dendrite 0.5.0

Event Sourcing and CQRS in Rust with AxonServer.
# Rustic Dendrite

A [Rust]( library to connect to [AxonServer](

See the GitHub project [dendrite2go/archetype-rust-axon]( for an example of how to use this code.

## Core concepts

* [Command / Query Responsibility Segregation] (CQRS)
* [Event Sourcing]
* [Futures and async/await]
* [gRPC]

## More information

* [dendrite on]
* [dendrite on]
* [rustic-dendrite on GitHub]

The project [rustic-dendrite-macros]( provides macros that makes working with the dendrite crate more ergonomic.

This project is a sibling of [dendrite2go]( and [archetype-go-axon](, but for the Rust programming language.

## Status

This project has now reached the level of Minimal Viable Deliverable in the sense that the first phase is completed: the current application communicates with AxonServer properly.
Like [archetype-go-axon]( it can do the following:
1. ☑ Set up a session with AxonServer
   * ☑ Enable React app to call a RPC endpoint on the example-command-api service through grpc-web
2. ☑ Issue commands
3. ☑ Register a command handler and handle commands
4. ☑ Submit events
   * ☑ Stream events to UI
5. ☑ Retrieve the events for an aggregate and build a projection
   * ☑ Validate commands against the projection
6. ☑ Register a tracking event processor and handle events
7. ☑ Store records in a query model: Elastic Search
   * ☑ Store tracking token in Elastic Search
8. ☑ Register a query handler and handle queries
   * ☑ Show query results in UI

As well as:

* In-memory caching of aggregate projections
* Access to Axon Command-, Event-, QueryRequest-message in body of handlers.

Now it would be nice to:

* Add support for storing snapshots of aggregate projections in AxonServer.
* Add support for segmentation to distribute the load on tracking event processors.
* Add support for sagas.
* ...