datacake-cluster 0.1.0

Eventually consistent state replication as a library (consensus, RPC and conflict resolution) for building your own eventually consistent databases.
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::net::SocketAddr;

use thiserror::Error;

use crate::nodes_selector::ConsistencyError;
use crate::storage::BulkMutationError;

#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum DatacakeError<E: Error + Send + 'static> {
    /// An error has occurred within Chitchat.

    #[error("An unknown error occurred during the operation: {0}")]
    /// An error has occurred which datacake was not expecting nad from
    /// an unknown source.

        "A failure occurred within the user provided `DataStore` implementation: {0}"
    /// A failure has occurred within the provided storage system causing the operation
    /// to fail.
    StorageError(#[from] E),

        "A failure occurred within the user provided `DataStore` implementation on a bulk operation: {0}"
    /// A failure has occurred within the provided storage system causing the operation
    /// to fail.
    /// This error however, includes the set of doc ids which *were* successfully completed,
    /// this can be used to maintain partial and incremental updates despite and error, otherwise
    /// bulk storage operations must be entirely atomic if they do not specify the successful IDs.
    BulkStorageError(#[from] BulkMutationError<E>),

    #[error("Failed to complete operation due to consistency level failure: {0}")]
    /// The operation succeeded on the local node but failed to meet the required
    /// consistency level within the timeout period. (2 seconds)

    #[error("Transport Error: ({0}) - {1}")]
    /// An error occurred when attempting to open a connection or listen on a given address.
    TransportError(SocketAddr, tonic::transport::Error),

    #[error("Rpc Error: ({0}) - {1}")]
    /// An error occurred during RPC communication with other nodes.
    RpcError(SocketAddr, tonic::Status),