db-dump 0.7.1

Library for scripting analyses against crates.io's database dumps

crates.io database dumps

Library for scripting analyses against crates.io's database dumps.

These database dumps contain all information exposed by the crates.io API packaged into a single download. An updated dump is published every 24 hours. The latest dump is available at https://static.crates.io/db-dump.tar.gz.


The examples/ directory of this repo contains several runnable example analyses.

Each of these examples can be run using Cargo once you've downloaded a recent database dump:

$ wget https://static.crates.io/db-dump.tar.gz
$ cargo run --release --example total-downloads

Here is the implementation of the most basic example, total-downloads, and graph of the resulting table. It shows crates.io download rate doubling every 9 months, or equivalently 10× every 2.5 years!

use chrono::Utc;
use db_dump::Date;
use std::collections::BTreeMap as Map;

fn main() -> db_dump::Result<()> {
    let mut downloads = Map::<Date<Utc>, u64>::new();
        .version_downloads(|row| {
            *downloads.entry(row.date).or_default() += row.downloads;

    for (date, count) in downloads {
        println!("{},{}", date, count);


Here is a graph from the user-downloads example:
