data_reader 0.1.0

An attempt to create a data loading library for data scientist.
name = "data_reader"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["rcarson3 <>"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
readme = ""
publish = true

repository = ""

description = "An attempt to create a data loading library for data scientist. "

keywords = ["data-reader"]
categories = ["data-structures", "science"]

exclude = [

bytecount = "0.4.0"
failure = "0.1.5"

lexical = "2.0.0"

criterion = "0.2.7"

# [[bench]]
# name = "examples"
# harness = false
# [profile.release]
# opt-level = 3
# debug = false
# rpath = false
# lto = false
# debug-assertions = true
# codegen-units = 16
# panic = 'unwind'
# incremental = false
# overflow-checks = false
# []
# opt-level = 3
# debug = false
# rpath = false
# lto = false
# debug-assertions = true
# codegen-units = 16
# panic = 'unwind'
# incremental = false
# overflow-checks = false
# [profile.bench]
# opt-level = 3
# debug = false
# rpath = false
# lto = false
# debug-assertions = true
# codegen-units = 16
# panic = 'unwind'
# incremental = false
# overflow-checks = false
# [profile.test]
# opt-level = 3
# debug = false
# rpath = false
# lto = false
# debug-assertions = true
# codegen-units = 16
# panic = 'unwind'
# incremental = false
# overflow-checks = false