datafusion 0.2.3

DataFusion is a SQL query parser, planner, and distributed query processing framework for Rust inspired by Apache Calcite and Apache Spark
// Copyright 2018 Grove Enterprises LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

use std::clone::Clone;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::*;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::{BufWriter, Error};
use std::iter::Iterator;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::str;
use std::string::String;

use arrow::array::*;
use arrow::datatypes::*;

//use futures::{Future, Stream};
//use hyper::Client;
//use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
//use hyper::{Method, Request};
//use hyper::header::{ContentLength, ContentType};

use super::api::*;
use super::datasource::csv::CsvRelation;
use super::parser::*;
use super::rel::*;
use super::sql::ASTNode::*;
use super::sqltorel::*;
//use super::cluster::*;
use super::dataframe::*;
use super::functions::geospatial::*;
use super::functions::math::*;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum DFConfig {
    Local { data_dir: String },
    Remote { etcd: String },

pub enum ExecutionError {

impl From<Error> for ExecutionError {
    fn from(e: Error) -> Self {

impl From<String> for ExecutionError {
    fn from(e: String) -> Self {

impl From<ParserError> for ExecutionError {
    fn from(e: ParserError) -> Self {

pub trait Batch {
    fn col_count(&self) -> usize;
    fn row_count(&self) -> usize;
    fn column(&self, index: usize) -> &Rc<Value>;

    /// copy values into a row (EXPENSIVE)
    fn row_slice(&self, index: usize) -> Vec<ScalarValue>;

pub struct ColumnBatch {
    pub row_count: usize,
    pub columns: Vec<Rc<Value>>,

impl Batch for ColumnBatch {
    fn col_count(&self) -> usize {

    fn row_count(&self) -> usize {

    fn column(&self, index: usize) -> &Rc<Value> {

    fn row_slice(&self, index: usize) -> Vec<ScalarValue> {
        //        println!("row_slice() row = {} of {}", index, self.row_count);
            .map(|c| match c.as_ref() {
                &Value::Scalar(_, ref v) => v.clone(),
                &Value::Column(_, ref v) => get_value(v, index),

pub enum Value {
    Column(Rc<Field>, Rc<Array>),
    Scalar(Rc<Field>, ScalarValue),

//macro_rules! compare_column_to_scalar {
//    ($TY:ident, $EXPR:expr) => {
//        match (l, r) {
//            (&ArrayData::Float32(ref a), &ScalarValue::Float32(b)) => Ok(a.iter().map(|n| n > b).collect(),
//            (&ArrayData::Float64(ref a), &ScalarValue::Float64(b)) => Ok(a.iter().map(|n| n > b).collect(),
//            (&ArrayData::Int8(ref a), &ScalarValue::Int8(b)) => Ok(a.iter().map(|n| n > b).collect(),
//            (&ArrayData::Int16(ref a), &ScalarValue::Int16(b)) => Ok(a.iter().map(|n| n > b).collect(),
//            (&ArrayData::Int32(ref a), &ScalarValue::Int32(b)) => Ok(a.iter().map(|n| n > b).collect(),
//            (&ArrayData::Int64(ref a), &ScalarValue::Int64(b)) => Ok(a.iter().map(|n| n > b).collect(),
//            //(&ArrayData::Utf8(ref a), &ScalarValue::Utf8(ref b)) => a.iter().map(|n| n > b).collect(),
//            _ => unimplemented!()
//        };
//    }

macro_rules! compare_arrays_inner {
    ($V1:ident, $V2:ident, $F:expr) => {
        match ($, $ {
            (&ArrayData::Float32(ref a), &ArrayData::Float32(ref b)) =>
            (&ArrayData::Float64(ref a), &ArrayData::Float64(ref b)) =>
            (&ArrayData::Int8(ref a), &ArrayData::Int8(ref b)) =>
            (&ArrayData::Int16(ref a), &ArrayData::Int16(ref b)) =>
            (&ArrayData::Int32(ref a), &ArrayData::Int32(ref b)) =>
            (&ArrayData::Int64(ref a), &ArrayData::Int64(ref b)) =>
            //(&ArrayData::Utf8(ref a), &ScalarValue::Utf8(ref b)) => a.iter().map(|n| n > b).collect(),
            _ => Err(ExecutionError::Custom("Unsupported types in compare_arrays_inner".to_string()))

macro_rules! compare_arrays {
    ($NAME:expr, $F1:ident, $V1:ident, $F2:ident, $V2:ident, $F:expr) => {
            Rc::new(Field::new($NAME, $F1.data_type.clone(), false)),
            Rc::new(Array::from(compare_arrays_inner!($V1, $V2, $F)?)),

macro_rules! compare_array_with_scalar_inner {
    ($V1:ident, $V2:ident, $F:expr) => {
        match ($, $V2) {
            (&ArrayData::Float32(ref a), &ScalarValue::Float32(b)) => {
                Ok(a.iter().map(|aa| (aa, b)).map($F).collect::<Vec<bool>>())
            (&ArrayData::Float64(ref a), &ScalarValue::Float64(b)) => {
                Ok(a.iter().map(|aa| (aa, b)).map($F).collect::<Vec<bool>>())
            _ => Err(ExecutionError::Custom(
                "Unsupported types in compare_array_with_scalar_inner".to_string(),

macro_rules! compare_array_with_scalar {
    ($NAME:expr, $F1:ident, $V1:ident, $F2:ident, $V2:ident, $F:expr) => {
            Rc::new(Field::new($NAME, $F1.data_type.clone(), false)),
            Rc::new(Array::from(compare_array_with_scalar_inner!($V1, $V2, $F)?)),

impl Value {
    pub fn eq(&self, other: &Value) -> Result<Rc<Value>, ExecutionError> {
        match (self, other) {
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_arrays!("==", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa == bb)
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!("==", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa == bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!("==", f1, v2, _f2, v1, |(aa, bb)| aa == bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref _f1, ref _v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref _v2)) => {

    pub fn not_eq(&self, other: &Value) -> Result<Rc<Value>, ExecutionError> {
        match (self, other) {
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_arrays!("!=", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa != bb)
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!("!=", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa != bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!("==", f1, v2, _f2, v1, |(aa, bb)| aa != bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref _f1, ref _v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref _v2)) => {

    pub fn lt(&self, other: &Value) -> Result<Rc<Value>, ExecutionError> {
        match (self, other) {
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_arrays!("<", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa < bb)
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!("<", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa < bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!("==", f1, v2, _f2, v1, |(aa, bb)| aa < bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref _f1, ref _v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref _v2)) => {

    pub fn lt_eq(&self, other: &Value) -> Result<Rc<Value>, ExecutionError> {
        match (self, other) {
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_arrays!("<", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa <= bb)
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!("<", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa <= bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!("==", f1, v2, _f2, v1, |(aa, bb)| aa <= bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref _f1, ref _v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref _v2)) => {

    pub fn gt(&self, other: &Value) -> Result<Rc<Value>, ExecutionError> {
        match (self, other) {
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_arrays!(">", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa >= bb)
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!(">", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa >= bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!("==", f1, v2, _f2, v1, |(aa, bb)| aa >= bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref _f1, ref _v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref _v2)) => {

    pub fn gt_eq(&self, other: &Value) -> Result<Rc<Value>, ExecutionError> {
        match (self, other) {
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_arrays!(">", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa > bb)
            (&Value::Column(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!(">", f1, v1, _f2, v2, |(aa, bb)| aa > bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref f1, ref v1), &Value::Column(ref _f2, ref v2)) => {
                compare_array_with_scalar!("==", f1, v2, _f2, v1, |(aa, bb)| aa > bb)
            (&Value::Scalar(ref _f1, ref _v1), &Value::Scalar(ref _f2, ref _v2)) => {

    pub fn add(&self, _other: &Value) -> Result<Rc<Value>, ExecutionError> {
    pub fn subtract(&self, _other: &Value) -> Result<Rc<Value>, ExecutionError> {
    pub fn divide(&self, _other: &Value) -> Result<Rc<Value>, ExecutionError> {
    pub fn multiply(&self, _other: &Value) -> Result<Rc<Value>, ExecutionError> {

/// Compiled Expression (basically just a closure to evaluate the expression at runtime)
pub type CompiledExpr = Box<Fn(&Batch) -> Result<Rc<Value>, ExecutionError>>;

/// Compiles a relational expression into a closure
pub fn compile_expr(ctx: &ExecutionContext, expr: &Expr) -> Result<CompiledExpr, ExecutionError> {
    match expr {
        &Expr::Literal(ref lit) => {
            let literal_value = lit.clone();
            Ok(Box::new(move |_| {
                // literal values are a bit special - we don't repeat them in a vector
                // because it would be redundant, so we have a single value in a vector instead
                    Rc::new(Field::new("lit", DataType::Int64, false)), //TODO: get data type from plan
        &Expr::Column(index) => Ok(Box::new(move |batch: &Batch| {
        &Expr::BinaryExpr {
            ref left,
            ref op,
            ref right,
        } => {
            let left_expr = compile_expr(ctx, left)?;
            let right_expr = compile_expr(ctx, right)?;
            match op {
                &Operator::Eq => Ok(Box::new(move |batch: &Batch| {
                    let left_values = left_expr(batch)?;
                    let right_values = right_expr(batch)?;
                &Operator::NotEq => Ok(Box::new(move |batch: &Batch| {
                    let left_values = left_expr(batch)?;
                    let right_values = right_expr(batch)?;
                &Operator::Lt => Ok(Box::new(move |batch: &Batch| {
                    let left_values = left_expr(batch)?;
                    let right_values = right_expr(batch)?;
                &Operator::LtEq => Ok(Box::new(move |batch: &Batch| {
                    let left_values = left_expr(batch)?;
                    let right_values = right_expr(batch)?;
                &Operator::Gt => Ok(Box::new(move |batch: &Batch| {
                    let left_values = left_expr(batch)?;
                    let right_values = right_expr(batch)?;
                &Operator::GtEq => Ok(Box::new(move |batch: &Batch| {
                    let left_values = left_expr(batch)?;
                    let right_values = right_expr(batch)?;
                &Operator::Plus => Ok(Box::new(move |batch: &Batch| {
                    let left_values = left_expr(batch)?;
                    let right_values = right_expr(batch)?;
                &Operator::Minus => Ok(Box::new(move |batch: &Batch| {
                    let left_values = left_expr(batch)?;
                    let right_values = right_expr(batch)?;
                &Operator::Divide => Ok(Box::new(move |batch: &Batch| {
                    let left_values = left_expr(batch)?;
                    let right_values = right_expr(batch)?;
                &Operator::Multiply => Ok(Box::new(move |batch: &Batch| {
                    let left_values = left_expr(batch)?;
                    let right_values = right_expr(batch)?;
                _ => {
                    return Err(ExecutionError::Custom(format!(
                        "Unsupported binary operator '{:?}'",
        &Expr::Sort { ref expr, .. } => {
            //NOTE sort order is ignored here and is handled during sort execution
            compile_expr(ctx, expr)
        &Expr::ScalarFunction { ref name, ref args } => {
            //println!("Executing function {}", name);

            // evaluate the arguments to the function
            let compiled_args: Result<Vec<CompiledExpr>, ExecutionError> =
                args.iter().map(|e| compile_expr(ctx, e)).collect();

            let compiled_args_ok = compiled_args?;

            let func = ctx.load_function_impl(name.as_ref())?;

            Ok(Box::new(move |batch| {
                let arg_values: Result<Vec<Rc<Value>>, ExecutionError> =
                        .map(|expr| expr(batch))

        } //_ => Err(ExecutionError::Custom(format!("No compiler for {:?}", expr)))

pub struct FilterRelation {
    schema: Schema,
    input: Box<SimpleRelation>,
    expr: CompiledExpr,
pub struct ProjectRelation {
    schema: Schema,
    input: Box<SimpleRelation>,
    expr: Vec<CompiledExpr>,

//pub struct SortRelation {
//    schema: Schema,
//    input: Box<SimpleRelation>,
//    sort_expr: Vec<CompiledExpr>,
//    sort_asc: Vec<bool>

pub struct LimitRelation {
    schema: Schema,
    input: Box<SimpleRelation>,
    limit: usize,

/// trait for all relations (a relation is essentially just an iterator over rows with
/// a known schema)
pub trait SimpleRelation {
    /// scan all records in this relation
    fn scan<'a>(
        &'a mut self,
        ctx: &'a ExecutionContext,
    ) -> Box<Iterator<Item = Result<Box<Batch>, ExecutionError>> + 'a>;
    /// get the schema for this relation
    fn schema<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Schema;

impl SimpleRelation for FilterRelation {
    fn scan<'a>(
        &'a mut self,
        ctx: &'a ExecutionContext,
    ) -> Box<Iterator<Item = Result<Box<Batch>, ExecutionError>> + 'a> {
        let filter_expr = &self.expr;

        Box::new(self.input.scan(ctx).map(move |b| {
            match b {
                Ok(ref batch) => {
                    // evaluate the filter expression for every row in the batch
                    let x = (*filter_expr)(batch.as_ref())?;
                    match x.as_ref() {
                        &Value::Column(_, ref filter_eval) => {
                            let filtered_columns: Vec<Rc<Value>> = (0..batch.col_count())
                                .map(move |column_index| {
                                    let column = batch.column(column_index);
                                        Rc::new(Field::new("filter", DataType::Int64, false)), //TODO: use correct type
                                        Rc::new(filter(column, &filter_eval)),

                            let row_count_opt: Option<usize> = filtered_columns
                                .map(|c| match c.as_ref() {
                                    &Value::Scalar(_, _) => 1,
                                    &Value::Column(_, ref v) => v.len(),

                            //TODO: should ge able to something like `row_count_opt.or_else(0)` ?
                            let row_count = match row_count_opt {
                                None => 0,
                                Some(n) => n,

                            let filtered_batch: Box<Batch> = Box::new(ColumnBatch {
                                columns: filtered_columns,

                        _ => panic!(),
                _ => panic!(),

    fn schema<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Schema {

//impl SimpleRelation for SortRelation {
//    // this needs rewriting completely
//    fn scan<'a>(&'a mut self, _ctx: &'a ExecutionContext) -> Box<Iterator<Item=Result<Box<Batch>, ExecutionError>> + 'a> {
////        // collect entire relation into memory (obviously not scalable!)
////        let batches = self.input.scan(ctx);
////        // convert into rows for now but this should be converted to columnar
////        let mut rows : Vec<Vec<Value>> = vec![];
////        batches.for_each(|r| match r {
////            Ok(ref batch) => {
////                for i in 0 .. batch.row_count() {
////                    let row : Vec<&Value> = batch.row_slice(i);
////                    let values : Vec<Value> = row.into_iter()
////                        .map(|v| v.clone())
////                        .collect();
////                    rows.push(values);
////                }
////            },
////            _ => {}
////                //return Err(ExecutionError::Custom(format!("TBD")))
////        });
////        // now sort them
////        rows.sort_by(|a,b| {
////            for i in 0 .. self.sort_expr.len() {
////                let evaluate = &self.sort_expr[i];
////                let asc = self.sort_asc[i];
////                // ugh, this is ugly - convert rows into column batches to evaluate sort expressions
////                let a_value = evaluate(&ColumnBatch::from_rows(vec![a.clone()]));
////                let b_value = evaluate(&ColumnBatch::from_rows(vec![b.clone()]));
////                if a_value < b_value {
////                    return if asc { Less } else { Greater };
////                } else if a_value > b_value {
////                    return if asc { Greater } else { Less };
////                }
////            }
////            Equal
////        });
////        // now turn back into columnar!
////        let result_batch : Box<Batch> = Box::new(ColumnBatch::from_rows(rows));
////        let result_it = vec![Ok(result_batch)].into_iter();
////        Box::new(result_it)
//        unimplemented!()
//    }
//    fn schema<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Schema {
//        &self.schema
//    }

impl SimpleRelation for ProjectRelation {
    fn scan<'a>(
        &'a mut self,
        ctx: &'a ExecutionContext,
    ) -> Box<Iterator<Item = Result<Box<Batch>, ExecutionError>> + 'a> {
        let project_expr = &self.expr;

        let projection_iter = self.input.scan(ctx).map(move |r| match r {
            Ok(ref batch) => {
                let projected_columns: Result<Vec<Rc<Value>>, ExecutionError> =
                    project_expr.iter().map(|e| (*e)(batch.as_ref())).collect();

                let projected_batch: Box<Batch> = Box::new(ColumnBatch {
                    row_count: batch.row_count(),
                    columns: projected_columns?.clone(),

            Err(_) => r,


    fn schema<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Schema {

impl SimpleRelation for LimitRelation {
    fn scan<'a>(
        &'a mut self,
        ctx: &'a ExecutionContext,
    ) -> Box<Iterator<Item = Result<Box<Batch>, ExecutionError>> + 'a> {

    fn schema<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Schema {

/// Execution plans are sent to worker nodes for execution
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum PhysicalPlan {
    /// Run a query and return the results to the client
    Interactive { plan: Box<LogicalPlan> },
    /// Execute a logical plan and write the output to a file
    Write {
        plan: Box<LogicalPlan>,
        filename: String,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ExecutionResult {

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ExecutionContext {
    schemas: HashMap<String, Schema>,
    functions: HashMap<String, FunctionMeta>,
    config: DFConfig,

impl ExecutionContext {
    pub fn local(data_dir: String) -> Self {
        ExecutionContext {
            schemas: HashMap::new(),
            functions: HashMap::new(),
            config: DFConfig::Local { data_dir },

    pub fn remote(etcd: String) -> Self {
        ExecutionContext {
            schemas: HashMap::new(),
            functions: HashMap::new(),
            config: DFConfig::Remote { etcd: etcd },

    pub fn define_schema(&mut self, name: &str, schema: &Schema) {
        self.schemas.insert(name.to_string(), schema.clone());

    pub fn define_function(&mut self, func: &ScalarFunction) {
        let fm = FunctionMeta {
            args: func.args(),
            return_type: func.return_type(),

        self.functions.insert(, fm);

    pub fn create_logical_plan(&self, sql: &str) -> Result<Box<LogicalPlan>, ExecutionError> {
        // parse SQL into AST
        let ast = Parser::parse_sql(String::from(sql))?;

        // create a query planner
        let query_planner = SqlToRel::new(self.schemas.clone()); //TODO: pass reference to schemas

        // plan the query (create a logical relational plan)

    pub fn sql(&mut self, sql: &str) -> Result<Box<DataFrame>, ExecutionError> {
        // parse SQL into AST
        let ast = Parser::parse_sql(String::from(sql))?;

        match ast {
            SQLCreateTable { name, columns } => {
                let fields: Vec<Field> = columns
                    .map(|c| Field::new(&, convert_data_type(&c.data_type), c.allow_null))
                let schema = Schema::new(fields);
                self.define_schema(&name, &schema);

                //TODO: not sure what to return here
                Ok(Box::new(DF {
                    plan: Box::new(LogicalPlan::EmptyRelation),
            _ => {
                // create a query planner
                let query_planner = SqlToRel::new(self.schemas.clone()); //TODO: pass reference to schemas

                // plan the query (create a logical relational plan)
                let plan = query_planner.sql_to_rel(&ast)?;

                // return the DataFrame
                Ok(Box::new(DF { plan: plan }))

    /// Open a CSV file
    ///TODO: this is building a relational plan not an execution plan so shouldn't really be here
    pub fn load(&self, filename: &str, schema: &Schema) -> Result<Box<DataFrame>, ExecutionError> {
        let plan = LogicalPlan::CsvFile {
            filename: filename.to_string(),
            schema: schema.clone(),
        Ok(Box::new(DF {
            plan: Box::new(plan),

    pub fn register_table(&mut self, name: String, schema: Schema) {
        self.schemas.insert(name, schema);

    pub fn create_execution_plan(
        data_dir: String,
        plan: &LogicalPlan,
    ) -> Result<Box<SimpleRelation>, ExecutionError> {
        match *plan {
            LogicalPlan::EmptyRelation => Err(ExecutionError::Custom(String::from(
                "empty relation is not implemented yet",

            LogicalPlan::TableScan {
                ref table_name,
                ref schema,
            } => {
                // for now, tables are csv files
                let filename = format!("{}/{}.csv", data_dir, table_name);
                //println!("Reading {}", filename);
                let file = File::open(filename)?;
                let rel = CsvRelation::open(file, schema.clone())?;

            LogicalPlan::CsvFile {
                ref filename,
                ref schema,
            } => {
                let file = File::open(filename)?;
                let rel = CsvRelation::open(file, schema.clone())?;

            LogicalPlan::Selection {
                ref expr,
                ref input,
                ref schema,
            } => {
                let input_rel = self.create_execution_plan(data_dir, input)?;

                let rel = FilterRelation {
                    input: input_rel,
                    expr: compile_expr(&self, expr)?,
                    schema: schema.clone(),

            LogicalPlan::Projection {
                ref expr,
                ref input,
            } => {
                let input_rel = self.create_execution_plan(data_dir, &input)?;
                let input_schema = input_rel.schema().clone();

                //TODO: seems to be duplicate of sql_to_rel code
                let project_columns: Vec<Field> = expr.iter()
                    .map(|e| {
                        match e {
                            &Expr::Column(i) => input_schema.columns[i].clone(),
                            &Expr::ScalarFunction { ref name, .. } => Field {
                                name: name.clone(),
                                data_type: DataType::Float64, //TODO: hard-coded .. no function metadata yet
                                nullable: true,
                            _ => unimplemented!("Unsupported projection expression"),

                let project_schema = Schema {
                    columns: project_columns,

                let compiled_expr: Result<Vec<CompiledExpr>, ExecutionError> =
                    expr.iter().map(|e| compile_expr(&self, e)).collect();

                let rel = ProjectRelation {
                    input: input_rel,
                    expr: compiled_expr?,
                    schema: project_schema,


            //            LogicalPlan::Sort { ref expr, ref input, ref schema } => {
            //                let input_rel = self.create_execution_plan(data_dir, input)?;
            //                let compiled_expr : Result<Vec<CompiledExpr>, ExecutionError> = expr.iter()
            //                    .map(|e| compile_expr(&self,e))
            //                    .collect();
            //                let sort_asc : Vec<bool> = expr.iter()
            //                    .map(|e| match e {
            //                        &Expr::Sort { asc, .. } => asc,
            //                        _ => panic!()
            //                    })
            //                    .collect();
            //                let rel = SortRelation {
            //                    input: input_rel,
            //                    sort_expr: compiled_expr?,
            //                    sort_asc: sort_asc,
            //                    schema: schema.clone()
            //                };
            //                Ok(Box::new(rel))
            //            },
            LogicalPlan::Limit {
                ref input,
                ref schema,
            } => {
                let input_rel = self.create_execution_plan(data_dir, input)?;
                let rel = LimitRelation {
                    input: input_rel,
                    limit: limit,
                    schema: schema.clone(),

            _ => unimplemented!(),

    /// load a function implementation
    fn load_function_impl(
        function_name: &str,
    ) -> Result<Box<ScalarFunction>, ExecutionError> {
        //TODO: this is a huge hack since the functions have already been registered with the
        // execution context ... I need to implement this so it dynamically loads the functions

        match function_name.to_lowercase().as_ref() {
            "sqrt" => Ok(Box::new(SqrtFunction {})),
            "st_point" => Ok(Box::new(STPointFunc {})),
            "st_astext" => Ok(Box::new(STAsText {})),
            _ => Err(ExecutionError::Custom(format!(
                "Unknown function {}",

    pub fn udf(&self, name: &str, args: Vec<Expr>) -> Expr {
        Expr::ScalarFunction {
            name: name.to_string(),
            args: args.clone(),

    pub fn write(&self, df: Box<DataFrame>, filename: &str) -> Result<usize, DataFrameError> {
        let physical_plan = PhysicalPlan::Write {
            plan: df.plan().clone(),
            filename: filename.to_string(),

        match self.execute(&physical_plan)? {
            ExecutionResult::Count(count) => Ok(count),
            _ => Err(DataFrameError::NotImplemented), //TODO better error

    //    pub fn collect(&self, df: Box<DataFrame>, filename: &str) -> Result<usize, DataFrameError> {
    //        let physical_plan = PhysicalPlan::Write {
    //            plan: df.plan().clone(),
    //            filename: filename.to_string()
    //        };
    //        match self.execute(&physical_plan)? {
    //            ExecutionResult::Count(count) => Ok(count),
    //            _ => Err(DataFrameError::NotImplemented) //TODO better error
    //        }
    //    }

    pub fn execute(&self, physical_plan: &PhysicalPlan) -> Result<ExecutionResult, ExecutionError> {
        match &self.config {
            &DFConfig::Local { ref data_dir } => {
                self.execute_local(physical_plan, data_dir.clone())
            &DFConfig::Remote { ref etcd } => self.execute_remote(physical_plan, etcd.clone()),

    fn execute_local(
        physical_plan: &PhysicalPlan,
        data_dir: String,
    ) -> Result<ExecutionResult, ExecutionError> {
        match physical_plan {
            &PhysicalPlan::Interactive { .. } => {
                Err(ExecutionError::Custom(format!("not implemented")))
            &PhysicalPlan::Write {
                ref plan,
                ref filename,
            } => {
                // create output file
                // println!("Writing csv to {}", filename);
                let file = File::create(filename)?;

                let mut writer = BufWriter::with_capacity(8 * 1024 * 1024, file);

                let mut execution_plan = self.create_execution_plan(data_dir, plan)?;

                // implement execution here for now but should be a common method for processing a plan
                let it = execution_plan.scan(self);
                let mut count: usize = 0;
                it.for_each(|t| {
                    match t {
                        Ok(ref batch) => {
                            //println!("Processing batch of {} rows", batch.row_count());
                            for i in 0..batch.row_count() {
                                let row = batch.row_slice(i);
                                let csv = row.into_iter()
                                    .map(|v| v.to_string())
                                count += 1;
                        Err(e) => panic!(format!("Error processing row: {:?}", e)), //TODO: error handling


    fn execute_remote(
        _physical_plan: &PhysicalPlan,
        _etcd: String,
    ) -> Result<ExecutionResult, ExecutionError> {
            "Remote execution needs re-implementing since moving to Arrow"

    //        let workers = get_worker_list(&etcd);
    //        match workers {
    //            Ok(ref list) if list.len() > 0 => {
    //                let worker_uri = format!("http://{}", list[0]);
    //                match worker_uri.parse() {
    //                    Ok(uri) => {
    //                        let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
    //                        let client = Client::new(&core.handle());
    //                        // serialize plan to JSON
    //                        match serde_json::to_string(&physical_plan) {
    //                            Ok(json) => {
    //                                let mut req = Request::new(Method::Post, uri);
    //                                req.headers_mut().set(ContentType::json());
    //                                req.headers_mut().set(ContentLength(json.len() as u64));
    //                                req.set_body(json);
    //                                let post = client.request(req).and_then(|res| {
    //                                    //println!("POST: {}", res.status());
    //                                    res.body().concat2()
    //                                });
    //                                match {
    //                                    Ok(result) => {
    //                                        //TODO: parse result
    //                                        let result = str::from_utf8(&result).unwrap();
    //                                        println!("{}", result);
    //                                        Ok(ExecutionResult::Unit)
    //                                    }
    //                                    Err(e) => Err(ExecutionError::Custom(format!("error: {}", e)))
    //                                }
    //                            }
    //                            Err(e) => Err(ExecutionError::Custom(format!("error: {}", e)))
    //                        }
    //                    }
    //                    Err(e) => Err(ExecutionError::Custom(format!("error: {}", e)))
    //                }
    //            }
    //            Ok(_) => Err(ExecutionError::Custom(format!("No workers found in cluster"))),
    //            Err(e) => Err(ExecutionError::Custom(format!("Failed to find a worker node: {}", e)))
    //        }
    //    }

pub struct DF {
    pub plan: Box<LogicalPlan>,

impl DataFrame for DF {
    fn select(&self, expr: Vec<Expr>) -> Result<Box<DataFrame>, DataFrameError> {
        let plan = LogicalPlan::Projection {
            expr: expr,
            input: self.plan.clone(),
            schema: self.plan.schema().clone(),

        Ok(Box::new(DF {
            plan: Box::new(plan),

    fn sort(&self, expr: Vec<Expr>) -> Result<Box<DataFrame>, DataFrameError> {
        let plan = LogicalPlan::Sort {
            expr: expr,
            input: self.plan.clone(),
            schema: self.plan.schema().clone(),

        Ok(Box::new(DF {
            plan: Box::new(plan),

    fn filter(&self, expr: Expr) -> Result<Box<DataFrame>, DataFrameError> {
        let plan = LogicalPlan::Selection {
            expr: expr,
            input: self.plan.clone(),
            schema: self.plan.schema().clone(),

        Ok(Box::new(DF {
            plan: Box::new(plan),

    fn col(&self, column_name: &str) -> Result<Expr, DataFrameError> {
        match self.plan.schema().column(column_name) {
            Some((i, _)) => Ok(Expr::Column(i)),
            _ => Err(DataFrameError::InvalidColumn(column_name.to_string())),

    fn schema(&self) -> Schema {

    fn repartition(&self, _n: u32) -> Result<Box<DataFrame>, DataFrameError> {

    fn plan(&self) -> Box<LogicalPlan> {

pub fn get_value(column: &Array, index: usize) -> ScalarValue {
    //println!("get_value() index={}", index);
    let v = match {
        &ArrayData::Boolean(ref v) => ScalarValue::Boolean(*v.get(index)),
        &ArrayData::Float32(ref v) => ScalarValue::Float32(*v.get(index)),
        &ArrayData::Float64(ref v) => ScalarValue::Float64(*v.get(index)),
        &ArrayData::Int8(ref v) => ScalarValue::Int8(*v.get(index)),
        &ArrayData::Int16(ref v) => ScalarValue::Int16(*v.get(index)),
        &ArrayData::Int32(ref v) => ScalarValue::Int32(*v.get(index)),
        &ArrayData::Int64(ref v) => ScalarValue::Int64(*v.get(index)),
        &ArrayData::UInt8(ref v) => ScalarValue::UInt8(*v.get(index)),
        &ArrayData::UInt16(ref v) => ScalarValue::UInt16(*v.get(index)),
        &ArrayData::UInt32(ref v) => ScalarValue::UInt32(*v.get(index)),
        &ArrayData::UInt64(ref v) => ScalarValue::UInt64(*v.get(index)),
        &ArrayData::Utf8(ref data) => {
        &ArrayData::Struct(ref v) => {
            // v is Vec<ArrayData>
            // each field has its own ArrayData e.g. lat, lon so we want to get a value from each (but it's recursive)
            //            println!("get_value() complex value has {} fields", v.len());
            let fields = v.iter().map(|arr| get_value(&arr, index)).collect();
    //    println!("get_value() index={} returned {:?}", index, v);

pub fn filter(column: &Rc<Value>, bools: &Array) -> Array {
    match column.as_ref() {
        &Value::Scalar(_, _) => unimplemented!(),
        &Value::Column(_, ref arr) => match {
            &ArrayData::Boolean(ref b) => match arr.as_ref().data() {
                &ArrayData::Boolean(ref v) => Array::from(
                        .filter(|&(_, f)| f)
                        .map(|(v, _)| v)
                &ArrayData::Float32(ref v) => Array::from(
                        .filter(|&(_, f)| f)
                        .map(|(v, _)| v)
                &ArrayData::Float64(ref v) => Array::from(
                        .filter(|&(_, f)| f)
                        .map(|(v, _)| v)
                //&ArrayData::UInt8(ref v) => Array::from(v.iter().zip(b.iter()).filter(|&(_, f)| f).map(|(v, _)| v).collect::<Vec<u8>>()),
                &ArrayData::UInt16(ref v) => Array::from(
                        .filter(|&(_, f)| f)
                        .map(|(v, _)| v)
                &ArrayData::UInt32(ref v) => Array::from(
                        .filter(|&(_, f)| f)
                        .map(|(v, _)| v)
                &ArrayData::UInt64(ref v) => Array::from(
                        .filter(|&(_, f)| f)
                        .map(|(v, _)| v)
                &ArrayData::Int8(ref v) => Array::from(
                        .filter(|&(_, f)| f)
                        .map(|(v, _)| v)
                &ArrayData::Int16(ref v) => Array::from(
                        .filter(|&(_, f)| f)
                        .map(|(v, _)| v)
                &ArrayData::Int32(ref v) => Array::from(
                        .filter(|&(_, f)| f)
                        .map(|(v, _)| v)
                &ArrayData::Int64(ref v) => Array::from(
                        .filter(|&(_, f)| f)
                        .map(|(v, _)| v)
                &ArrayData::Utf8(ref v) => {
                    let mut x: Vec<String> = Vec::with_capacity(b.len() as usize);
                    for i in 0..b.len() as usize {
                        if *b.get(i) {
                            x.push(String::from_utf8(v.slice(i as usize).to_vec()).unwrap());
                _ => unimplemented!(),
            _ => panic!(),

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_sqrt() {
        let mut ctx = create_context();

        ctx.define_function(&SqrtFunction {});

        let df = ctx.sql(&"SELECT id, sqrt(id) FROM people").unwrap();

        ctx.write(df, "_sqrt_out.csv").unwrap();

        //TODO: check that generated file has expected contents

    fn test_sql_udf_udt() {
        let mut ctx = create_context();

        ctx.define_function(&STPointFunc {});

        let df = ctx.sql(&"SELECT ST_Point(lat, lng) FROM uk_cities")

        ctx.write(df, "_uk_cities_sql.csv").unwrap();

        //TODO: check that generated file has expected contents

    fn test_df_udf_udt() {
        let mut ctx = create_context();

        ctx.define_function(&STPointFunc {});

        let schema = Schema::new(vec![
            Field::new("city", DataType::Utf8, false),
            Field::new("lat", DataType::Float64, false),
            Field::new("lng", DataType::Float64, false),

        let df = ctx.load("test/data/uk_cities.csv", &schema).unwrap();

        // create an expression for invoking a scalar function
        //        let func_expr = Expr::ScalarFunction {
        //            name: "ST_Point".to_string(),
        //            args: vec![df.col("lat").unwrap(), df.col("lng").unwrap()]
        //        };

        // invoke custom code as a scalar UDF
        let func_expr = ctx.udf(
            vec![df.col("lat").unwrap(), df.col("lng").unwrap()],

        let df2 =![func_expr]).unwrap();

        ctx.write(df2, "_uk_cities_df.csv").unwrap();

        //TODO: check that generated file has expected contents

    fn test_filter() {
        let mut ctx = create_context();

        ctx.define_function(&STPointFunc {});

        let schema = Schema::new(vec![
            Field::new("city", DataType::Utf8, false),
            Field::new("lat", DataType::Float64, false),
            Field::new("lng", DataType::Float64, false),

        let df = ctx.load("test/data/uk_cities.csv", &schema).unwrap();

        // filter by lat
        let df2 = df.filter(Expr::BinaryExpr {
            left: Box::new(Expr::Column(1)), // lat
            op: Operator::Gt,
            right: Box::new(Expr::Literal(ScalarValue::Float64(52.0))),

        ctx.write(df2, "_uk_cities_filtered_gt_52.csv").unwrap();

        //TODO: check that generated file has expected contents

    fn test_sort() {

        let mut ctx = create_context();

        ctx.define_function(&STPointFunc {});

        let schema = Schema::new(vec![
            Field::new("city", DataType::String, false),
            Field::new("lat", DataType::Double, false),
            Field::new("lng", DataType::Double, false)]);

        let df = ctx.load("test/data/uk_cities.csv", &schema).unwrap();

        // sort by lat, lng ascending
        let df2 = df.sort(vec![
            Expr::Sort { expr: Box::new(Expr::Column(1)), asc: true },
            Expr::Sort { expr: Box::new(Expr::Column(2)), asc: true }


        //TODO: check that generated file has expected contents

    fn test_chaining_functions() {
        let mut ctx = create_context();

        ctx.define_function(&STPointFunc {});

        let df = ctx.sql(&"SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Point(lat, lng)) FROM uk_cities")

        ctx.write(df, "_uk_cities_wkt.csv").unwrap();

        //TODO: check that generated file has expected contents

    fn create_context() -> ExecutionContext {
        // create execution context
        let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::local("./test/data".to_string());

        // define schemas for test data
                Field::new("id", DataType::Int32, false),
                Field::new("name", DataType::Utf8, false),

                Field::new("city", DataType::Utf8, false),
                Field::new("lat", DataType::Float64, false),
                Field::new("lng", DataType::Float64, false),


    fn sql_query_example() {
        // create execution context
        let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::local("./test/data".to_string());

        // define an external table (csv file)
            "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE uk_cities (\
             city VARCHAR(100), \
             lat DOUBLE, \
             lng DOUBLE)",

        // define the SQL statement
        let sql = "SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Point(lat, lng)) FROM uk_cities WHERE lat < 53.0";

        // create a data frame
        let df1 = ctx.sql(&sql).unwrap();

        // write the results to a file
        ctx.write(df1, "_southern_cities.csv").unwrap();