dachshund 0.1.9

Dachshund is a graph mining library written in Rust. It provides high performance data structures for multiple kinds of graphs, from simple undirected graphs to typed hypergraphs. Dachshund also provides algorithms for common tasks for graph mining and analysis, ranging from shortest paths to graph spectral analysis.
 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

use std::cmp::{min, Eq, PartialEq, Reverse};
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};

use fxhash::FxHashMap;

use roaring::RoaringBitmap;

use crate::dachshund::error::{CLQError, CLQResult};
use crate::dachshund::id_types::{GraphId, NodeLabel, NodeTypeIdInternal};
use crate::dachshund::node::{Node, NodeBase};
use crate::dachshund::row::CliqueRow;
use crate::dachshund::scorer::Scorer;
use crate::dachshund::typed_graph::LabeledGraph;

use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;

/// This data structure represents a guarantee or promise about the local cliqueness
/// for some core nodes. It should be interpreted as saying
/// "Every core node in a candidate clique has at least 'num_edges'
/// possible edges, except *maybe* the nodes listed in 'exceptions'
/// ("maybe" because we might not have inspected them yet)."
/// If we're interested in knowing whether every core candidate has local density over some
/// value that's corresponds to a number of edges lower than our guaranteed 'num_edges',
/// we only need to inspect the exceptions.
pub struct LocalDensityGuarantee {
    pub num_edges: usize,
    pub exceptions: RoaringBitmap,

/// A recipe for a candidate is a checksum of another and a node id.
/// This represents the claim that you can generate the candidate in question
/// by adding node node_id to an existing candidate identified with checksum.
/// Recipes allow us to identify the best candidates for the next generation
/// and only do candidate replication lazily.

pub struct Recipe {
    pub checksum: Option<u64>,
    pub node_id: Option<u32>,
    pub score: Option<f32>,
    pub local_guarantee: Option<LocalDensityGuarantee>,

impl PartialEq for Recipe {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Recipe) -> bool {
        (self.checksum == other.checksum) && (self.node_id == other.node_id)
impl Eq for Recipe {}
impl Hash for Recipe {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
        if let Some(node_id) = self.node_id {
            merge_checksum(self.checksum, node_id).unwrap().hash(state);
        } else {

type NeigbhorhoodMap = HashMap<u32, u32>;

/// This data structure contains everything that identifies a candidate (fuzzy) clique. To
/// reiterate, a (fuzzy) clique is a subgraph of edges going from some set of "core" nodes
/// to some set of "non_core" nodes. A "true" clique involves this subgraph being complete,
/// whereas a "fuzzy" clique allows for some edges to be missing. Note that the Candidate
/// data structure itself enforces no such consistency guarantees. It just provides a
/// convenient bookkeeping abstraction with which the search algorithm can work.
/// The struct keeps state in two `RoaringBitmap`s, of core and non_core node ids. There's also a
/// convenience reference to `Graph`, a checksum summarising the full state, and a field
/// in which to maintain the candidate's current score.
/// Some attributes are tracked for the convenience of the scorer and adjusted incrementally
/// during add node.
/// - ties_between_nodes and max_core_node_edges help calculate cliqueness
///     (maintainted by increment_max_core_node_edges and increment_ties_between_nodes)
/// - neighborhood: of nodes adjacent to the clique and the edge count from
///     'in the clique' to help with candidate generation
///     (maintained by adjust_neighborhood)
/// - local_guarantee: a guarantee about the local density to help check
///     the candidate maintains a sufficiently high local density.
///     NB: This optimizes for memory consumption and the case where the cliques
///     are core-heavy.
/// - node_counts: a counter of the number of nodes by type. First entry is always the core type.
/// Note that in the current implementation, ``core'' ids must all be of the same type,
/// whereas non-core ids can be of any type is desired.

pub struct Candidate<'a, TGraph>
    TGraph: LabeledGraph,
    pub graph: &'a TGraph,
    pub core_ids: RoaringBitmap,
    pub non_core_ids: RoaringBitmap,
    pub checksum: Option<u64>,
    score: Option<f32>,
    max_core_node_edges: usize,
    ties_between_nodes: usize,
    local_guarantee: LocalDensityGuarantee,
    neighborhood: NeigbhorhoodMap,
    node_counts: Vec<usize>,

impl<'a, T: LabeledGraph> Hash for Candidate<'a, T> {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl<'a, T: LabeledGraph> PartialEq for Candidate<'a, T> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.checksum == other.checksum && self.score == other.score
impl<'a, T: LabeledGraph> Eq for Candidate<'a, T> {}
impl<'a, T: LabeledGraph> fmt::Display for Candidate<'a, T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.checksum.unwrap())

impl<'a, TGraph: LabeledGraph> Candidate<'a, TGraph>
    TGraph: LabeledGraph<NodeType = Node>,
    /// creates an empty candidate object, refering to a graph.
    pub fn init_blank(graph: &'a TGraph, num_non_core_types: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            core_ids: RoaringBitmap::new(),
            non_core_ids: RoaringBitmap::new(),
            checksum: None,
            score: None,
            max_core_node_edges: 0,
            ties_between_nodes: 0,
            local_guarantee: LocalDensityGuarantee {
                num_edges: 0,
                exceptions: RoaringBitmap::new(),
            neighborhood: HashMap::new(),
            node_counts: vec![0; num_non_core_types + 1],

    /// creates a Candidate object from a single node ID.
    pub fn new(node_id: u32, graph: &'a TGraph, scorer: &Scorer) -> CLQResult<Self> {
        let mut candidate: Self = Candidate::init_blank(graph, scorer.get_num_non_core_types());
        let score = scorer.score(&mut candidate)?;

    /// creates a Candidate object from an array of CliqueRows.
    pub fn from_clique_rows(
        rows: &'a Vec<CliqueRow>,
        graph: &'a TGraph,
        scorer: &Scorer,
    ) -> CLQResult<Option<Self>> {
        let mut candidate: Candidate<TGraph> =
            Candidate::init_blank(graph, scorer.get_num_non_core_types());
        for row in rows {
            if graph.has_node_by_label(row.node_id) {
                let node = graph.get_node_by_label(row.node_id);
                assert_eq!(node.non_core_type, row.target_type);
        // could be that no nodes overlapped
        if candidate.checksum.is_none() {
            return Ok(None);
        let score = scorer.score(&mut candidate)?;

    /// add node to the clique -- this results in the score being reset, and the
    /// clique checksum being changed.
    pub fn add_node(&mut self, node_id: u32) -> CLQResult<()> {
        self.checksum = merge_checksum(self.checksum, node_id);

        if self.graph.get_node(node_id).is_core() {
            self.node_counts[0_usize] += 1;
        } else {
            self.node_counts[self.graph.get_node(node_id).non_core_type.unwrap().value()] += 1;



    /// returns sorted vector of core IDs -- useful for printing
    pub fn sorted_core_labels(&self, reverse_labels_map: &FxHashMap<u32, NodeLabel>) -> Vec<i64> {
        let mut vec: Vec<i64> = self
            .map(|x| reverse_labels_map[&x].value())

    pub fn as_recipe(&self) -> Recipe {
        Recipe {
            checksum: self.checksum,
            node_id: None,
            score: self.score,
            local_guarantee: Some(self.local_guarantee.clone()),

    /// returns sorted vector of non-core IDs -- useful for printing
    pub fn sorted_non_core_labels(
        reverse_labels_map: &FxHashMap<u32, NodeLabel>,
    ) -> Vec<i64> {
        let mut vec: Vec<i64> = self
            .map(|x| reverse_labels_map[&x].value())

    /// sets score, as computed by a Scorer class.
    pub fn set_score(&mut self, score: f32) -> CLQResult<()> {
        if self.score.is_some() {
            return Err(CLQError::from(
                "Tried to set score on an already scored candidate.",
        self.score = Some(score);

    /// resets its own score -- use case: if self has been cloned and then expanded with
    /// a new node.
    fn reset_score(&mut self) {
        self.score = None;

    /// given a node ID, returns a reference to that node.
    pub fn get_node(&self, node_id: u32) -> &Node {

    /// obtains cliqueness score (higher means ``better'' quality clique, however defined)
    pub fn get_score(&self) -> CLQResult<f32> {
        let score = self
            .ok_or("Tried to get score from an unscored candidate.")?;

    /// Get a clone of the candidates neighborhood (which is a map from
    /// every node adjacent to the clique to the number of edges between
    /// that node and the members of the clique.)
    pub fn get_neighborhood(&self) -> NeigbhorhoodMap {

    /// Get a clone of the local guarantee which makes a promise about the
    /// number of edges.
    pub fn get_local_guarantee(&self) -> LocalDensityGuarantee {

    /// Get a reference to node counts which is a vector recording
    /// the number of nodes in the clique by type.
    /// First element is the count of core nodes, since NodeTypeId 0 is the Core Type.
    pub fn get_node_counts(&self) -> Vec<usize> {

    /// encodes self as tab-separated "wide" format
    pub fn to_printable_row(
        target_types: &[String],
        reverse_labels_map: FxHashMap<u32, NodeLabel>,
    ) -> CLQResult<String> {
        let encode_err_handler = |e: serde_json::Error| Err(CLQError::from(e.to_string()));

        let cliqueness = self.get_cliqueness()?;
        let core_ids: Vec<i64> = self.sorted_core_labels(&reverse_labels_map);
        let non_core_ids: Vec<i64> = self.sorted_non_core_labels(&reverse_labels_map);

        let mut s = String::new();



        let non_core_types_str: Vec<String> = self
            .map(|id| target_types[self.get_node(id).non_core_type.unwrap().value() - 1].clone())

    /// used for interaction with Transformer classes.
    pub fn get_output_rows(
        graph_id: GraphId,
        reverse_labels_map: FxHashMap<u32, NodeLabel>,
    ) -> CLQResult<Vec<CliqueRow>> {
        let mut out: Vec<CliqueRow> = Vec::new();

        for core_id in self.sorted_core_labels(&reverse_labels_map) {
            let row: CliqueRow = CliqueRow {
                node_id: core_id.into(),
                target_type: None,

        for non_core_id in self.sorted_non_core_labels(&reverse_labels_map) {
            let non_core_node = self.graph.get_node_by_label(non_core_id.into());
            let row: CliqueRow = CliqueRow {
                node_id: non_core_id.into(),
                target_type: non_core_node.non_core_type,

    /// convenience function, used for debugging and "long-format" printing
    pub fn print(
        graph_id: GraphId,
        target_types: &[String],
        core_type: &str,
        output: &Sender<(Option<String>, bool)>,
    ) -> CLQResult<()> {
        for output_row in &self.get_output_rows(graph_id, self.graph.get_reverse_labels_map())? {
            let node_type: String = match output_row.target_type {
                // this is hacky -- when t is 0 it's an indication of this being the
                // core type, but not for TypedGraphBuilder
                Some(t) => target_types[t.value() - 1].clone(),
                None => core_type.to_string(),

    /// Create a copy of itself, needed for initializing candidate
    /// from node. This happens for every candidate we want to add to
    /// the beam for the next epoch. So the performance of the
    /// search is sensitive to the cost of this operation.
    pub fn replicate(&self, keep_score: bool) -> Self {
        // We clone these hashmaps very frequently so
        // we keep capacity artificially low.
        let mut new_neighborhood = self.neighborhood.clone();
        if 2 * new_neighborhood.capacity() > new_neighborhood.len() {

        Self {
            graph: self.graph,
            core_ids: self.core_ids.clone(),
            non_core_ids: self.non_core_ids.clone(),
            checksum: self.checksum,
            score: match keep_score {
                true => self.score,
                false => None,
            max_core_node_edges: self.max_core_node_edges,
            ties_between_nodes: self.ties_between_nodes,
            local_guarantee: self.local_guarantee.clone(),
            neighborhood: new_neighborhood,
            node_counts: self.node_counts.clone(),

    pub fn expand_from_recipe(&self, recipe: &Recipe) -> CLQResult<Self> {
        let mut candidate = self.replicate(false);

        if let Some(node_id) = recipe.node_id {
            if self.get_node(node_id).is_core() {
            } else {
            candidate.score = recipe.score;
            if let Some(local_guarantee) = &recipe.local_guarantee {
                candidate.local_guarantee = local_guarantee.clone();
        } else {
            candidate.score = self.score;

    fn get_expansion_candidates(
        num_to_search: usize,
        visited_candidates: &mut HashSet<u64>,
    ) -> CLQResult<Vec<Recipe>> {
        let mut h = BinaryHeap::with_capacity(num_to_search);

        // Use the heap to keep track of the nodes with the most ties to the
        // current candidate: If the heap is already full, look at the max element
        // (the one with fewest ties because of Reverse). If the element we're
        // considering is smaller (more ties) we can remove the max element
        // and push the new element onto the heap.
        for (node_id, num_ties) in self.neighborhood.iter() {
            let heap_element = (Reverse(num_ties), node_id);
            if h.len() < num_to_search {
            } else if heap_element < *h.peek().unwrap() {

        let mut expansion_candidates: Vec<Recipe> = Vec::with_capacity(num_to_search);

        for (_num_ties, &node_id) in h.into_sorted_vec().iter() {
            let recipe = Recipe {
                checksum: self.checksum,
                node_id: Some(node_id),
                score: None,
                local_guarantee: None,

            let new_checksum = merge_checksum(self.checksum, node_id).unwrap();
            if !visited_candidates.contains(&new_checksum) {
        assert!(self.checksum.unwrap() != 0);

    /// finds (up to) num_to_search expansion candidates and scores them.
    pub fn one_step_search(
        num_to_search: usize,
        visited_candidates: &mut HashSet<u64>,
        scorer: &Scorer,
    ) -> CLQResult<Vec<Recipe>> {
        let mut expansion_recipes: Vec<Recipe> =
            self.get_expansion_candidates(num_to_search, visited_candidates)?;
        for recipe in &mut expansion_recipes {
            let score = scorer.score_recipe(recipe, self)?;
            recipe.score = Some(score);

    /// Returns ``size'' of candidate, defined as the maximum number of edges
    /// that could connect all nodes currently in the candidate. For weighted graphs
    /// this is the sum of maximum weights for edges that could connect nodes currently
    /// in the candidates.
    pub fn get_size(&self) -> CLQResult<usize> {
        Ok(self.core_ids.len() as usize * self.max_core_node_edges)

    /// Returns size of candidate if the given node were to be added. Assumes that
    /// node is not currently part of the candidate.
    pub fn get_size_with_node(&self, node: &Node) -> CLQResult<usize> {
        if node.is_core() {
            Ok((self.core_ids.len() as usize + 1) * self.max_core_node_edges)
        } else {
            let new_edge_count = node
            Ok(self.core_ids.len() as usize * (self.max_core_node_edges + new_edge_count))

    // Update the size to account for for adding node_id. Can be called immediately before
    // or after inserting the node into the set of ids. Only call this when adding a noncore node.
    fn increment_max_core_node_edges(&mut self, node_id: u32) -> CLQResult<()> {
        let new_edge_count = self
        self.max_core_node_edges += new_edge_count;

    /// computes "cliqueness", the density of ties between core and non-core nodes.
    pub fn get_cliqueness(&self) -> CLQResult<f32> {
        let size = self.get_size()?;
        let ties_between_nodes = self.count_ties_between_nodes()?;
        let cliqueness: f32 = if size > 0 {
            ties_between_nodes as f32 / size as f32
        } else {

    /// computes "cliqueness", the density of ties between core and non-core nodes.
    pub fn get_cliqueness_with_node(&self, node: &Node) -> CLQResult<f32> {
        let size = self.get_size_with_node(node)?;

        let new_ties = if node.is_core() {
        } else {

        let ties_between_nodes = self.count_ties_between_nodes()? + new_ties;
        let cliqueness: f32 = if size > 0 {
            ties_between_nodes as f32 / size as f32
        } else {

    // Returns true if every core node has at least thresh fraction
    // of the possible edges (when node is added), using the
    // local density guarantee as applicable.
    pub fn local_thresh_score_with_node_at_least(
        thresh: f32,
        node: &Node,
    ) -> (bool, Option<LocalDensityGuarantee>) {
        if thresh == 0.0 {
            return (true, None);

        let new_max_core_node_edges = if node.is_core() {
        } else {
            self.max_core_node_edges + node.max_edge_count_with_core_node().unwrap().unwrap()

        let implied_edge_thresh = (thresh * new_max_core_node_edges as f32).ceil() as usize;
        // If the existing local guarantee is stricter than the threshold we're
        // we're checking now, we only need to check the (newly added) exceptions.
        let check_all = self.local_guarantee.num_edges < implied_edge_thresh;
        let nodes_to_check = if !check_all {
        } else {

        let mut min_edges = None;
        for node_id in nodes_to_check {
            let mut edge_count = self
            if !node.is_core() {
                edge_count += node.count_ties_with_id(node_id)
            if edge_count < implied_edge_thresh {
                return (false, None);
            match min_edges {
                Some(num) => min_edges = Some(min(edge_count, num)),
                None => min_edges = Some(edge_count),

        // If this is a core node; we also need to check it.
        if node.is_core() {
            let new_edge_count = node.count_ties_with_ids(&self.non_core_ids);
            if new_edge_count < implied_edge_thresh {
                return (false, None);
            match min_edges {
                Some(num) => min_edges = Some(min(new_edge_count, num)),
                None => min_edges = Some(new_edge_count),

        // If we passed the local density check, we can update the guarantee.
        // In practice, we tend to call this function repeatedly with the same
        // threshold, so we opt for fewer exceptions instead of guaranteeing
        // a higher number of edges.
        let mut new_num_edges = min_edges.unwrap_or(self.local_guarantee.num_edges);
        if !check_all {
            new_num_edges = min(self.local_guarantee.num_edges, new_num_edges);

            Some(LocalDensityGuarantee {
                num_edges: new_num_edges,
                exceptions: RoaringBitmap::new(),

    // Returns true if every core node has at least thresh fraction
    // of the possible edges, using/updating the local density guarantee
    // as applicable.
    pub fn local_thresh_score_at_least(&mut self, thresh: f32) -> bool {
        if thresh == 0.0 {
            return true;

        let implied_edge_thresh = (thresh * self.max_core_node_edges as f32).ceil() as usize;
        // If the existing local guarantee is stricter than the threshold we're
        // we're checking now, we only need to check the (newly added) exceptions.
        let check_all = self.local_guarantee.num_edges < implied_edge_thresh;
        let nodes_to_check = if !check_all {
        } else {

        let mut min_edges = None;
        for node_id in nodes_to_check {
            let edge_count = self
            if edge_count < implied_edge_thresh {
                return false;
            match min_edges {
                Some(num) => min_edges = Some(min(edge_count, num)),
                None => min_edges = Some(edge_count),

        // If we passed the local density check, we can update the guarantee.
        // In practice, we tend to call this function repeatedly with the same
        // threshold, so we opt for fewer exceptions instead of guaranteeing
        // a higher number of edges.
        let mut new_num_edges = min_edges.unwrap_or(self.local_guarantee.num_edges);
        if !check_all {
            new_num_edges = min(self.local_guarantee.num_edges, new_num_edges);

        self.local_guarantee = LocalDensityGuarantee {
            num_edges: new_num_edges,
            exceptions: RoaringBitmap::new(),

    /// checks if Candidate is a true clique, defined as a subgraph where the total number
    /// of ties between nodes is equal to the maximum number of ties between nodes.
    pub fn is_clique(&self) -> CLQResult<bool> {
        Ok(self.count_ties_between_nodes()? == self.get_size()?)

    /// counts the total number of ties between candidate's core nodes and non_cores
    pub fn count_ties_between_nodes(&self) -> CLQResult<usize> {

    // Update the count of ties between nodes to account for adding node_id. Can be called
    // immediately before or immediately after inserting node into the set of ids.
    fn increment_ties_between_nodes(&mut self, node_id: u32) {
        let new_ties = if self.graph.get_node(node_id).is_core() {
        } else {
        self.ties_between_nodes += new_ties;

    // Adjust the neighborhood hashmap to account for adding added_node:
    // Any neighbor that isn't already in our graph should have its
    // edges count in self.neighborhood increased by one, and the node we're
    // adding needs to be removed, since it is no longer adjacent to the clique.
    fn adjust_neighborhood(&mut self, node_id: u32) {
        let opposite_shore = if self.graph.get_node(node_id).is_core() {
        } else {

        let neighbors: Vec<u32> = self
            .map(|x| x.target_id)

        for target_id in neighbors {
            if !opposite_shore.contains(target_id) {
                let counter = self.neighborhood.entry(target_id).or_insert(0);
                *counter += 1;

    /// TODO: Can this use the non_core_counts?
    /// gets densities over each non-core type
    fn get_non_core_densities(&self, num_non_core_types: usize) -> CLQResult<Vec<f32>> {
        let mut non_core_max_counts: Vec<usize> = vec![0; num_non_core_types + 1];
        let mut non_core_out_counts: Vec<usize> = vec![0; num_non_core_types + 1];

        for non_core_id in &self.non_core_ids {
            let non_core = self.get_node(non_core_id);
            let non_core_type_id: NodeTypeIdInternal = non_core
            let num_ties: usize = non_core.count_ties_with_ids(&self.core_ids);
            let max_density = non_core
            non_core_max_counts[non_core_type_id] += max_density * (self.core_ids.len() as usize);
            non_core_out_counts[non_core_type_id] += num_ties;
        let mut non_core_density: Vec<f32> = Vec::new();
        for i in 1..non_core_max_counts.len() {
            non_core_density.push(non_core_out_counts[i] as f32 / non_core_max_counts[i] as f32);

    /// gets core densities for each non-core node
    fn get_core_densities(&self) -> Vec<f32> {
        let mut counts: Vec<f32> = Vec::new();
        let max_size: usize = self
            .map(|id| {
        for node_id in &self.core_ids {
            let node = self.get_node(node_id);
            let num_ties: usize = node.count_ties_with_ids(&self.non_core_ids);
            counts.push(num_ties as f32 / max_size as f32);

fn merge_checksum(checksum: Option<u64>, node_id: u32) -> Option<u64> {
    let mut s = DefaultHasher::new();
    node_id.hash(&mut s);
    let node_hash: u64 = s.finish();
    if let Some(candidate_hash) = checksum {
    } else {