datafusion-bigtable 0.1.0

Bigtable data source for Apache Arrow Datafusion
datafusion-bigtable-0.1.0 doesn't have any documentation.


Bigtable data source for Apache Arrow Datafusion

Run SQL on Bigtable

This crate implements Bigtable data source and Executor for Datafusion. It is built on top of gRPC client tonic.

Quick Start

let bigtable_datasource = BigtableDataSource::new(
    "emulator".to_owned(),                               // project
    "dev".to_owned(),                                    // instance
    "weather_balloons".to_owned(),                       // table
    "measurements".to_owned(),                           // column family
    vec!["_row_key".to_owned()],                         // table_partition_cols
    "#".to_owned(),                                      // table_partition_separator
    vec![Field::new("pressure", DataType::Utf8, false)], // qualifiers
    true,                                                // only_read_latest

let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
ctx.register_table("weather_balloons", Arc::new(bigtable_datasource)).unwrap();

ctx.sql("SELECT \"_row_key\", pressure, \"_timestamp\" FROM weather_balloons where \"_row_key\" = 'us-west2#3698#2021-03-05-1200'").await?.collect().await?;



  • ✅ UTF8 string
  • ✅ 64-bit big-endian signed integer


  • ✅ select by "_row_key" =
  • ✅ select by "_row_key" IN
  • ✅ select by "_row_key" BETWEEN
  • ✅ select by composite row keys =
  • ✅ select by composite row keys IN
  • ✅ select by composite row keys BETWEEN (only supported by last table_partition_cols)


Note: datafusion-bigtable provides the physical Executor for Datafusion. Any aggregation, group by, join are implemented and handled by Datafusion.