dataview 1.0.1

Safe transmute between types and byte arrays of the same size.

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The `Pod` trait marks types whose values can be safely transmuted between byte arrays of the same size.

The `DataView` type defines read and write data APIs to an underlying byte buffer.


This library is available on [](

Documentation can be found on [](

In your Cargo.toml, put

dataview = "~1.0"




struct MyType {
	field: i32,

// Construct a zero initialized instance
let mut inst: MyType = dataview::zeroed();
assert_eq!(inst.field, 0);

// Use DataView to access the instance
let view = dataview::DataView::from_mut(&mut inst);
view.write(2, &255_u8);

// Create a byte view over the instance
assert_eq!(dataview::bytes(&inst), &[0, 0, 255, 0]);


Licensed under [MIT License](, see [license.txt](license.txt).

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.