deno_ops 0.100.0

Proc macro for writing Deno Ops
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
//! Code generation for V8 fast calls.

use pmutil::q;
use pmutil::Quote;
use pmutil::ToTokensExt;
use proc_macro2::Span;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::parse_quote;
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::token::Comma;
use syn::Generics;
use syn::Ident;
use syn::ItemFn;

use crate::optimizer::FastValue;
use crate::optimizer::Optimizer;

pub(crate) struct FastImplItems {
  pub(crate) impl_and_fn: TokenStream,
  pub(crate) decl: TokenStream,
  pub(crate) active: bool,

pub(crate) fn generate(
  core: &TokenStream,
  optimizer: &mut Optimizer,
  item_fn: &ItemFn,
) -> FastImplItems {
  if !optimizer.fast_compatible {
    return FastImplItems {
      impl_and_fn: TokenStream::new(),
      decl: quote! { None },
      active: false,

  // TODO(@littledivy): Use `let..else` on 1.65.0
  let output_ty = match &optimizer.fast_result {
    // Assert that the optimizer did not set a return type.
    Some(ty) => ty,
    None => {
      return FastImplItems {
        impl_and_fn: TokenStream::new(),
        decl: quote! { None },
        active: false,

  // We've got 2 idents.
  // - op_foo, the public op declaration contains the user function.
  // - op_foo_fast_fn, the fast call function.
  let ident = item_fn.sig.ident.clone();
  let fast_fn_ident =
    Ident::new(&format!("{ident}_fast_fn"), Span::call_site());

  // Deal with generics.
  let generics = &item_fn.sig.generics;
  let (impl_generics, _, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();

  // This goes in the FastFunction impl block.
  // let mut segments = Punctuated::new();
  // {
  //   let mut arguments = PathArguments::None;
  //   if let Some(ref struct_generics) = struct_generics {
  //     arguments = PathArguments::AngleBracketed(parse_quote! {
  //       #struct_generics
  //     });
  //   }
  //   segments.push_value(PathSegment {
  //     ident: fast_ident.clone(),
  //     arguments,
  //   });
  // }

  // Original inputs.
  let mut inputs = item_fn.sig.inputs.clone();
  let mut transforms = q!({});
  let mut pre_transforms = q!({});

  // Apply parameter transforms
  for (index, input) in inputs.iter_mut().enumerate() {
    if let Some(transform) = optimizer.transforms.get(&index) {
      let quo: Quote = transform.apply_for_fast_call(core, input);

  // Collect idents to be passed into function call, we can now freely
  // modify the inputs.
  let idents = inputs
    .map(|input| match input {
      syn::FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => match &*pat_type.pat {
        syn::Pat::Ident(pat_ident) => pat_ident.ident.clone(),
        _ => panic!("unexpected pattern"),
      _ => panic!("unexpected argument"),
    .collect::<Punctuated<_, Comma>>();

  // Retain only *pure* parameters.
  let mut fast_fn_inputs = if optimizer.has_opstate_in_parameters() {
  } else {

  let mut input_variants = optimizer
    .collect::<Punctuated<_, Comma>>();

  // Apply *hard* optimizer hints.
  if optimizer.has_fast_callback_option
    || optimizer.has_wasm_memory
    || optimizer.needs_opstate()
    || optimizer.needs_fast_callback_option
    let decl = parse_quote! {
      fast_api_callback_options: *mut #core::v8::fast_api::FastApiCallbackOptions

    if optimizer.has_fast_callback_option || optimizer.has_wasm_memory {
      // Replace last parameter.
    } else {

    input_variants.push(q!({ CallbackOptions }));

  let mut output_transforms = q!({});

  if optimizer.needs_opstate()
    || optimizer.has_fast_callback_option
    || optimizer.has_wasm_memory
    // Dark arts 🪄 ✨
    // - V8 calling convention guarantees that the callback options pointer is non-null.
    // - `data` union is always initialized as the `v8::Local<v8::Value>` variant.
    // - deno_core guarantees that `data` is a v8 External pointing to an OpCtx for the
    //   isolate's lifetime.
    let prelude = q!({
      let __opts: &mut v8::fast_api::FastApiCallbackOptions =
        unsafe { &mut *fast_api_callback_options };


  if optimizer.needs_opstate() {
    // Grab the op_state identifier, the first one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    let op_state = match idents.first() {
      Some(ident) if optimizer.has_opstate_in_parameters() => ident.clone(),
      // fn op_foo() -> Result<...>
      _ => Ident::new("op_state", Span::call_site()),

    let ctx = q!({
      let __ctx = unsafe {
        &*(v8::Local::<v8::External>::cast(unsafe { }).value()
          as *const _ops::OpCtx)

      Vars {
        op_state: &op_state
        let op_state = &mut ::std::cell::RefCell::borrow_mut(&__ctx.state);

    if optimizer.returns_result {
      // Magic fallback 🪄
      // If Result<T, E> is Ok(T), return T as fast value.
      // Err(E) gets put into `last_fast_op_error` slot and
      // V8 calls the slow path so we can take the slot
      // value and throw.
      let default = optimizer.fast_result.as_ref().unwrap().default_value();
      let result_wrap = q!(Vars { op_state, default }, {
        match result {
          Ok(result) => result,
          Err(err) => {
            __opts.fallback = true;


  if !optimizer.returns_result {
    let default_output = q!({ result });

  let output = q_fast_ty(output_ty);
  // Generate the function body.
  // fn f <S> (_: Local<Object>, a: T, b: U) -> R {
  //   /* Transforms */
  //   let a = a.into();
  //   let b = b.into();
  //   let r = op::call(a, b);
  //   /* Return transform */
  //   r.into()
  // }
  let fast_fn = q!(
    Vars { core, pre_transforms, op_name_fast: &fast_fn_ident, op_name: &ident, fast_fn_inputs, generics, where_clause, idents, transforms, output_transforms, output: &output },
      impl generics op_name generics where_clause {
        fn op_name_fast (_: core::v8::Local<core::v8::Object>, fast_fn_inputs) -> output {
          use core::v8;
          use core::_ops;
          let result = Self::call (idents);

  let output_variant = q_fast_ty_variant(output_ty);
  let mut generics: Generics = parse_quote! { #impl_generics };
  generics.where_clause = where_clause.cloned();

  // fast_api::FastFunction::new(&[ CType::T, CType::U ], CType::T, f::<P> as *const ::std::ffi::c_void)
  let decl = q!(
    Vars {
      core: core,
      fast_fn_ident: fast_fn_ident,
      inputs: input_variants,
      output: output_variant
        use core::v8::fast_api::CType;
        use core::v8::fast_api::Type::*;
          Self::fast_fn_ident as *const ::std::ffi::c_void,

  let impl_and_fn = fast_fn.dump();

  FastImplItems {
    active: true,

/// Quote fast value type.
fn q_fast_ty(v: &FastValue) -> Quote {
  match v {
    FastValue::Void => q!({ () }),
    FastValue::Bool => q!({ bool }),
    FastValue::U32 => q!({ u32 }),
    FastValue::I32 => q!({ i32 }),
    FastValue::U64 => q!({ u64 }),
    FastValue::I64 => q!({ i64 }),
    FastValue::F32 => q!({ f32 }),
    FastValue::F64 => q!({ f64 }),
    FastValue::Pointer => q!({ *mut ::std::ffi::c_void }),
    FastValue::V8Value => q!({ v8::Local<v8::Value> }),
    | FastValue::Uint32Array
    | FastValue::Float64Array
    | FastValue::SeqOneByteString => unreachable!(),

/// Quote fast value type's variant.
fn q_fast_ty_variant(v: &FastValue) -> Quote {
  match v {
    FastValue::Void => q!({ Void }),
    FastValue::Bool => q!({ Bool }),
    FastValue::U32 => q!({ Uint32 }),
    FastValue::I32 => q!({ Int32 }),
    FastValue::U64 => q!({ Uint64 }),
    FastValue::I64 => q!({ Int64 }),
    FastValue::F32 => q!({ Float32 }),
    FastValue::F64 => q!({ Float64 }),
    FastValue::Pointer => q!({ Pointer }),
    FastValue::V8Value => q!({ V8Value }),
    FastValue::Uint8Array => q!({ TypedArray(CType::Uint8) }),
    FastValue::Uint32Array => q!({ TypedArray(CType::Uint32) }),
    FastValue::Float64Array => q!({ TypedArray(CType::Float64) }),
    FastValue::SeqOneByteString => q!({ SeqOneByteString }),