depth 0.0.1

Visualize dependencies as a Tree ├──.

Depth License

🚀 depth: A command-line tool for fetching and visualizing dependency trees for Rust packages.

📖 Table of Contents

🚀 Installation

To install depth, use the following Cargo command:

cargo install --locked depth

🛠️ Usage

Use the depth command to visualize dependency trees. Here are some examples:

# Visualize dependencies at level 1
depth -c crate_name -l 2

# Or simply
depth -c crate_name

✨ Features

  • Fetch and Visualize Dependency Tree: Fetch and visualize the dependency tree for a given Rust package using the API.
  • Command-Line Tool: Use the depth command-line tool to interactively explore and visualize dependencies.

🌟 Examples

# Visualize dependencies for the 'input_yew' crate at level 1
depth -c input_yew

# Or simply

depth -c yew -l 2

🤝 Contributing

Contributions and feedback are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, report an issue, or suggest an enhancement, please engage with the project on GitHub. Your contributions help improve this crate for the community.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.