darkroom 0.1.2

A contract testing tool built in Rust


A contract testing tool built in Rust using the filmReel format.

Usage: dark [-v] <command> [<args>]

Top-level command.

  -v, --verbose     enable verbose output
  --help            display usage information

  take              Takes a single frame, sends the request and compares the
                    returned response
  record            Attemps to play through an entire Reel sequence

dark take:

Usage: dark take <frame> <addr> -c <cut> -H <header> [-o <output>]

Takes a single frame, sends the request and compares the returned response

  -c, --cut         filepath of cut file
  -H, --header      args passed to grpcurl
  -o, --output      output of take file
  --help            display usage information

dark record:

Usage: dark record <path> <name> -H <header> -a <addr> [-c <cut>] [-o <output>] [-i]

Attemps to play through an entire Reel sequence

  -H, --header      header string passed to grpcurl
  -a, --addr        address passed to grpcurl
  -c, --cut         filepath of output cut file
  -o, --output      output directory for successful takes
  -i, --interactive interactive frame sequence transitions
  --help            display usage information