data-encoding 2.0.0

Efficient and customizable data-encoding functions

Common use-cases

This library provides the following common encodings:

  • HEXLOWER: lowercase hexadecimal
  • HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE: lowercase hexadecimal with case-insensitive decoding
  • HEXUPPER: uppercase hexadecimal
  • HEXUPPER_PERMISSIVE: uppercase hexadecimal with case-insensitive decoding
  • BASE32: RFC4648 base32
  • BASE32_NOPAD: RFC4648 base32 without padding
  • BASE32HEX: RFC4648 base32hex
  • BASE64: RFC4648 base64
  • BASE64_NOPAD: RFC4648 base64 without padding
  • BASE64URL: RFC4648 base64url
  • BASE64URL_NOPAD: RFC4648 base64url without padding
  • BASE64_MIME: RFC2045-like base64

Typical usage looks like:

// allocating functions
// in-place functions
BASE32.encode_mut(&input_to_encode, &mut encoded_output)
BASE64_URL.decode_mut(&input_to_decode, &mut decoded_output)

See the documentation or the changelog for more details.

Custom use-cases

This library also provides the possibility to define custom little-endian ASCII base-conversion encodings for bases of size 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 (for which all above use-cases are particular instances). It supports:

  • padded and non-padded encodings
  • canonical encodings (e.g. trailing bits are checked)
  • in-place encoding and decoding functions
  • partial decoding functions (e.g. for error recovery)
  • character translation (e.g. for case-insensitivity)
  • most and least significant bit-order
  • ignoring characters when decoding (e.g. for skipping newlines)
  • wrapping the output when encoding

The typical definition of a custom encoding looks like:

lazy_static! {
    static ref DNSCURVE: data_encoding::Encoding = {
        use data_encoding::{Specification, BitOrder};
        let mut spec = Specification::new();
        spec.bit_order = BitOrder::LeastSignificantFirst;

See the documentation or the changelog for more details.


The performance of the encoding and decoding functions (for both common and custom encodings) are similar to existing implementations in C, Rust, and other high-performance languages (see how to run the benchmarks on github).

Swiss-knife binary

This crate is a library. If you are looking for the binary using this library, see the installation instructions on github.