cvode-wrap 0.1.3

A wrapper around cvode and cvodeS from sundials, allowing to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with or without their sensitivities.
//! A wrapper around cvode and cvodes from the sundials tool suite.
//! Users should be mostly interested in [`SolverSensi`] and [`SolverNoSensi`].
//! # Building sundials
//! To build sundials, activate the `sundials-sys/build_libraries` feature.
//! # Examples
//! ## Oscillator
//! An oscillatory system defined by `x'' = -k * x`.
//! ### Without sensitivities
//! ```rust
//! use cvode_wrap::*;
//! let y0 = [0., 1.];
//! //define the right-hand-side
//! fn f(_t: Realtype, y: &[Realtype; 2], ydot: &mut [Realtype; 2], k: &Realtype) -> RhsResult {
//!     *ydot = [y[1], -y[0] * k];
//!     RhsResult::Ok
//! }
//! //initialize the solver
//! let mut solver = SolverNoSensi::new(
//!     LinearMultistepMethod::Adams,
//!     f,
//!     0.,
//!     &y0,
//!     1e-4,
//!     AbsTolerance::scalar(1e-4),
//!     1e-2,
//! )
//! .unwrap();
//! //and solve
//! let ts: Vec<_> = (1..100).collect();
//! println!("0,{},{}", y0[0], y0[1]);
//! for &t in &ts {
//!     let (_tret, &[x, xdot]) = solver.step(t as _, StepKind::Normal).unwrap();
//!     println!("{},{},{}", t, x, xdot);
//! }
//! ```
//! ### With sensitivities
//! The sensitivities are computed with respect to `x(0)`, `x'(0)` and `k`.
//! ```rust
//! use cvode_wrap::*;
//! let y0 = [0., 1.];
//! //define the right-hand-side
//! fn f(_t: Realtype, y: &[Realtype; 2], ydot: &mut [Realtype; 2], k: &Realtype) -> RhsResult {
//!     *ydot = [y[1], -y[0] * k];
//!     RhsResult::Ok
//! }
//! //define the sensitivity function for the right hand side
//! fn fs(
//!     _t: Realtype,
//!     y: &[Realtype; 2],
//!     _ydot: &[Realtype; 2],
//!     ys: [&[Realtype; 2]; N_SENSI],
//!     ysdot: [&mut [Realtype; 2]; N_SENSI],
//!     k: &Realtype,
//! ) -> RhsResult {
//!     // Mind that when indexing sensitivities, the first index
//!     // is the parameter index, and the second the state variable
//!     // index
//!     *ysdot[0] = [ys[0][1], -ys[0][0] * k];
//!     *ysdot[1] = [ys[1][1], -ys[1][0] * k];
//!     *ysdot[2] = [ys[2][1], -ys[2][0] * k - y[0]];
//!     RhsResult::Ok
//! }
//! const N_SENSI: usize = 3;
//! // the sensitivities in order are d/dy0[0], d/dy0[1] and d/dk
//! let ys0 = [[1., 0.], [0., 1.], [0., 0.]];
//! //initialize the solver
//! let mut solver = SolverSensi::new(
//!     LinearMultistepMethod::Adams,
//!     f,
//!     fs,
//!     0.,
//!     &y0,
//!     &ys0,
//!     1e-4,
//!     AbsTolerance::scalar(1e-4),
//!     SensiAbsTolerance::scalar([1e-4; N_SENSI]),
//!     1e-2,
//! )
//! .unwrap();
//! //and solve
//! let ts: Vec<_> = (1..100).collect();
//! println!("0,{},{}", y0[0], y0[1]);
//! for &t in &ts {
//!     let (_tret, &[x, xdot], [&[dy0_dy00, dy1_dy00], &[dy0_dy01, dy1_dy01], &[dy0_dk, dy1_dk]]) =
//!         solver.step(t as _, StepKind::Normal).unwrap();
//!     println!(
//!         "{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}",
//!         t, x, xdot, dy0_dy00, dy1_dy00, dy0_dy01, dy1_dy01, dy0_dk, dy1_dk
//!     );
//! }
//! ```
use std::{ffi::c_void, os::raw::c_int, ptr::NonNull};

use sundials_sys::realtype;

mod nvector;
pub use nvector::{NVectorSerial, NVectorSerialHeapAllocated};

mod cvode;
mod cvode_sens;

pub use cvode::Solver as SolverNoSensi;
pub use cvode_sens::Solver as SolverSensi;

/// The floatting-point type sundials was compiled with
pub type Realtype = realtype;

/// An integration method.
pub enum LinearMultistepMethod {
    /// Recomended for non-stiff problems.
    Adams = sundials_sys::CV_ADAMS,
    /// Recommended for stiff problems.
    Bdf = sundials_sys::CV_BDF,

/// A return type for the right-hand-side rust function.
/// Adapted from Sundials cv-ode guide version 5.7 (BSD Licensed), setcion 4.6.1 :
/// > If a recoverable error occurred, `cvode` will attempt to correct,
/// > if the error is unrecoverable, the integration is halted.
/// >
/// > A recoverable failure error return is typically used to flag a value of
/// > the dependent variableythat is “illegal” in some way (e.g., negative where
/// > only a non-negative value is physically meaningful).  If such a return is
/// > made, `cvode` will attempt to recover (possibly repeating the nonlinear solve,
/// > or reducing the step size) in order to avoid this recoverable error return.
pub enum RhsResult {
    /// Indicates that there was no error
    /// Indicate that there was a recoverable error and its code
    /// Indicatest hat there was a non recoverable error

/// Type of integration step
pub enum StepKind {
    /// The `NORMAL`option causes the solver to take internal steps
    /// until it has reached or just passed the user-specified time.
    /// The solver then interpolates in order to return an approximate
    /// value of y at the desired time.
    Normal = sundials_sys::CV_NORMAL,
    /// The `CV_ONE_STEP` option tells the solver to take just one
    /// internal step and then return thesolution at the point reached
    /// by that step.
    OneStep = sundials_sys::CV_ONE_STEP,

/// The error type for this crate
pub enum Error {
    NullPointerError { func_id: &'static str },
    ErrorCode { func_id: &'static str, flag: c_int },

/// An enum representing the choice between a scalar or vector absolute tolerance
pub enum AbsTolerance<const SIZE: usize> {

impl<const SIZE: usize> AbsTolerance<SIZE> {
    pub fn scalar(atol: Realtype) -> Self {

    pub fn vector(atol: &[Realtype; SIZE]) -> Self {
        let atol = NVectorSerialHeapAllocated::new_from(atol);

/// An enum representing the choice between scalars or vectors absolute tolerances
/// for sensitivities.
pub enum SensiAbsTolerance<const SIZE: usize, const N_SENSI: usize> {
    Scalar([Realtype; N_SENSI]),
    Vector([NVectorSerialHeapAllocated<SIZE>; N_SENSI]),

impl<const SIZE: usize, const N_SENSI: usize> SensiAbsTolerance<SIZE, N_SENSI> {
    pub fn scalar(atol: [Realtype; N_SENSI]) -> Self {

    pub fn vector(atol: &[[Realtype; SIZE]; N_SENSI]) -> Self {
                    .map(|arr| NVectorSerialHeapAllocated::new_from(arr)),

/// A short-hand for `std::result::Result<T, crate::Error>`
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

fn check_non_null<T>(ptr: *mut T, func_id: &'static str) -> Result<NonNull<T>> {
    NonNull::new(ptr).ok_or(Error::NullPointerError { func_id })

fn check_flag_is_succes(flag: c_int, func_id: &'static str) -> Result<()> {
    if flag == sundials_sys::CV_SUCCESS {
    } else {
        Err(Error::ErrorCode { flag, func_id })

struct CvodeMemoryBlock {
    _private: [u8; 0],

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct CvodeMemoryBlockNonNullPtr {
    ptr: NonNull<CvodeMemoryBlock>,

impl CvodeMemoryBlockNonNullPtr {
    fn new(ptr: NonNull<CvodeMemoryBlock>) -> Self {
        Self { ptr }

    fn as_raw(self) -> *mut c_void {
        self.ptr.as_ptr() as *mut c_void

impl From<NonNull<CvodeMemoryBlock>> for CvodeMemoryBlockNonNullPtr {
    fn from(x: NonNull<CvodeMemoryBlock>) -> Self {