dencode 0.3.0

Utilities for decoding and encoding frames from readers and writers.


Utilities for encoding and decoding frames with support for synchronous and asynchronous io.

Contains adapters to go from streams of bytes, Read/AsyncRead and Write/AsyncWrite, to framed iterators/streams.

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use dencode::{LinesCodec, Framed};

async fn main() {
    // Synchronous
    // let reader = ...
    let mut framed = Framed::new(read, LinesCodec {});

    for frame in framed {
        println!("{:?}", frame);

    // Asynchronous
    // let stream = ...
    let mut framed = Framed::new(stream, LinesCodec {});

    while let Some(line) = framed.try_next().await.unwrap() {
        println!("{:?}", line);

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