datafusion-expr 17.0.0

Logical plan and expression representation for DataFusion query engine
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//! Signature module contains foundational types that are used to represent signatures, types,
//! and return types of functions in DataFusion.

use arrow::datatypes::DataType;

///A function's volatility, which defines the functions eligibility for certain optimizations
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy, Hash)]
pub enum Volatility {
    /// Immutable - An immutable function will always return the same output when given the same
    /// input. An example of this is [super::BuiltinScalarFunction::Cos].
    /// Stable - A stable function may return different values given the same input across different
    /// queries but must return the same value for a given input within a query. An example of
    /// this is [super::BuiltinScalarFunction::Now].
    /// Volatile - A volatile function may change the return value from evaluation to evaluation.
    /// Multiple invocations of a volatile function may return different results when used in the
    /// same query. An example of this is [super::BuiltinScalarFunction::Random].

/// A function's type signature, which defines the function's supported argument types.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum TypeSignature {
    /// arbitrary number of arguments of an common type out of a list of valid types
    // A function such as `concat` is `Variadic(vec![DataType::Utf8, DataType::LargeUtf8])`
    /// arbitrary number of arguments of an arbitrary but equal type
    // A function such as `array` is `VariadicEqual`
    // The first argument decides the type used for coercion
    /// fixed number of arguments of an arbitrary but equal type out of a list of valid types
    // A function of one argument of f64 is `Uniform(1, vec![DataType::Float64])`
    // A function of one argument of f64 or f32 is `Uniform(1, vec![DataType::Float32, DataType::Float64])`
    Uniform(usize, Vec<DataType>),
    /// exact number of arguments of an exact type
    /// fixed number of arguments of arbitrary types
    /// One of a list of signatures

///The Signature of a function defines its supported input types as well as its volatility.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Signature {
    /// type_signature - The types that the function accepts. See [TypeSignature] for more information.
    pub type_signature: TypeSignature,
    /// volatility - The volatility of the function. See [Volatility] for more information.
    pub volatility: Volatility,

impl Signature {
    /// new - Creates a new Signature from any type signature and the volatility.
    pub fn new(type_signature: TypeSignature, volatility: Volatility) -> Self {
        Signature {
    /// variadic - Creates a variadic signature that represents an arbitrary number of arguments all from a type in common_types.
    pub fn variadic(common_types: Vec<DataType>, volatility: Volatility) -> Self {
        Self {
            type_signature: TypeSignature::Variadic(common_types),
    /// variadic_equal - Creates a variadic signature that represents an arbitrary number of arguments of the same type.
    pub fn variadic_equal(volatility: Volatility) -> Self {
        Self {
            type_signature: TypeSignature::VariadicEqual,
    /// uniform - Creates a function with a fixed number of arguments of the same type, which must be from valid_types.
    pub fn uniform(
        arg_count: usize,
        valid_types: Vec<DataType>,
        volatility: Volatility,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            type_signature: TypeSignature::Uniform(arg_count, valid_types),
    /// exact - Creates a signature which must match the types in exact_types in order.
    pub fn exact(exact_types: Vec<DataType>, volatility: Volatility) -> Self {
        Signature {
            type_signature: TypeSignature::Exact(exact_types),
    /// any - Creates a signature which can a be made of any type but of a specified number
    pub fn any(arg_count: usize, volatility: Volatility) -> Self {
        Signature {
            type_signature: TypeSignature::Any(arg_count),
    /// one_of Creates a signature which can match any of the [TypeSignature]s which are passed in.
    pub fn one_of(type_signatures: Vec<TypeSignature>, volatility: Volatility) -> Self {
        Signature {
            type_signature: TypeSignature::OneOf(type_signatures),