decon-spf 0.2.7

This is a simple tool that allows you to deconstruct an existing SPF record that might be retreived in a normal DNS TXT lookup. With version 0.2.0 you can now also construct a new Spf record.
[![Latest Version](]( [![Docs](](

# Overview

This crate allows you to deconstruct an existing SPF record that might be retrieved with a dns query of type TXT.  

With 0.2.0. You now have the ability to create SPF records programmatically. 
Check the **Examples** directory for sample code.

### See Example Code

Lookup and deconstruct Spf record.

- [trust-dns-resolver]
- [build-spf]
- [serde-demo]

### Run example

To see a list of available examples.

$ cargo run --example

$ cargo run --example trust-dns-demo
$ cargo run --example build-spf
$ cargo run -F strict-dns --example build-spf-strict
$ cargo run -F serde --example serde-demo

## Syntax Validation

This crate is not intended to provide syntax validation.  
If you are looking to validate your SPF record. I would suggest you use one of 
the following:

1. []
2. []

I am sure there are many others that could be found.