decancer 1.5.3

A tiny package that removes common confusables from strings.
//! # decancer [![npm][npm-image]][npm-url] [![downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
//! [npm-image]:
//! [npm-url]:
//! [downloads-image]:
//! [downloads-url]:
//! A tiny package that removes common confusables from strings.
//! - It's core is written in [Rust]( and utilizes a form of **Binary Search** to ensure speed!
//! - It stores it's huge collection of confusables in a [customized binary file]( instead of a huge JSON or text file to optimize it's bundle size!
//! - It supports curing **4,800 different confusables** into cured-lowercased-strings, including but not limited to:
//!   - Accented characters
//!   - [Byte order mark](
//!   - [Control characters](
//!   - [Most homoglyphs](
//!   - Several foreign characters, including but not limited to [Arabic](, [Cyrillic](, [Greek](, and [Japanese](
//!   - Several emojis
//!   - [Whitespace characters](
//!   - [Zalgo text](
//! - And it's supported in the following languages:
//!   - [Rust](
//!   - JavaScript ([Node.js/Deno/Bun](
//!   - C/C++
//!   - [Python]( (unofficial)
//! ## Installation
//! <details>
//! <summary>Rust</summary>
//! In your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! decancer = "1.5.3"
//! ```
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary>Node.js</summary>
//! In your shell:
//! ```console
//! $ npm install decancer
//! ```
//! In your code:
//! ```js
//! const decancer = require('decancer')
//! ```
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary>Deno</summary>
//! In your code:
//! ```ts
//! import decancer from 'npm:decancer'
//! ```
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary>Bun</summary>
//! In your shell:
//! ```console
//! $ bun install decancer
//! ```
//! In your code:
//! ```js
//! const decancer = require('decancer')
//! ```
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary>Browser</summary>
//! In your code:
//! ```html
//! <script type="module">
//!   import init from ''
//!   const decancer = await init()
//! </script>
//! ```
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary>C/C++</summary>
//! ### Download precompiled binaries
//! - [Download for 64-bit Windows MSVC (Windows 7+)](
//! - [Download for 32-bit Windows MSVC (Windows 7+)](
//! - [Download for ARM64 Windows MSVC](
//! - [Download for 64-bit macOS (10.7+, Lion+)](
//! - [Download for ARM64 macOS (11.0+, Big Sur+)](
//! - [Download for 64-bit Linux (kernel 3.2+, glibc 2.17+)](
//! - [Download for 64-bit Linux with MUSL](
//! - [Download for ARM64 Linux (kernel 4.1, glibc 2.17+)](
//! - [Download for ARM64 Linux with MUSL](
//! - [Download for ARMv7 Linux, hardfloat (kernel 3.2, glibc 2.17)](
//! - [Download for 64-bit FreeBSD](
//! ### Building from source
//! Prerequisites:
//! - [Git](
//! - [Rust](
//! ```console
//! $ git clone --depth 1
//! $ cd decancer/bindings/native
//! $ cargo build --release
//! ```
//! And the binary files should be generated in the `target/release` directory.
//! </details>
//! ## Examples
//! <details>
//! <summary>JavaScript</summary>
//! ```js
//! const cured = decancer('vοΌ₯ⓑ𝔂 π”½π•ŒΕ‡β„•ο½™ ţ乇𝕏𝓣')
//! // cured here is a CuredString object wrapping over the cured string
//! // for comparison purposes, it's more recommended to use the methods provided by the CuredString class.
//! if (cured.contains('funny')) {
//!   console.log('found the funny')
//! }
//! if (
//!   cured.equals('very funny text') &&
//!   cured.startsWith('very') &&
//!   cured.endsWith('text')
//! ) {
//!   console.log('it works!')
//! }
//! console.log(cured.toString()) // 'very funny text'
//! ```
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary>Rust</summary>
//! ```rust
//! extern crate decancer;
//! fn main() {
//!   let cured = decancer::cure("vοΌ₯ⓑ𝔂 π”½π•ŒΕ‡β„•ο½™ ţ乇𝕏𝓣");
//!   // cured here is a decancer::CuredString struct wrapping over the cured string
//!   // for comparison purposes, it's more recommended to use the methods provided by the decancer::CuredString struct.
//!   assert_eq!(cured, "very funny text");
//!   assert!(cured.starts_with("very"));
//!   assert!(cured.contains("funny"));
//!   assert!(cured.ends_with("text"));
//!   let _output_str = cured.into_str(); // retrieve the String inside and consume the struct.
//! }
//! ```
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary>Web app example</summary>
//! ```html
//! <!DOCTYPE html>
//! <html lang="en">
//!   <head>
//!     <meta charset="utf-8" />
//!     <title>Decancerer!!! (tm)</title>
//!     <style>
//!       textarea {
//!         font-size: 30px;
//!       }
//!       #cure {
//!         font-size: 20px;
//!         padding: 5px 30px;
//!       }
//!     </style>
//!   </head>
//!   <body>
//!     <h3>Input cancerous text here:</h3>
//!     <textarea rows="10" cols="30"></textarea>
//!     <br />
//!     <button id="cure" onclick="cure()">cure!</button>
//!     <script type="module">
//!       import init from ''
//!       const decancer = await init()
//!       window.cure = function () {
//!         const textarea = document.querySelector('textarea')
//!         if (!textarea.value.length) {
//!           return alert("There's no text!!!")
//!         }
//!         textarea.value = decancer(textarea.value).toString()
//!       }
//!     </script>
//!   </body>
//! </html>
//! ```
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary>C/C++ UTF-8 example</summary>
//! ```c
//! #include <decancer.h>
//! #include <string.h>
//! #include <stdlib.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! // global variable for assertion purposes only
//! decancer_cured_t cured;
//! // our quick assert function
//! static void assert(const bool expr, const char *message)
//! {
//!     if (!expr)
//!     {
//!         fprintf(stderr, "assertion failed (%s)\n", message);
//!         if (output_raw != NULL)
//!         {
//!             wdecancer_raw_free(output_raw);
//!             output_raw = NULL;
//!         }
//!         decancer_free(cured);
//!         exit(1);
//!     }
//! }
//! int main(void) {
//!     // utf-8 bytes for "vοΌ₯ⓑ𝔂 π”½π•ŒΕ‡β„•ο½™ ţ乇𝕏𝓣"
//!     uint8_t string[] = {0x76, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa5, 0xe2, 0x93, 0xa1, 0xf0, 0x9d, 0x94, 0x82, 0x20, 0xf0, 0x9d,
//!                         0x94, 0xbd, 0xf0, 0x9d, 0x95, 0x8c, 0xc5, 0x87, 0xe2, 0x84, 0x95, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x99,
//!                         0x20, 0xc5, 0xa3, 0xe4, 0xb9, 0x87, 0xf0, 0x9d, 0x95, 0x8f, 0xf0, 0x9d, 0x93, 0xa3};
//!     // cure string
//!     cured = decancer_cure(string, sizeof(string));
//!     // comparisons
//!     assert(decancer_equals(cured, (uint8_t *)("very funny text"), 15), "equals");
//!     assert(decancer_starts_with(cured, (uint8_t *)("very"), 4), "starts_with");
//!     assert(decancer_ends_with(cured, (uint8_t *)("text"), 4), "ends_with");
//!     assert(decancer_contains(cured, (uint8_t *)("funny"), 5), "contains");
//!     // coerce output as a raw UTF-8 pointer and retrieve it's size (in bytes)
//!     size_t output_size;
//!     const uint8_t *output_raw = decancer_raw(cured, &output_size);
//!     // assert raw cured utf-8 size to be 15 bytes (size of "very funny text")
//!     assert(output_size == 15, "raw output size");
//!     // utf-8 bytes for "very funny text"
//!     const uint8_t expected_raw[] = {0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x79, 0x20, 0x66, 0x75, 0x6e,
//!                                     0x6e, 0x79, 0x20, 0x74, 0x65, 0x78, 0x74};
//!     char assert_message[38];
//!     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(expected_raw); i++)
//!     {
//!         sprintf(assert_message, "mismatched utf-8 contents at index %u", i);
//!         assert(output_raw[i] == expected_raw[i], assert_message);
//!     }
//!     // free cured string (required)
//!     decancer_free(cured);
//!     return 0;
//! }
//! ```
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary>C/C++ UTF-16 example</summary>
//! ```c
//! #include <decancer.h>
//! #include <string.h>
//! #include <stdlib.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! // global variable for assertion purposes only
//! decancer_cured_t cured;
//! wdecancer_raw_cured_t output_raw = NULL;
//! // our quick assert function
//! static void assert(const bool expr, const char *message)
//! {
//!     if (!expr)
//!     {
//!         fprintf(stderr, "assertion failed (%s)\n", message);
//!         if (output_raw != NULL)
//!         {
//!             wdecancer_raw_free(output_raw);
//!             output_raw = NULL;
//!         }
//!         decancer_free(cured);
//!         exit(1);
//!     }
//! }
//! int main(void) {
//!     // utf-16 bytes for "vοΌ₯ⓑ𝔂 π”½π•ŒΕ‡β„•ο½™ ţ乇𝕏𝓣"
//!     wchar_t string[] = {0x0076, 0xff25, 0x24e1, 0xd835, 0xdd02, 0x0020, 0xd835, 0xdd3d, 0xd835, 0xdd4c,
//!                         0x0147, 0x2115, 0xff59, 0x0020, 0x0163, 0x4e47, 0xd835, 0xdd4f, 0xd835, 0xdce3};
//!     // cure string
//!     cured = wdecancer_cure(string, sizeof(string) / sizeof(wchar_t));
//!     // comparisons
//!     assert(wdecancer_equals(cured, L"very funny text", 15), "wide equals");
//!     assert(wdecancer_starts_with(cured, L"very", 4), "wide starts_with");
//!     assert(wdecancer_ends_with(cured, L"text", 4), "wide ends_with");
//!     assert(wdecancer_contains(cured, L"funny", 5), "wide contains");
//!     // coerce output as a raw UTF-16 pointer and retrieve it's length (in CHARACTERS)
//!     size_t output_length;
//!     output_raw = wdecancer_raw(cured, &output_length);
//!     const wchar_t *output_raw_ptr = wdecancer_raw_ptr(output_raw);
//!     // assert raw cured utf-16 length to be 15 characters (length of "very funny text", NOT in bytes)
//!     assert(output_length == 15, "wide raw output length");
//!     // utf-16 bytes for "very funny text"
//!     const wchar_t expected_raw[] = {0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x79, 0x20, 0x66, 0x75, 0x6e,
//!                                     0x6e, 0x79, 0x20, 0x74, 0x65, 0x78, 0x74};
//!     char assert_message[39];
//!     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(expected_raw) / sizeof(wchar_t); i++)
//!     {
//!         sprintf(assert_message, "mismatched utf-16 contents at index %u", i);
//!         assert(output_raw_ptr[i] == expected_raw[i], assert_message);
//!     }
//!     // free raw cured UTF-16 string (required)
//!     wdecancer_raw_free(output_raw);
//!     // free cured string (required)
//!     decancer_free(cured);
//!     return 0;
//! }
//! ```
//! </details>
//! ## Contributing
//! Please [read ``]( for newbie contributors who want to contribute!


mod matcher;
mod similar;
mod string;
mod util;

mod tests;

use std::{cmp::Ordering, mem::transmute};
pub use string::CuredString;

fn to_lowercase(code: u32) -> u32 {
  unsafe {
    transmute::<_, char>(code)
      .unwrap_unchecked() as _

const fn invalid_codepoint(x: u32) -> bool {
  x <= 31
    || (x >= 127 && x <= 159)
    || (x >= 0x300 && x <= 0x36F)
    || x == 0x20E3
    || x == 0xFE0F
    || x == 0xFEFF
    || x == 0xFFFD
    || x == 0x489

/// Cures a string.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```rust
/// extern crate decancer;
/// let cured = decancer::cure("vοΌ₯ⓑ𝔂 π”½π•ŒΕ‡β„•ο½™ ţ乇𝕏𝓣");
/// assert_eq!(cured, "very funny text");
/// ```
pub fn cure<S: AsRef<str> + ?Sized>(input: &S) -> CuredString {
  let input_s = input.as_ref();
  let mut output = CuredString::with_capacity(input_s.len());

  input_s.chars().for_each(|code| {
    if invalid_codepoint(code as _) {

    let code_lowercased = to_lowercase(code as _);
    if code_lowercased < 0x80 {
      return output.push_code(code_lowercased); // process of elimination

    let mut start = 0;
    let mut end = matcher::CONFUSABLES_COUNT;
    let mut end_flag = false;

    loop {
      let mid = (((start + end) as f32) / 2f32).floor() as u16;
      let confusable = matcher::Confusable::at(mid);

      match confusable.matches(code as _, code_lowercased) {
        Ordering::Equal => {
          return output.push_translation(confusable.translation(code as _, code_lowercased))
        Ordering::Greater => start = mid + 1,
        _ => end = mid - 1,

      if end_flag {
        return output.push_code(code_lowercased);

      end_flag = start == end;
