dbus 0.5.3

Bindings to D-Bus, which is a bus commonly used on Linux for inter-process communication.

A D-Bus binding for Rust.

Current state: Slowly maturing. Most stuff you need should be working:

  • Connect to system or session bus
  • Messages send/receive (method calls, method returns, signals, errors)
  • Message get/append arguments (through either generics, trait objects or enums), all types (including Unix Fd). See argument guide.
  • Build server side trees, with introspection and method dispatch (boxed closures)
  • Properties, on both client and server sides (set/get/getall methods, signals on server side)
  • Optional async API (for poll-based mainloops, e g mio)

API Documentation is here. If you have further questions or comments, filing an issue with your question is fine.



This example opens a connection to the session bus and asks for a list of all names currently present.

let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
let m = Message::new_method_call("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "ListNames").unwrap();
let r = c.send_with_reply_and_block(m, 2000).unwrap();
let arr: Array<&str, _>  = r.get1().unwrap();
for name in arr { println!("{}", name); }

You can try a similar example by running:

cargo run --example client


This example grabs the com.example.dbustest bus name, registers the /hello path and adds a method which returns a string. It then listens for incoming D-Bus events and handles them accordingly.

let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
c.register_name("com.example.dbustest", NameFlag::ReplaceExisting as u32).unwrap();
let f = Factory::new_fn::<()>();
let tree = f.tree(()).add(f.object_path("/hello", ()).introspectable().add(
    f.interface("com.example.dbustest", ()).add_m(
        f.method("Hello", (), |m| {
            let s = format!("Hello {}!", m.msg.sender().unwrap());
tree.set_registered(&c, true).unwrap();
for _ in tree.run(&c, c.iter(1000)) {}

You can try a similar example (which has more comments) by running:

cargo run --example server

Or a more advanced server example:

cargo run --example adv_server


There are two examples of getting properties in the examples directory, one which uses the newer arg style and one that uses the older MessageItem style. See:

cargo run --example properties
cargo run --example properties_msgitem

For an extended example, which also uses non-panicking error handling, see


Code generation

In the codegen directory, you'll find a code generation utility that's still in alpha, but I'd appreciate testing and feedback. Given a destination and a path, the utility will generate Rust traits, and their implementations, for all interfaces found on that path.


Libdbus 1.6 or higher, and latest stable release of Rust. If you run Ubuntu, this translates to Ubuntu 14.04 or later, having the libdbus-1-dev package installed while building, and the libdbus-1-3 package installed while running.

However, if you enable the feature no-string-validation, you might be able to build and run with older versions of the D-Bus library. This feature skips an extra check that a specific string (e g a Path, ErrorName etc) conforms to the D-Bus specification, which might also make things a tiny bit faster. But - if you do so, and then actually send invalid strings to the D-Bus library, you might get a panic instead of a proper error.


Apache 2.0 / MIT dual licensed.