data_reader 0.1.0

An attempt to create a data loading library for data scientist.

Rust Data Reader

So far this code provides some similar capabilities as Numpy's loadtxt to Rust. It is currently intended to read in data that you know how it's been generated. The default delimiter is any whitespace character. The following caviates currently exist:

  1. New lines are assummed to end with \n.
  2. Comment characters only appear once per line.
  3. If the code fails to convert from a string to the supported type it will fail.
  4. Whitespaces are stripped from the front and end of whatever string is between delimeters.
  5. All of the data being read in needs to be the same type.

It provides support for the following types:

u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize
i8 i16 i32 i64 i128
f32 f64
char bool String

The primitive uint, int, and floats use the lexical crate to provide a faster conversion from string to the given type. The other types use the built in standard library from_str conversion. The read in data is all stored into a vector. A struct is returned from the method load_text_* that provides the number of lines read, the number of columns read from the data, and a vector containing the data. This struct is wrapped into a Result that is returned to the user. For a 1GB float64 type file read from an SSD, you should expect roughly a 100MB/s for the read in.

If your data file doesn't meet these types you might want to look into BurntSushi's CSV crate for your needs.


Provide more alternative methods to count the line of text and commented lines that are more robust then the quick method that's being used now.

Update the backend such that it makes it possible to have multiple data types in the file being read.

Update the backend to provide better performance.


An example of how to use the code can be seen down below:

//This example shows us how we might skip a footer file
fn load_txt_i32_test_sk_f(){
    //The file here is the one included in the main folder.
    let file = String::from("int_testv2.txt");

    let params = ReaderParams{
        comments: b'%',
        delimiter: Delimiter::WhiteSpace,
        skip_header: None,
        skip_footer: Some(5),
        usecols: None,
        max_rows: None,

    let results = load_txt_i32(&file, &params);

    // Pattern matching for our results could look something like this.
    // match results{
    //     Ok(results) => println!("Number of lines {}\nNumber of fields {}\nResults {:?}",results.num_lines, results.num_fields, results.results),
    //     Err(err) => println!("Error {:?}", err),
    // }

    assert_eq!(results.unwrap().results, vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]);
