datacake-cluster 0.1.0

Eventually consistent state replication as a library (consensus, RPC and conflict resolution) for building your own eventually consistent databases.
use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};

use bytes::Bytes;
use datacake_crdt::{HLCTimestamp, Key};

use crate::rpc::datacake_api;

pub struct Document {
    /// The unique id of the document.
    pub id: Key,

    /// The timestamp of when the document was last updated.
    pub last_updated: HLCTimestamp,

    /// The raw binary data of the document's value.
    pub data: Bytes,

impl Document {
    /// A convenience method for passing data values which can be sent as bytes.
    pub fn new(id: Key, last_updated: HLCTimestamp, data: impl Into<Bytes>) -> Self {
        Self {
            data: data.into(),

impl Eq for Document {}

impl PartialEq for Document {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { ==
            && self.last_updated == other.last_updated
            && ==

impl Hash for Document {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {

impl Debug for Document {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        let mut f = f.debug_struct("Document");
        f.field("id", &;
        f.field("last_updated", &self.last_updated);

        #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-utils"))]
            f.field("data", &;


impl From<datacake_api::Document> for Document {
    fn from(doc: datacake_api::Document) -> Self {
        let metadata = doc.metadata.unwrap();
        let last_updated = metadata.last_updated.unwrap();
        Self {
            last_updated: last_updated.into(),

impl From<Document> for datacake_api::Document {
    fn from(doc: Document) -> Self {
        Self {
            metadata: Some(datacake_api::DocumentMetadata {
                last_updated: Some(doc.last_updated.into()),

impl From<datacake_api::Timestamp> for HLCTimestamp {
    fn from(ts: datacake_api::Timestamp) -> Self {
        Self::new(ts.millis, ts.counter as u16, ts.node_id)

impl From<HLCTimestamp> for datacake_api::Timestamp {
    fn from(ts: HLCTimestamp) -> Self {
        Self {
            millis: ts.millis(),
            counter: ts.counter() as u32,
            node_id: ts.node(),

// #[cfg(test)]
// mod tests {
//     use datacake_crdt::OrSWotSet;
//     use super::*;
//     use crate::test_utils::MemStore;
//     #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
//     pub struct TestSource;
//     impl StateSource for TestSource {
//         fn source_id() -> usize {
//             0
//         }
//     }
//     #[tokio::test]
//     async fn test_put_data() {
//         static KEYSPACE: &str = "put-data-keyspace";
//         let group = KeyspaceGroup::<MemStore>::new_for_test().await;
//         let clock = group.clock();
//         // Test insert
//         let doc_ts = clock.get_time().await;
//         let doc = Document::new(1, doc_ts, b"hello, world".to_vec());
//         put_data::<TestSource, _>(KEYSPACE, doc.clone(), &group, None)
//             .await
//             .expect("Put new data should be successful.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![(1, doc_ts)],
//             "State additions should match."
//         );
//         assert_eq!(removals, Vec::new(), "State removals should match.");
//         let mut new_state = OrSWotSet::default();
//         new_state.insert(1, doc_ts);
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(new_state.clone()).await;
//         assert!(additions.is_empty(), "State should be inline.");
//         assert!(removals.is_empty(), "State should be inline.");
//         let stored_doc = keyspace
//             .storage()
//             .get(KEYSPACE, 1)
//             .await
//             .expect("get doc")
//             .expect("Document should not be `None`");
//         assert_eq!(stored_doc, doc, "Stored documents should match.");
//         // Test updating an existing document.
//         let updated_doc_ts = clock.get_time().await;
//         let updated_doc = Document::new(1, updated_doc_ts, b"hello, world".to_vec());
//         put_data::<TestSource, _>(KEYSPACE, updated_doc.clone(), &group, None)
//             .await
//             .expect("Put new data should be successful.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![(1, updated_doc_ts)],
//             "State additions should match."
//         );
//         assert_eq!(removals, Vec::new(), "State removals should match.");
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(new_state).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![(1, updated_doc_ts)],
//             "The state should have been updated with the updated doc timestamp."
//         );
//         assert!(removals.is_empty(), "State should be inline.");
//         let stored_doc = keyspace
//             .storage()
//             .get(KEYSPACE, 1)
//             .await
//             .expect("get doc")
//             .expect("Document should not be `None`");
//         assert_eq!(stored_doc, updated_doc, "Stored documents should match.");
//         // Test inserting and updating.
//         let doc_1 = Document::new(
//             1,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 1".to_vec(),
//         );
//         let doc_2 = Document::new(
//             2,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 2".to_vec(),
//         );
//         let doc_3 = Document::new(
//             3,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 3".to_vec(),
//         );
//         put_data::<TestSource, _>(KEYSPACE, doc_1.clone(), &group, None)
//             .await
//             .expect("Put new data should be successful.");
//         put_data::<TestSource, _>(KEYSPACE, doc_2.clone(), &group, None)
//             .await
//             .expect("Put new data should be successful.");
//         put_data::<TestSource, _>(KEYSPACE, doc_3.clone(), &group, None)
//             .await
//             .expect("Put new data should be successful.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![
//                 (1, doc_1.last_updated),
//                 (2, doc_2.last_updated),
//                 (3, doc_3.last_updated),
//             ],
//             "State additions should match.",
//         );
//         assert_eq!(removals, Vec::new(), "State removals should match.");
//     }
//     #[tokio::test]
//     async fn test_put_many_data() {
//         static KEYSPACE: &str = "put-many-data-keyspace";
//         let group = KeyspaceGroup::<MemStore>::new_for_test().await;
//         let clock = group.clock();
//         // Test insert
//         let doc_ts = clock.get_time().await;
//         let doc = Document::new(1, doc_ts, b"hello, world".to_vec());
//         put_many_data::<TestSource, _>(
//             KEYSPACE,
//             vec![doc.clone()].into_iter(),
//             &group,
//             None,
//         )
//         .await
//         .expect("Put new data should be successful.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![(1, doc_ts)],
//             "State additions should match."
//         );
//         assert_eq!(removals, Vec::new(), "State removals should match.");
//         let mut new_state = OrSWotSet::default();
//         new_state.insert(1, doc_ts);
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(new_state.clone()).await;
//         assert!(additions.is_empty(), "State should be inline.");
//         assert!(removals.is_empty(), "State should be inline.");
//         let stored_doc = keyspace
//             .storage()
//             .get(KEYSPACE, 1)
//             .await
//             .expect("get doc")
//             .expect("Document should not be `None`");
//         assert_eq!(stored_doc, doc, "Stored documents should match.");
//         // Test updating an existing document.
//         let updated_doc_ts = clock.get_time().await;
//         let updated_doc = Document::new(1, updated_doc_ts, b"hello, world".to_vec());
//         put_many_data::<TestSource, _>(
//             KEYSPACE,
//             vec![updated_doc.clone()].into_iter(),
//             &group,
//             None,
//         )
//         .await
//         .expect("Put new data should be successful.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![(1, updated_doc_ts)],
//             "State additions should match."
//         );
//         assert_eq!(removals, Vec::new(), "State removals should match.");
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(new_state).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![(1, updated_doc_ts)],
//             "The state should have been updated with the updated doc timestamp."
//         );
//         assert!(removals.is_empty(), "State should be inline.");
//         let stored_doc = keyspace
//             .storage()
//             .get(KEYSPACE, 1)
//             .await
//             .expect("get doc")
//             .expect("Document should not be `None`");
//         assert_eq!(stored_doc, updated_doc, "Stored documents should match.");
//         // Test inserting and updating.
//         let doc_1 = Document::new(
//             1,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 1".to_vec(),
//         );
//         let doc_2 = Document::new(
//             2,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 2".to_vec(),
//         );
//         let doc_3 = Document::new(
//             3,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 3".to_vec(),
//         );
//         put_many_data::<TestSource, _>(
//             KEYSPACE,
//             vec![doc_1.clone(), doc_2.clone(), doc_3.clone()].into_iter(),
//             &group,
//             None,
//         )
//         .await
//         .expect("Put new data should be successful.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![
//                 (1, doc_1.last_updated),
//                 (2, doc_2.last_updated),
//                 (3, doc_3.last_updated),
//             ],
//             "State additions should match.",
//         );
//         assert_eq!(removals, Vec::new(), "State removals should match.");
//     }
//     #[tokio::test]
//     async fn test_del_data() {
//         static KEYSPACE: &str = "del-data-keyspace";
//         let group = KeyspaceGroup::<MemStore>::new_for_test().await;
//         let clock = group.clock();
//         let doc_1 = Document::new(
//             1,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 1".to_vec(),
//         );
//         let doc_2 = Document::new(
//             2,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 2".to_vec(),
//         );
//         let doc_3 = Document::new(
//             3,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 3".to_vec(),
//         );
//         put_many_data::<TestSource, _>(
//             KEYSPACE,
//             vec![doc_1.clone(), doc_2.clone(), doc_3.clone()].into_iter(),
//             &group,
//             None,
//         )
//         .await
//         .expect("Put new data should be successful.");
//         // The new timestamp is newer than the insert so this should be successful.
//         let delete_timestamp = clock.get_time().await;
//         del_data::<TestSource, _>(KEYSPACE,, delete_timestamp, &group)
//             .await
//             .expect("Delete doc.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![
//                 (, doc_2.last_updated),
//                 (, doc_3.last_updated),
//             ],
//             "State additions should match.",
//         );
//         assert_eq!(
//             removals,
//             vec![(, delete_timestamp)],
//             "State removals should match."
//         );
//         // This should not be deleted as it has the same timestamp as the insert, and inserts always wins.
//         del_data::<TestSource, _>(KEYSPACE,, doc_2.last_updated, &group)
//             .await
//             .expect("Delete doc.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![
//                 (, doc_2.last_updated),
//                 (, doc_3.last_updated),
//             ],
//             "State additions should match.",
//         );
//         assert_eq!(
//             removals,
//             vec![(, delete_timestamp)],
//             "State removals should match."
//         );
//         // This should not be deleted as the timestamp is older than the insert.
//         let new_timestamp = HLCTimestamp::new(500, 0, 0);
//         del_data::<TestSource, _>(KEYSPACE,, new_timestamp, &group)
//             .await
//             .expect("Delete doc.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![
//                 (, doc_2.last_updated),
//                 (, doc_3.last_updated),
//             ],
//             "State additions should match.",
//         );
//         assert_eq!(
//             removals,
//             vec![(, delete_timestamp)],
//             "State removals should match."
//         );
//     }
//     #[tokio::test]
//     async fn test_del_many_data() {
//         static KEYSPACE: &str = "del-many-data-keyspace";
//         let group = KeyspaceGroup::<MemStore>::new_for_test().await;
//         let clock = group.clock();
//         let doc_1 = Document::new(
//             1,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 1".to_vec(),
//         );
//         let doc_2 = Document::new(
//             2,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 2".to_vec(),
//         );
//         let doc_3 = Document::new(
//             3,
//             clock.get_time().await,
//             b"hello, world from doc 3".to_vec(),
//         );
//         put_many_data::<TestSource, _>(
//             KEYSPACE,
//             vec![doc_1.clone(), doc_2.clone(), doc_3.clone()].into_iter(),
//             &group,
//             None,
//         )
//         .await
//         .expect("Put new data should be successful.");
//         // The new timestamp is newer than the insert so this should be successful.
//         let delete_timestamp = clock.get_time().await;
//         del_many_data::<TestSource, _>(
//             KEYSPACE,
//             vec![(, delete_timestamp)].into_iter(),
//             &group,
//         )
//         .await
//         .expect("Delete doc.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![
//                 (, doc_2.last_updated),
//                 (, doc_3.last_updated),
//             ],
//             "State additions should match.",
//         );
//         assert_eq!(
//             removals,
//             vec![(, delete_timestamp)],
//             "State removals should match."
//         );
//         // This should not be deleted as it has the same timestamp as the insert, and inserts always wins.
//         del_many_data::<TestSource, _>(
//             KEYSPACE,
//             vec![(, doc_2.last_updated)].into_iter(),
//             &group,
//         )
//         .await
//         .expect("Delete doc.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![
//                 (, doc_2.last_updated),
//                 (, doc_3.last_updated),
//             ],
//             "State additions should match.",
//         );
//         assert_eq!(
//             removals,
//             vec![(, delete_timestamp)],
//             "State removals should match."
//         );
//         // This should not be deleted as the timestamp is older than the insert.
//         let new_timestamp = HLCTimestamp::new(500, 0, 0);
//         del_many_data::<TestSource, _>(
//             KEYSPACE,
//             vec![(, new_timestamp)].into_iter(),
//             &group,
//         )
//         .await
//         .expect("Delete doc.");
//         let keyspace = group.get_or_create_keyspace(KEYSPACE).await;
//         let (additions, removals) = keyspace.symetrical_diff(OrSWotSet::default()).await;
//         assert_eq!(
//             additions,
//             vec![
//                 (, doc_2.last_updated),
//                 (, doc_3.last_updated),
//             ],
//             "State additions should match.",
//         );
//         assert_eq!(
//             removals,
//             vec![(, delete_timestamp)],
//             "State removals should match."
//         );
//     }
// }