dbox 0.1.0

An unofficial Dropbox SDK
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= Unofficial Dropbox SDK for Rust

This is an (unofficial, as in not endorsed by) Dropbox SDK for https://rust-lang.org[Rust]. At present it is not complete, though the API is mostly fleshed out.

Currently it uses https://hyperium.github.io[Hyper] to communicate with the Dropbox API, but this is swappable, to allow a user to use their preferred HTTP library, or use more advanced features.

It is also very much lacking in tests and documentation.

== Examples

[source,rust] .Basic example

extern crate dbox;

use dropbox::client::Client; use dropbox::files;

const ACCESS_TOKEN: &'static str = "MY_ACCESS_TOKEN";

fn main() { let client = Client::new(ACCESS_TOKEN); match files::list_folder(&client, "/foldername") { Ok(folderlist) => { // do something with folderlist }, Err(e) => panic!(e), } }

[source,rust] .With non-Hyper client

// compile with cargo build --no-default-features extern crate dbox; extern crate rustc_serialize;

use dropbox::{DropboxClient, Result, Response}; use dropbox::files;

struct MyClient;

impl DropboxClient for MyClient { fn access_token() -> &str { // return access token }

fn request<T>(&self, url: &str, headers: &mut BTreeMap<String, String>, body: &T) -> Result<Response>
    where T: rustc_serialize::Encodable + Clone
    // implement http request here


fn main() { let client = MyClient; match files::list_folder(&client, "/foldername") { Ok(folderlist) => { // do something with folderlist }, Err(e) => panic!(e), } }