darkroom 0.2.2

A contract testing tool built in Rust


A contract testing tool built in Rust using the filmReel format.


Usage: dark [<address>] [-v] [--tls] [--proto <proto>] [-H <header>] [-C <cut-out>] <command> [<args>]

Top-level command.

  -v, --verbose     enable verbose output
  --tls             enable TLS (not needed for HTTP/S)
  --proto           pass proto files used for payload forming
  -H, --header      fallback header passed to the specified protocol
  -C, --cut-out     output of final cut file
  --help            display usage information

  version           returns CARGO_PKG_VERSION
  take              Takes a single frame, emitting the request then validating
                    the returned response
  record            Attempts to play through an entire Reel sequence running a
                    take for every frame in the sequence

dark take:

Usage: dark take <frame> -c <cut> [-o <output>]

Takes a single frame, emitting the request then validating the returned response

  -c, --cut         filepath of input cut file
  -o, --output      output of take file
  --help            display usage information

dark record:

Usage: dark record <reel_path> <reel_name> [<merge_cuts...>] [-c <cut>] [-o <output>] [-i]

Attempts to play through an entire Reel sequence running a take for every frame in the sequence

  -c, --cut         filepath of input cut file
  -o, --output      output directory for successful takes
  -i, --interactive interactive frame sequence transitions
  --help            display usage information

New in 0.2:

  • HTTP support
  • Full json object storage and retrieval, the cut register is no longer a flat associative array, strings are still used to map to JSON objects for templating
  • Variable discarding: ${lowercase} variables will only be kept around for the duration of the frame
  • Headers and entrypoints can be stored and read on a per JSON frame basis
  • SOPS/json secrets support

New in 0.2.1:

  • Added hidden variable support, hidden variables are defined with a leading underscore: ${_HIDDEN}
  • Added dark version command
  • moved common parameters into the main dark command to be shared across subcommands

SOPS example:

# destructively merge FIFO sops "KEY_NAME" value into the in-memory cut register
dark record ./reel_path reel_name -c ./reel_name.cut.json \
    <(sops -d --extract '["KEY_NAME"]' path/to/myfile.enc.json)

# multiple merge cuts can be used, with values being overridden left to right (right will have newer values)
dark -v record -i ./test_data post -c ./test_data/post.cut.json \
    <(echo '{"new":"value"}') <(echo '{"newer": "value", "new":"overridden"}')

Cut output example:

# echo the origin "${IP}" that gets written to the cut register from the httpbin.org POST request
dark -C >(jq .IP) take ./test_data/post.01s.body.fr.json --cut ./test_data/post.cut.json