cust 0.3.2

High level bindings to the CUDA Driver API
//! Routines for allocating and using CUDA Array Objects.
//! Detailed documentation about allocating CUDA Arrays can be found in the
//! [CUDA Driver API](

use crate::context::CurrentContext;
use crate::device::DeviceAttribute;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::sys::cuMemcpy2D_v2;
use crate::sys::cuMemcpyAtoH_v2;
use crate::sys::cuMemcpyHtoA_v2;
use crate::sys::CUDA_MEMCPY2D;
use crate::sys::{self as cuda, CUarray, CUarray_format, CUarray_format_enum};
use std::ffi::c_void;
use std::mem;
use std::mem::zeroed;
use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::os::raw::c_uint;
use std::ptr::null;
use std::ptr::null_mut;

/// Describes the format used for a CUDA Array.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ArrayFormat {
    /// Unsigned 8-bit integer
    /// Unsigned 16-bit integer
    /// Unsigned 32-bit integer
    /// Signed 8-bit integer
    /// Signed 16-bit integer
    /// Signed 32-bit integer
    /// Half-precision floating point number
    /// Single-precision floating point number

impl ArrayFormat {
    /// The size of this array format in bytes.
    pub fn mem_size(&self) -> usize {
        use ArrayFormat::*;

        match self {
            U8 | I8 => 1,
            U16 | I16 => 2,
            U32 | I32 | F32 => 4,
            F64 => 8,

mod private {
    pub trait Sealed {}

pub trait ArrayPrimitive: private::Sealed + Copy + Default {
    fn array_format() -> ArrayFormat;

impl private::Sealed for u8 {}
impl private::Sealed for u16 {}
impl private::Sealed for u32 {}
impl private::Sealed for i8 {}
impl private::Sealed for i16 {}
impl private::Sealed for i32 {}
impl private::Sealed for f32 {}
impl private::Sealed for f64 {}

impl ArrayPrimitive for u8 {
    fn array_format() -> ArrayFormat {

impl ArrayPrimitive for u16 {
    fn array_format() -> ArrayFormat {

impl ArrayPrimitive for u32 {
    fn array_format() -> ArrayFormat {

impl ArrayPrimitive for i8 {
    fn array_format() -> ArrayFormat {

impl ArrayPrimitive for i16 {
    fn array_format() -> ArrayFormat {

impl ArrayPrimitive for i32 {
    fn array_format() -> ArrayFormat {

impl ArrayPrimitive for f32 {
    fn array_format() -> ArrayFormat {

impl ArrayPrimitive for f64 {
    fn array_format() -> ArrayFormat {

impl ArrayFormat {
    /// Creates ArrayFormat from the CUDA Driver API enum
    pub fn from_raw(raw: CUarray_format) -> Self {
        match raw {
            CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_INT8 => ArrayFormat::U8,
            CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_INT16 => ArrayFormat::U16,
            CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_INT32 => ArrayFormat::U32,
            CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_SIGNED_INT8 => ArrayFormat::I8,
            CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_SIGNED_INT16 => ArrayFormat::I16,
            CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_SIGNED_INT32 => ArrayFormat::I32,
            CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_HALF => ArrayFormat::F32,
            CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_FLOAT => ArrayFormat::F64,
            // there are literally no docs on what nv12 is???
            // it seems to be something with multiplanar arrays, needs some investigation
            CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_NV12 => panic!("nv12 is not supported yet"),

    /// Converts ArrayFormat to the CUDA Driver API enum
    pub fn to_raw(self) -> CUarray_format {
        match self {
            ArrayFormat::U8 => CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_INT8,
            ArrayFormat::U16 => CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_INT16,
            ArrayFormat::U32 => CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_INT32,
            ArrayFormat::I8 => CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_SIGNED_INT8,
            ArrayFormat::I16 => CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_SIGNED_INT16,
            ArrayFormat::I32 => CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_SIGNED_INT32,
            ArrayFormat::F32 => CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_HALF,
            ArrayFormat::F64 => CUarray_format_enum::CU_AD_FORMAT_FLOAT,

bitflags::bitflags! {
    /// Flags which modify the behavior of CUDA array creation.
    pub struct ArrayObjectFlags: c_uint {
        /// Enables creation of layered CUDA arrays. When this flag is set, depth specifies the
        /// number of layers, not the depth of a 3D array.
        const LAYERED = cuda::CUDA_ARRAY3D_LAYERED;

        /// Enables surface references to be bound to the CUDA array.

        /// Enables creation of cubemaps. If this flag is set, Width must be equal to Height, and
        /// Depth must be six. If the `LAYERED` flag is also set, then Depth must be a multiple of
        /// six.
        const CUBEMAP = cuda::CUDA_ARRAY3D_CUBEMAP;

        /// Indicates that the CUDA array will be used for texture gather. Texture gather can only
        /// be performed on 2D CUDA arrays.

impl ArrayObjectFlags {
    /// Creates a default flags object with no flags set.
    pub fn new() -> Self {

/// Describes a CUDA Array
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct ArrayDescriptor {
    desc: cuda::CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR,

impl ArrayDescriptor {
    /// Constructs an ArrayDescriptor from a CUDA Driver API Array Descriptor.
    pub fn from_raw(desc: cuda::CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR) -> Self {
        Self { desc }

    /// Constructs an ArrayDescriptor from dimensions, format, num_channels, and flags.
    pub fn new(
        dims: [usize; 3],
        format: ArrayFormat,
        num_channels: c_uint,
        flags: ArrayObjectFlags,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            desc: cuda::CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR {
                Width: dims[0],
                Height: dims[1],
                Depth: dims[2],
                Format: format.to_raw(),
                NumChannels: num_channels,
                Flags: flags.bits(),

    /// Creates a new ArrayDescriptor from a set of dimensions and format.
    pub fn from_dims_format(dims: [usize; 3], format: ArrayFormat) -> Self {
        Self {
            desc: cuda::CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR {
                Width: dims[0],
                Height: dims[1],
                Depth: dims[2],
                Format: format.to_raw(),
                NumChannels: 1,
                Flags: ArrayObjectFlags::default().bits(),

    /// Returns the dimensions of the ArrayDescriptor
    pub fn dims(&self) -> [usize; 3] {
        [self.desc.Width, self.desc.Height, self.desc.Depth]

    /// Sets the dimensions of the ArrayDescriptor
    pub fn set_dims(&mut self, dims: [usize; 3]) {
        self.desc.Width = dims[0];
        self.desc.Height = dims[1];
        self.desc.Depth = dims[2];

    /// Returns the width of the ArrayDescripor
    pub fn width(&self) -> usize {

    /// Sets the width of the ArrayDescriptor
    pub fn set_width(&mut self, width: usize) {
        self.desc.Width = width;

    /// Returns the height of the ArrayDescripor
    pub fn height(&self) -> usize {

    /// Sets the height of the ArrayDescriptor
    pub fn set_height(&mut self, height: usize) {
        self.desc.Height = height;

    /// Returns the depth of the ArrayDescripor
    pub fn depth(&self) -> usize {

    /// Sets the depth of the ArrayDescriptor
    pub fn set_depth(&mut self, depth: usize) {
        self.desc.Depth = depth;

    /// Returns the format of the ArrayDescripor
    pub fn format(&self) -> ArrayFormat {

    /// Sets the format of the ArrayDescriptor
    pub fn set_format(&mut self, format: ArrayFormat) {
        self.desc.Format = format.to_raw();

    /// Returns the number of channels in the ArrayDescriptor
    pub fn num_channels(&self) -> c_uint {

    /// Sets the number of channels in the ArrayDescriptor
    pub fn set_num_channels(&mut self, num_channels: c_uint) {
        self.desc.NumChannels = num_channels;

    /// Returns the flags of the ArrayDescriptor
    pub fn flags(&self) -> ArrayObjectFlags {

    /// Sets the flags of the ArrayDescriptor.
    pub fn set_flags(&mut self, flags: ArrayObjectFlags) {
        self.desc.Flags = flags.bits();

/// A CUDA Array. Can be bound to a texture or surface.
pub struct ArrayObject {
    pub(crate) handle: CUarray,

unsafe impl Send for ArrayObject {}
unsafe impl Sync for ArrayObject {}

impl ArrayObject {
    pub(crate) fn into_raw(self) -> CUarray {

    /// Constructs a generic ArrayObject from an `ArrayDescriptor`.
    pub fn from_descriptor(descriptor: &ArrayDescriptor) -> CudaResult<Self> {
        // We validate the descriptor up front in debug mode. This provides a good error message to
        // the user when they get something wrong, but doesn't re-validate in release mode.
        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
                "Cannot allocate an array with 0 Width"

            if !descriptor.flags().contains(ArrayObjectFlags::LAYERED) && descriptor.depth() > 0 {
                    "If Depth is non-zero and the descriptor is not LAYERED, then Height must also \
                    be non-zero."

            if descriptor.flags().contains(ArrayObjectFlags::CUBEMAP) {
                    "Height and Width must be equal for CUBEMAP arrays."

                if descriptor.flags().contains(ArrayObjectFlags::LAYERED) {
                        descriptor.depth() % 6,
                        "Depth must be a multiple of 6 when the array descriptor is for a LAYERED \
                } else {
                        "Depth must be equal to 6 when the array descriptor is for a CUBEMAP."

                descriptor.num_channels() == 1
                    || descriptor.num_channels() == 2
                    || descriptor.num_channels() == 4,
                "NumChannels was set to {}. It must be 1, 2, or 4.",

            // Exhaustively check bounds of arrays
            let device = CurrentContext::get_device()?;

            let attr = |attr| Ok(1..=(device.get_attribute(attr)? as usize));

            let (description, bounds) = if descriptor.flags().contains(ArrayObjectFlags::CUBEMAP) {
                if descriptor.flags().contains(ArrayObjectFlags::LAYERED) {
                        "Layered Cubemap",
                } else {
            } else if descriptor.flags().contains(ArrayObjectFlags::LAYERED) {
                if descriptor.height() > 0 {
                        "2D Layered",
                } else {
                        "1D Layered",
            } else if descriptor.depth() > 0 {
            } else if descriptor.height() > 0 {
                if descriptor
                        "2D Texture Gather",
                } else {
            } else {
                assert!(descriptor.width() > 0);
                    vec![[attr(DeviceAttribute::MaximumTexture1DWidth)?, 0..=0, 0..=0]],

            let bounds_invalid = |x: &[::std::ops::RangeInclusive<usize>; 3]| {
                (descriptor.width() >= *x[0].start() && descriptor.width() <= *x[0].end())
                    && (descriptor.height() >= *x[1].start() && descriptor.height() <= *x[1].end())
                    && (descriptor.depth() >= *x[2].start() && descriptor.depth() <= *x[2].end())

                "The dimensions of the {} ArrayObject did not fall within the valid bounds for \
                the array. descriptor = {:?}, dims = {:?}, valid bounds = {:?}",
                [descriptor.width(), descriptor.height(), descriptor.depth()],

        let mut handle = MaybeUninit::uninit();
        unsafe { cuda::cuArray3DCreate_v2(handle.as_mut_ptr(), &descriptor.desc) }.to_result()?;
        Ok(Self {
            handle: unsafe { handle.assume_init() },

    /// Allocates a new CUDA Array that is up to 3-dimensions.
    /// `dims` contains the extents of the array. `dims[0]` must be non-zero. `dims[1]` must be
    /// non-zero if `dims[2]` is non-zero. The rank of the array is equal to the number of non-zero
    /// `dims`.
    /// `format` determines the data-type of the array.
    /// `num_channels` determines the number of channels per array element (1, 2, or 4).
    /// ```
    /// # use cust::*;
    /// # use std::error::Error;
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    /// # let _ctx = quick_init()?;
    /// use cust::memory::array::{ArrayObject, ArrayFormat};
    /// let one_dim_array = ArrayObject::new([10, 0, 0], ArrayFormat::F32, 1)?;
    /// let two_dim_array = ArrayObject::new([10, 12, 0], ArrayFormat::F32, 1)?;
    /// let three_dim_array = ArrayObject::new([10, 12, 14], ArrayFormat::F32, 1)?;
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn new(dims: [usize; 3], format: ArrayFormat, num_channels: c_uint) -> CudaResult<Self> {

    /// Allocates a new 1D CUDA Array.
    /// `width` must be non-zero.
    /// `format` determines the data-type of the array.
    /// `num_channels` determines the number of channels per array element (1, 2, or 4).
    /// ```
    /// # use cust::*;
    /// # use std::error::Error;
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    /// # let _ctx = quick_init()?;
    /// use cust::memory::array::{ArrayObject, ArrayFormat};
    /// // Allocates a 1D array of 10 single-precision, single-channel floating point values.
    /// let one_dim_array = ArrayObject::new_1d(10, ArrayFormat::F32, 1)?;
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn new_1d(width: usize, format: ArrayFormat, num_channels: c_uint) -> CudaResult<Self> {
            [width, 0, 0],

    /// Allocates a new CUDA Array that is up to 2-dimensions.
    /// `dims` contains the extents of the array. `dims[0]` must be non-zero. The rank of the array
    /// is equal to the number of non-zero `dims`.
    /// `format` determines the data-type of the array.
    /// `num_channels` determines the number of channels per array element (1, 2, or 4).
    /// ```
    /// # use cust::*;
    /// # use std::error::Error;
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    /// # let _ctx = quick_init()?;
    /// use cust::memory::array::{ArrayObject, ArrayFormat};
    /// // Allocates an 8x24 array of single-precision, single-channel floating point values.
    /// let one_dim_array = ArrayObject::new_2d([8, 24], ArrayFormat::F32, 1)?;
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn new_2d(dims: [usize; 2], format: ArrayFormat, num_channels: c_uint) -> CudaResult<Self> {
            [dims[0], dims[1], 0],

    /// Creates a new Layered 1D or 2D CUDA Array.
    /// `dims` contains the extents of the array. `dims[0]` must be non-zero. The rank of the array
    /// is equivalent to the number of non-zero dimensions.
    /// `num_layers` determines the number of layers in the array.
    /// `format` determines the data-type of the array.
    /// `num_channels` determines the number of channels per array element (1, 2, or 4).
    /// ```
    /// # use cust::*;
    /// # use std::error::Error;
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    /// # let _ctx = quick_init()?;
    /// use cust::memory::array::{ArrayObject, ArrayFormat};
    /// // Allocates a 7x8 array with 10 layers of single-precision, single-channel floating
    /// // point values.
    /// let layered_array = ArrayObject::new_layered([7, 8], 10, ArrayFormat::F32, 1)?;
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn new_layered(
        dims: [usize; 2],
        num_layers: usize,
        format: ArrayFormat,
        num_channels: c_uint,
    ) -> CudaResult<Self> {
            [dims[0], dims[1], num_layers],

    /// Creates a new Layered 1D CUDA Array.
    /// `width` must be non-zero.
    /// `num_layers` determines the number of layers in the array.
    /// `format` determines the data-type of the array.
    /// `num_channels` determines the number of channels per array element (1, 2, or 4).
    /// ```
    /// # use cust::*;
    /// # use std::error::Error;
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    /// # let _ctx = quick_init()?;
    /// use cust::memory::array::{ArrayObject, ArrayFormat};
    /// // Allocates a 5-element array with 10 layers of single-precision, single-channel floating
    /// // point values.
    /// let layered_array = ArrayObject::new_layered_1d(5, 10, ArrayFormat::F32, 1)?;
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn new_layered_1d(
        width: usize,
        num_layers: usize,
        format: ArrayFormat,
        num_channels: c_uint,
    ) -> CudaResult<Self> {
            [width, 0, num_layers],

    /// Creates a new Cubemap CUDA Array. The array is represented as 6 side x side 2D arrays.
    /// `side` is the length of an edge of the cube.
    /// `format` determines the data-type of the array.
    /// `num_channels` determines the number of channels per array element (1, 2, or 4).
    /// ```
    /// # use cust::*;
    /// # use std::error::Error;
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    /// # let _ctx = quick_init()?;
    /// use cust::memory::array::{ArrayObject, ArrayFormat};
    /// // Allocates an 8x8 Cubemap array of single-precision, single-channel floating point
    /// // numbers.
    /// let layered_array = ArrayObject::new_cubemap(8, ArrayFormat::F32, 1)?;
    /// // All non-layered cubemap arrays have a depth of 6.
    /// assert_eq!(6, layered_array.descriptor()?.depth());
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn new_cubemap(side: usize, format: ArrayFormat, num_channels: c_uint) -> CudaResult<Self> {
            [side, side, 6],

    /// Creates a new Layered Cubemap CUDA Array. The array is represented as multiple 6 side x side
    /// 2D arrays.
    /// `side` is the length of an edge of the cube.
    /// `num_layers` is the number of cubemaps in the array. The actual "depth" of the array is
    /// `num_layers * 6`.
    /// `format` determines the data-type of the array.
    /// `num_channels` determines the number of channels per array element (1, 2, or 4).
    /// ```
    /// # use cust::*;
    /// # use std::error::Error;
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    /// # let _ctx = quick_init()?;
    /// use cust::memory::array::{ArrayObject, ArrayFormat};
    /// // Allocates an 8x8 Layered Cubemap array of single-precision, single-channel floating point
    /// // values with 5 layers.
    /// let layered_array = ArrayObject::new_layered_cubemap(8, 5, ArrayFormat::F32, 1)?;
    /// // The depth of a layered cubemap array is equal to the number of layers * 6.
    /// assert_eq!(30, layered_array.descriptor()?.depth());
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn new_layered_cubemap(
        side: usize,
        num_layers: usize,
        format: ArrayFormat,
        num_channels: c_uint,
    ) -> CudaResult<Self> {
            [side, side, num_layers * 6],
            ArrayObjectFlags::CUBEMAP | ArrayObjectFlags::LAYERED,

    /// Gets the descriptor associated with this array.
    pub fn descriptor(&self) -> CudaResult<ArrayDescriptor> {
        // Use "zeroed" incase CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR has uninitialized padding
        let mut raw_descriptor = MaybeUninit::zeroed();
        unsafe { cuda::cuArray3DGetDescriptor_v2(raw_descriptor.as_mut_ptr(), self.handle) }

        Ok(ArrayDescriptor::from_raw(unsafe {

    /// Try to destroy an `ArrayObject`. Can fail - if it does, returns the CUDA error and the
    /// un-destroyed array object
    pub fn drop(array: ArrayObject) -> DropResult<ArrayObject> {
        match unsafe { cuda::cuArrayDestroy(array.handle) }.to_result() {
            Ok(()) => Ok(()),
            Err(e) => Err((e, array)),

    /// Copy data from the host to the array on the device. **This will not check if the formats match, it does
    /// however check for memory size mismatch**.
    /// For example, you can copy a `[u32; 2]` value to a `[u8; 8]` array just fine, but not to a `[u8; 10]` array.
    pub fn copy_from<T: ArrayPrimitive, U: AsRef<[T]>>(&mut self, val: &U) -> CudaResult<()> {
        let val = val.as_ref();
        let desc = self.descriptor()?;
        let self_size = desc.width()
            * desc.height().max(1)
            * desc.depth().max(1)
            * desc.num_channels() as usize
            * desc.format().mem_size();
        let other_size = mem::size_of_val(val);
        assert_eq!(self_size, other_size, "Array and value sizes don't match");
        unsafe {
            if desc.height() == 0 && desc.depth() == 0 {
                cuMemcpyHtoA_v2(self.handle, 0, val.as_ptr() as *const c_void, self_size)
            } else if desc.depth() == 0 {
                let desc = CUDA_MEMCPY2D {
                    Height: desc.height(),
                    WidthInBytes: desc.width()
                        * desc.num_channels() as usize
                        * desc.format().mem_size(),
                    dstArray: self.handle,
                    dstDevice: 0,
                    dstHost: null_mut(),
                    dstMemoryType: cuda::CUmemorytype_enum::CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY,
                    dstPitch: 0,
                    dstXInBytes: 0,
                    dstY: 0,
                    srcArray: null_mut(),
                    srcDevice: 0,
                    srcHost: val.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
                    srcMemoryType: cuda::CUmemorytype_enum::CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST,
                    srcPitch: 0,
                    srcXInBytes: 0,
                    srcY: 0,
                cuMemcpy2D_v2(&desc as *const _).to_result()
            } else {

    /// Copy data from the array to the host. **This will not check if the formats match, it does
    /// however check for memory size mismatch**.
    /// For example, you can copy a `[u32; 2]` value to a `[u8; 8]` array just fine, but not to a `[u8; 10]` array.
    pub fn copy_to<T: ArrayPrimitive, U: AsMut<[T]>>(&self, val: &mut U) -> CudaResult<()> {
        let val = val.as_mut();
        let desc = self.descriptor()?;
        let self_size = desc.width()
            * desc.height().max(1)
            * desc.depth().max(1)
            * desc.num_channels() as usize
            * desc.format().mem_size();
        let other_size = mem::size_of_val(val);
        assert_eq!(self_size, other_size, "Array and value sizes don't match");
        unsafe {
            if desc.height() == 0 && desc.depth() == 0 {
                cuMemcpyAtoH_v2(val.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void, self.handle, 0, self_size)
            } else if desc.depth() == 0 {
                let width = desc.width() * desc.num_channels() as usize * desc.format().mem_size();
                let desc = CUDA_MEMCPY2D {
                    Height: desc.height(),
                    WidthInBytes: width,
                    dstArray: null_mut(),
                    dstDevice: 0,
                    dstHost: val.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
                    dstMemoryType: cuda::CUmemorytype_enum::CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST,
                    dstPitch: 0,
                    dstXInBytes: 0,
                    dstY: 0,
                    srcArray: self.handle,
                    srcDevice: 0,
                    srcHost: null(),
                    srcMemoryType: cuda::CUmemorytype_enum::CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY,
                    srcPitch: 0,
                    srcXInBytes: 0,
                    srcY: 0,
                cuMemcpy2D_v2(&desc as *const _).to_result()?;
            } else {

    /// Copy data from the array into a vec on the host. **This will not check if the formats match, it does
    /// however yield a correct vec**. Format mismatch and especially format size mismatch may yield incorrect (but not unsound!)
    /// behavior
    pub fn as_host_vec<T: ArrayPrimitive>(&self) -> CudaResult<Vec<T>> {
        let desc = self.descriptor()?;
        let self_size = desc.width()
            * desc.height().max(1)
            * desc.depth().max(1)
            * desc.num_channels() as usize
            * desc.format().mem_size();

        let len = self_size / T::array_format().mem_size();
        unsafe {
            // SAFETY: anything ArrayPrimitive is a number and therefore zeroable.
            let mut vec = vec![zeroed(); len];
            self.copy_to(&mut vec)?;

impl std::fmt::Debug for ArrayObject {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {

impl Drop for ArrayObject {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { cuda::cuArrayDestroy(self.handle) };

// impl<I: AsRef<[T]> + AsMut<[T]>, T: ArrayPrimitive + DeviceCopy> CopyDestination<I>
//     for ArrayObject
// {
//     fn copy_from(&mut self, val: &I) -> CudaResult<()> {
//         let val = val.as_ref();
//         assert!(
//             self.len() == val.len(),
//             "destination and source slices have different lengths"
//         );
//         let size = mem::size_of::<T>() * self.len();
//         if size != 0 {
//             unsafe {
//                 cuda::cuMemcpyHtoD_v2(
//                     self.0.as_mut_ptr() as u64,
//                     val.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
//                     size,
//                 )
//                 .to_result()?
//             }
//         }
//         Ok(())
//     }

//     fn copy_to(&self, val: &mut I) -> CudaResult<()> {
//         let val = val.as_mut();
//         assert!(
//             self.len() == val.len(),
//             "destination and source slices have different lengths"
//         );
//         let size = mem::size_of::<T>() * self.len();
//         if size != 0 {
//             unsafe {
//                 cuda::cuMemcpyDtoH_v2(val.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void, self.as_ptr() as u64, size)
//                     .to_result()?
//             }
//         }
//         Ok(())
//     }
// }

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn descriptor_round_trip() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let obj = ArrayObject::new([1, 2, 3], ArrayFormat::F64, 2).unwrap();

        let descriptor = obj.descriptor().unwrap();
        assert_eq!([1, 2, 3], descriptor.dims());
        assert_eq!(ArrayFormat::F64, descriptor.format());
        assert_eq!(2, descriptor.num_channels());
        assert_eq!(ArrayObjectFlags::default(), descriptor.flags());

    fn allow_1d_arrays() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let obj = ArrayObject::new([10, 0, 0], ArrayFormat::F64, 1).unwrap();

        let descriptor = obj.descriptor().unwrap();
        assert_eq!([10, 0, 0], descriptor.dims());

    fn allow_2d_arrays() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let obj = ArrayObject::new([10, 20, 0], ArrayFormat::F64, 1).unwrap();

        let descriptor = obj.descriptor().unwrap();
        assert_eq!([10, 20, 0], descriptor.dims());

    fn allow_1d_layered_arrays() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let obj = ArrayObject::new_layered([10, 0], 20, ArrayFormat::F64, 1).unwrap();

        let descriptor = obj.descriptor().unwrap();
        assert_eq!([10, 0, 20], descriptor.dims());
        assert_eq!(ArrayObjectFlags::LAYERED, descriptor.flags());

    fn allow_cubemaps() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let obj = ArrayObject::new_cubemap(4, ArrayFormat::F64, 1).unwrap();

        let descriptor = obj.descriptor().unwrap();
        assert_eq!([4, 4, 6], descriptor.dims());
        assert_eq!(ArrayObjectFlags::CUBEMAP, descriptor.flags());

    fn allow_layered_cubemaps() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let obj = ArrayObject::new_layered_cubemap(4, 4, ArrayFormat::F64, 1).unwrap();

        let descriptor = obj.descriptor().unwrap();
        assert_eq!([4, 4, 24], descriptor.dims());
            ArrayObjectFlags::CUBEMAP | ArrayObjectFlags::LAYERED,

    fn fail_on_zero_width_1d_array() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let _ = ArrayObject::new_1d(0, ArrayFormat::F64, 1).unwrap();

    fn fail_on_zero_size_widths() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let _ = ArrayObject::new([0, 10, 20], ArrayFormat::F64, 1).unwrap();

    fn fail_cubemaps_with_unmatching_width_height() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let mut descriptor = ArrayDescriptor::from_dims_format([2, 3, 6], ArrayFormat::F64);

        let _ = ArrayObject::from_descriptor(&descriptor).unwrap();

    fn fail_cubemaps_with_non_six_depth() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let mut descriptor = ArrayDescriptor::from_dims_format([4, 4, 5], ArrayFormat::F64);

        let _ = ArrayObject::from_descriptor(&descriptor).unwrap();

    fn fail_cubemaps_with_non_six_multiple_depth() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let mut descriptor = ArrayDescriptor::from_dims_format([4, 4, 10], ArrayFormat::F64);
        descriptor.set_flags(ArrayObjectFlags::LAYERED | ArrayObjectFlags::CUBEMAP);

        let _ = ArrayObject::from_descriptor(&descriptor).unwrap();

    fn fail_with_depth_without_height() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let _ = ArrayObject::new([10, 0, 20], ArrayFormat::F64, 1).unwrap();

    fn fails_on_invalid_num_channels() {
        let _context = crate::quick_init().unwrap();

        let _ = ArrayObject::new([1, 2, 3], ArrayFormat::F64, 3).unwrap();