dbus 0.6.4

Bindings to D-Bus, which is a bus commonly used on Linux for inter-process communication.
use arg;
use {Message, MessageType, BusName, Path, Interface, Member};

/// Helper methods for structs representing a Signal
/// # Example
/// Listen to InterfacesRemoved signal from org.bluez.obex.
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use dbus::{Connection, BusType, SignalArgs};
/// use dbus::stdintf::org_freedesktop_dbus::ObjectManagerInterfacesRemoved as IR;
/// let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
/// // Add a match for this signal
/// let mstr = IR::match_str(Some(&"org.bluez.obex".into()), None);
/// c.add_match(&mstr).unwrap();
/// // Wait for the signal to arrive.
/// for msg in c.incoming(1000) {
///     if let Some(ir) = IR::from_message(&msg) {
///         println!("Interfaces {:?} have been removed from bluez on path {}.", ir.interfaces, ir.object);
///     }
/// }
/// ```

pub trait SignalArgs: Default {
    /// D-Bus name of signal
    const NAME: &'static str;

    /// D-Bus name of interface this signal belongs to
    const INTERFACE: &'static str;

    /// Low-level method for appending this struct to a message.
    /// You're more likely to use one of the more high level functions.
    fn append(&self, i: &mut arg::IterAppend);

    /// Low-level method for getting arguments from a message.
    /// You're more likely to use one of the more high level functions.
    fn get(&mut self, i: &mut arg::Iter) -> Result<(), arg::TypeMismatchError>;

    /// Returns a message that emits the signal.
    fn to_emit_message(&self, path: &Path) -> Message {
        let mut m = Message::signal(path, &Interface::from(Self::INTERFACE), &Member::from(Self::NAME));
        self.append(&mut arg::IterAppend::new(&mut m));

    /// If the message is a signal of the correct type, return its arguments, otherwise return None.
    /// This does not check sender and path of the message, which is likely relevant to you as well.
    fn from_message(m: &Message) -> Option<Self> {
        if m.msg_type() != MessageType::Signal { None }
        else if m.interface().as_ref().map(|x| &**x) != Some(Self::INTERFACE) { None }
        else if m.member().as_ref().map(|x| &**x) != Some(Self::NAME) { None }
        else {
            let mut z: Self = Default::default();
            z.get(&mut m.iter_init()).ok().map(|_| z)

    /// Returns a string that can be sent to `Connection::add_match`.
    /// If sender and/or path is None, matches all senders and/or paths.
    fn match_str(sender: Option<&BusName>, path: Option<&Path>) -> String {
        let mut r = format!("type='signal',interface='{}',member='{}'", Self::INTERFACE, Self::NAME);
        sender.map(|s| r += &format!(",sender='{}'", s));
        path.map(|s| r += &format!(",path='{}'", s));

fn intf_removed() {
    use {Connection, BusType};
    use stdintf::org_freedesktop_dbus::ObjectManagerInterfacesRemoved as IR;
    let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
    let mstr = IR::match_str(Some(&c.unique_name().into()), Some(&"/hello".into()));
    println!("Match str: {}", mstr);
    let ir = IR { object: "/hello".into(), interfaces: vec!("ABC.DEF".into(), "GHI.JKL".into()) };

    let cp = c.with_path("dbus.dummy", "/hello", 2000);

    for msg in c.incoming(1000) {
        if &*msg.sender().unwrap() != &*c.unique_name() { continue; }
        if let Some(ir2) = IR::from_message(&msg) {
            assert_eq!(ir2.object, ir.object);
            assert_eq!(ir2.interfaces, ir.interfaces);