datafusion 0.2.3

DataFusion is a SQL query parser, planner, and distributed query processing framework for Rust inspired by Apache Calcite and Apache Spark
// Copyright 2018 Grove Enterprises LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::string::String;

use super::rel::*;
use super::sql::*;

use arrow::datatypes::*;

pub struct SqlToRel {
    //default_schema: Option<String>,
    schemas: HashMap<String, Schema>,

impl SqlToRel {
    pub fn new(schemas: HashMap<String, Schema>) -> Self {
        SqlToRel {
            /*default_schema: None,*/ schemas,

    pub fn sql_to_rel(&self, sql: &ASTNode) -> Result<Box<LogicalPlan>, String> {
        match sql {
            &ASTNode::SQLSelect {
                ref projection,
                ref relation,
                ref selection,
                ref limit,
                ref order_by,
                ref group_by,
                ref having,
            } => {
                // parse the input relation so we have access to the row type
                let input = match relation {
                    &Some(ref r) => self.sql_to_rel(r)?,
                    &None => Box::new(LogicalPlan::EmptyRelation),

                let input_schema = input.schema();

                let expr: Vec<Expr> = projection
                    .map(|e| self.sql_to_rex(&e, &input_schema))
                    .collect::<Result<Vec<Expr>, String>>()?;

                let projection_schema = Schema {
                    columns: expr.iter()
                        .map(|e| match e {
                            &Expr::Column(i) => input_schema.columns[i].clone(),
                            &Expr::ScalarFunction { ref name, .. } => Field {
                                name: name.clone(),
                                data_type: DataType::Float64, //TODO: hard-coded until I have function metadata in place
                                nullable: true,
                            _ => unimplemented!(),

                let selection_plan = match selection {
                    &Some(ref filter_expr) => {
                        let selection_rel = LogicalPlan::Selection {
                            expr: self.sql_to_rex(&filter_expr, &input_schema.clone())?,
                            input: input,
                            schema: input_schema.clone(),

                        LogicalPlan::Projection {
                            expr: expr,
                            input: Box::new(selection_rel),
                            schema: projection_schema.clone(),
                    _ => LogicalPlan::Projection {
                        expr: expr,
                        input: input,
                        schema: projection_schema.clone(),

                if let &Some(_) = group_by {
                    return Err(String::from("GROUP BY is not implemented yet"));

                if let &Some(_) = having {
                    return Err(String::from("HAVING is not implemented yet"));

                let order_by_plan = match order_by {
                    &Some(ref order_by_expr) => {
                        let input_schema = selection_plan.schema();
                        let order_by_rex: Result<Vec<Expr>, String> = order_by_expr
                            .map(|e| self.sql_to_rex(e, &input_schema))

                        LogicalPlan::Sort {
                            expr: order_by_rex?,
                            input: Box::new(selection_plan),
                            schema: input_schema,
                    _ => selection_plan,

                let limit_plan = match limit {
                    &Some(ref limit_ast_node) => {
                        let limit_count = match **limit_ast_node {
                            ASTNode::SQLLiteralLong(n) => n,
                            _ => return Err(String::from("LIMIT parameter is not a number")),
                        LogicalPlan::Limit {
                            limit: limit_count as usize,
                            schema: order_by_plan.schema(),
                            input: Box::new(order_by_plan),
                    _ => order_by_plan,


            &ASTNode::SQLIdentifier(ref id) => match self.schemas.get(id) {
                Some(schema) => Ok(Box::new(LogicalPlan::TableScan {
                    schema_name: String::from("default"),
                    table_name: id.clone(),
                    schema: schema.clone(),
                None => Err(format!("no schema found for table {}", id)),

            _ => Err(format!(
                "sql_to_rel does not support this relation: {:?}",

    pub fn sql_to_rex(&self, sql: &ASTNode, schema: &Schema) -> Result<Expr, String> {
        match sql {
            &ASTNode::SQLLiteralLong(n) => Ok(Expr::Literal(ScalarValue::Int64(n))),
            &ASTNode::SQLLiteralDouble(n) => Ok(Expr::Literal(ScalarValue::Float64(n))),

            &ASTNode::SQLIdentifier(ref id) => {
                match schema.columns.iter().position(|c| {
                    Some(index) => Ok(Expr::Column(index)),
                    None => Err(format!("Invalid identifier {}", id)),

            &ASTNode::SQLBinaryExpr {
                ref left,
                ref op,
                ref right,
            } => {
                //TODO: we have this implemented somewhere else already
                let operator = match op {
                    &SQLOperator::Gt => Operator::Gt,
                    &SQLOperator::GtEq => Operator::GtEq,
                    &SQLOperator::Lt => Operator::Lt,
                    &SQLOperator::LtEq => Operator::LtEq,
                    &SQLOperator::Eq => Operator::Eq,
                    &SQLOperator::NotEq => Operator::NotEq,
                    &SQLOperator::Plus => Operator::Plus,
                    &SQLOperator::Minus => Operator::Minus,
                    &SQLOperator::Multiply => Operator::Multiply,
                    &SQLOperator::Divide => Operator::Divide,
                    &SQLOperator::Modulus => Operator::Modulus,
                Ok(Expr::BinaryExpr {
                    left: Box::new(self.sql_to_rex(&left, &schema)?),
                    op: operator,
                    right: Box::new(self.sql_to_rex(&right, &schema)?),

            &ASTNode::SQLOrderBy { ref expr, asc } => Ok(Expr::Sort {
                expr: Box::new(self.sql_to_rex(&expr, &schema)?),

            &ASTNode::SQLFunction { ref id, ref args } => {
                let rex_args = args.iter()
                    .map(|a| self.sql_to_rex(a, schema))
                    .collect::<Result<Vec<Expr>, String>>()?;

                Ok(Expr::ScalarFunction {
                    name: id.clone(),
                    args: rex_args,

            _ => Err(String::from(format!(
                "Unsupported ast node {:?} in sqltorel",

/// Convert SQL data type to relational representation of data type
pub fn convert_data_type(sql: &SQLType) -> DataType {
    match sql {
        &SQLType::Varchar(_) => DataType::Utf8,
        &SQLType::Int => DataType::Int32,
        &SQLType::Long => DataType::Int64,
        &SQLType::Float => DataType::Float64,
        &SQLType::Double => DataType::Float64,