desert 1.0.1

traits for {de,}serializing compact binary formats
use desert::{ToBytes,FromBytes};
use failure::Error;

enum Item { A((f32,f32)), B(u32) }

struct Custom { foo: u64, items: Vec<Item> }

impl ToBytes for Custom {
  fn to_bytes(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>,Error> {
    let mut bytes = vec![];
    // Store foo (in big endian).

    // Store the number of items (in big endian).
    bytes.extend(&(self.items.len() as u16).to_bytes()?);

    // Use a bitfield to more compactly represent
    // whether an Item is an A or B.
    let mut bitfield = vec![0u8;(self.items.len()+7)/8];
    for (i,item) in self.items.iter().enumerate() {
      bitfield[i/8] |= match item {
        Item::A(_) => 0,
        Item::B(_) => 1,
      } << (i%8);

    // Write out each item serially.
    for item in self.items.iter() {
      bytes.extend(match item {
        Item::A(x) => x.to_bytes()?,
        Item::B(x) => x.to_bytes()?

impl FromBytes for Custom {
  fn from_bytes(src: &[u8]) -> Result<(usize,Self),Error> {
    let mut offset = 0;

    // Read foo (in big endian).
    let (size,foo) = u64::from_bytes(&src[offset..])?;
    offset += size;

    // Read the number of items (in big endian).
    let (size,item_len) = u16::from_bytes(&src[offset..])?;
    offset += size;

    // Read the bitfield data but keep it as a u8 slice.
    let bitfield_len = ((item_len+7)/8) as usize;
    let bitfield = &src[offset..offset+bitfield_len];
    offset += bitfield_len;

    // Read the items, checking the bitfield to know whether an item
    // is an A or a B.
    let mut items = vec![];
    for i in 0..item_len as usize {
      if (bitfield[i/8]>>(i%8))&1 == 0 {
        let (size,x) = <(f32,f32)>::from_bytes(&src[offset..])?;
        offset += size;
      } else {
        let (size,x) = u32::from_bytes(&src[offset..])?;
        offset += size;
    Ok((offset, Custom { foo, items }))

fn custom() -> Result<(),Error> {
  let custom = Custom {
    foo: 1234567890123456789,
    items: vec![
  let bytes = custom.to_bytes()?;
  assert_eq![bytes, vec![
    17, 34, 16, 244, 125, 233, 129, 21, 0, 3, 2, 64, 64, 0, 0, 64, 134, 102,
    102, 0, 0, 5, 57, 64, 176, 0, 0, 64, 211, 51, 51
  let (size,custom_deserialized) = Custom::from_bytes(&bytes)?;
  assert_eq![custom, custom_deserialized];
  assert_eq![size, bytes.len()];