dachshund 0.1.9

Dachshund is a graph mining library written in Rust. It provides high performance data structures for multiple kinds of graphs, from simple undirected graphs to typed hypergraphs. Dachshund also provides algorithms for common tasks for graph mining and analysis, ranging from shortest paths to graph spectral analysis.
 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
// https://blog.burntsushi.net/rust-error-handling/

use thiserror::Error;

pub type CLQResult<T> = std::result::Result<T, CLQError>;

#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum CLQError {

    #[error("I/O Error: {0}")]
    IO(#[from] std::io::Error),

    #[error("Bad UTF8 in string: {0}")]
    UTF8(#[from] std::string::FromUtf8Error),

    #[error("Parse error: {0}")]
    ParseBool(#[from] std::str::ParseBoolError),

    #[error("Parse error: {0}")]
    ParseInt(#[from] std::num::ParseIntError),

    #[error("Parse error: {0}")]
    ParseFloat(#[from] std::num::ParseFloatError),

    #[error("JSON error: {0}")]
    JSON(#[from] serde_json::Error),

    #[error("Impossible error: {0}")]
    Infallible(#[from] std::convert::Infallible),

impl CLQError {
    pub fn new(msg: &str) -> Self {
    pub fn err_none() -> Self {
        Self::Generic("Unexpectedly empty Option encountered.".to_owned())

impl From<String> for CLQError {
    fn from(str: String) -> Self {

impl From<&str> for CLQError {
    fn from(str: &str) -> Self {