dex 0.5.0

Rust library for parsing dex files
//! Structures defining the contents of a `Method`'s code.
use scroll::{ctx, Pread, Uleb128};
use std::{fmt, ops::Deref};

use getset::{CopyGetters, Getters};

use crate::{
    encoded_item::EncodedCatchHandlers, error::Error, jtype::Type, string::DexString, uint, ulong,

/// Debug Info of a method.
/// [Android docs](
#[derive(Debug, Getters, CopyGetters)]
pub struct DebugInfoItem {
    /// Initial value for the state machines's line register.
    #[get_copy = "pub"]
    line_start: usize,
    /// Names of the incoming parameters.
    #[get = "pub"]
    parameter_names: Vec<Option<DexString>>,

/// Code and Debug Info of a method.
#[derive(Getters, CopyGetters)]
pub struct CodeItem {
    /// The number of registers the method must use.
    #[get_copy = "pub"]
    registers_size: ushort,
    /// Line number and source file information.
    debug_info_item: Option<DebugInfoItem>,
    /// Number of words for incoming arguments to this method.
    #[get_copy = "pub"]
    ins_size: ushort,
    /// Number of words for outgoing arguments required for invocation.
    #[get_copy = "pub"]
    outs_size: ushort,
    /// Code instructions for this method.
    #[get = "pub"]
    insns: Vec<ushort>,
    /// Try, Exception handling information of this method.
    #[get = "pub"]
    tries: Tries,

impl CodeItem {
    /// Line number and source file information.
    pub fn debug_info_item(&self) -> Option<&DebugInfoItem> {

impl fmt::Debug for CodeItem {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "CodeItem {{ registers_size: {}, debug_info: {}, ins_size: {}, outs_size: {}, tries: {} }}",
            self.registers_size, self.debug_info_item.is_some(), self.ins_size, self.outs_size, self.tries.len())

/// Represents a Try-Catch block
#[derive(Pread, Clone, Copy, Debug, Getters, CopyGetters)]
pub(crate) struct TryItem {
    /// The instruction at which the try block starts.
    #[get_copy = "pub"]
    start_addr: uint,
    /// Number of instructions the try block covers.
    #[get_copy = "pub"]
    insn_count: ushort,
    /// Exception handler offset.
    #[get_copy = "pub"]
    handler_off: ushort,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ExceptionType {
    /// The `Exception` class.
    /// Sub-types of the `Exception` class.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Getters, CopyGetters)]
pub struct CatchHandler {
    /// Type of the exception handled by this handler.
    #[get = "pub"]
    pub(crate) exception: ExceptionType,
    /// Start address of the catch handler.
    #[get_copy = "pub"]
    pub(crate) addr: ulong,

/// Represents Try and catch blocks.
#[derive(Debug, Getters, CopyGetters)]
pub struct TryCatchHandlers {
    /// Start of the try block.
    #[get_copy = "pub"]
    start_addr: uint,
    /// Number of instructions covered by this try block.
    #[get_copy = "pub"]
    insn_count: ushort,
    /// List of catch handlers for this try block.
    #[get = "pub"]
    catch_handlers: Vec<CatchHandler>,

/// List of try-catch blocks found in this method.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Getters, CopyGetters)]
pub struct Tries {
    #[get = "pub"]
    try_catch_blocks: Vec<TryCatchHandlers>,

impl Deref for Tries {
    type Target = Vec<TryCatchHandlers>;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl<'a, S> ctx::TryFromCtx<'a, (usize, &super::Dex<S>)> for Tries
    S: AsRef<[u8]>,
    type Error = Error;
    type Size = usize;

    fn try_from_ctx(
        source: &'a [u8],
        (tries_size, dex): (usize, &super::Dex<S>),
    ) -> Result<(Self, Self::Size), Self::Error> {
        let offset = &mut 0;
        let endian = dex.get_endian();
        let tries: Vec<TryItem> = try_gread_vec_with!(source, offset, tries_size, endian);
        let encoded_catch_handlers: EncodedCatchHandlers = source.gread_with(offset, dex)?;
        let tries: super::Result<Vec<_>> = tries
            .map(|c| {
                let encoded_handler =
                    encoded_catch_handlers.find(c.handler_off).ok_or_else(|| {
                        Error::InvalidId(format!("Invalid catch handler: {}", c.handler_off))
                Ok(TryCatchHandlers {
                    start_addr: c.start_addr,
                    insn_count: c.insn_count,
                    catch_handlers: encoded_handler.handlers(),
            Self {
                try_catch_blocks: tries?,

impl<'a, S> ctx::TryFromCtx<'a, &super::Dex<S>> for DebugInfoItem
    S: AsRef<[u8]>,
    type Error = Error;
    type Size = usize;

    fn try_from_ctx(
        source: &'a [u8],
        dex: &super::Dex<S>,
    ) -> Result<(Self, Self::Size), Self::Error> {
        let offset = &mut 0;
        let line_start = Uleb128::read(source, offset)? as usize;
        let parameters_size = Uleb128::read(source, offset)?;
        let mut parameter_names = Vec::with_capacity(parameters_size as usize);
        for _ in 0..parameters_size {
            let string_id = Uleb128::read(source, offset)? + 1;
            parameter_names.push(if string_id != u64::from(crate::NO_INDEX) {
                Some(dex.get_string(string_id as uint)?)
            } else {
            Self {

impl<'a, S> ctx::TryFromCtx<'a, &super::Dex<S>> for CodeItem
    S: AsRef<[u8]>,
    type Error = Error;
    type Size = usize;

    fn try_from_ctx(
        source: &'a [u8],
        dex: &super::Dex<S>,
    ) -> Result<(Self, Self::Size), Self::Error> {
        let offset = &mut 0;
        let endian = dex.get_endian();
        let registers_size: ushort = source.gread_with(offset, endian)?;
        let ins_size = source.gread_with(offset, endian)?;
        let outs_size = source.gread_with(offset, endian)?;
        let tries_size: ushort = source.gread_with(offset, endian)?;
        let debug_info_off = source.gread_with(offset, endian)?;
        let debug_info_item = if debug_info_off != 0 {
        } else {
        let insns_size: uint = source.gread_with(offset, endian)?;
        let insns: Vec<ushort> = try_gread_vec_with!(source, offset, insns_size, endian);
        if insns_size % 2 != 0 && tries_size != 0 {
            source.gread_with::<ushort>(offset, endian)?;
        let tries: Tries = if tries_size != 0 {
            source.gread_with(offset, (tries_size as usize, dex))?
        } else {
            Self {