data-encoding-bin 0.2.0

Swiss Army knife for data-encoding
data-encoding-bin-0.2.0 is not a library.

This binary is a wrapper around the data-encoding library.


You can run make install to install the binary from the github repository. By default, it will be installed as ~/.cargo/bin/data-encoding. You can also run cargo install data-encoding-bin to install the latest version published on This does not require to clone the repository.


You can run data-encoding --help (assuming ~/.cargo/bin is in your PATH environment variable) to see the usage:

Usage: data-encoding --mode=<mode> --base=<base> [<options>]
Usage: data-encoding --mode=<mode> --symbols=<symbols> [<options>]

    -m, --mode <mode>   {encode|decode|describe}
    -b, --base <base>   {16|hex|32|32hex|64|64url}
    -i, --input <file>  read from <file> instead of standard input
    -o, --output <file> write to <file> instead of standard output
        --block <size>  read blocks of about <size> bytes
    -p, --padding <padding>
                        pad with <padding>
    -g, --ignore <ignore>
                        when decoding, ignore characters in <ignore>
    -w, --width <cols>  when encoding, wrap every <cols> characters
    -s, --separator <separator>
                        when encoding, wrap with <separator>
        --symbols <symbols>
                        define a custom base using <symbols>
        --translate <new><old>
                        when decoding, translate <new> as <old>
                        when decoding, ignore non-zero trailing bits
                        use least significant bit first bit-order

    # Encode using the RFC4648 base64 encoding
    data-encoding -mencode -b64     # without padding
    data-encoding -mencode -b64 -p= # with padding

    # Encode using the MIME base64 encoding
    data-encoding -mencode -b64 -p= -w76 -s$'\r\n'

    # Show base information for the permissive hexadecimal encoding
    data-encoding --mode=describe --base=hex

    # Decode using the DNSCurve base32 encoding
    data-encoding -mdecode \
        --symbols=0123456789bcdfghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz \
        --translate=BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZbcdfghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz \


The performance of this binary is similar or faster than the GNU base64 program (see how to run the benchmarks on github).