.as_ref().into(), aad, buffer),
            Ciphers::XChaCha(c) => c.encrypt_in_place(nonce.as_ref().into(), aad, buffer),
            Ciphers::DeoxysII(c) => c.encrypt_in_place(nonce.as_ref().into(), aad, buffer),

    /// This can be used to decrypt data with a given `Ciphers` object
    /// It requires the nonce used for encryption, and either some plaintext, or an `aead::Payload` (that contains the plaintext and the AAD)
    /// NOTE: The data will not decrypt successfully if an AAD was provided for encryption, but is not present/has been modified while decrypting
    pub fn decrypt<'msg, 'aad>(
        nonce: &[u8],
        ciphertext: impl Into<Payload<'msg, 'aad>>,
    ) -> aead::Result<Vec<u8>> {
        match self {
            Ciphers::Aes256Gcm(c) => c.decrypt(nonce.as_ref().into(), ciphertext),
            Ciphers::XChaCha(c) => c.decrypt(nonce.as_ref().into(), ciphertext),
            Ciphers::DeoxysII(c) => c.decrypt(nonce.as_ref().into(), ciphertext),