cursive-multiplex 0.1.1

A tmux like multiplexer for gyscos/cursive views

This project is work-in-progress

How to use

To use cursive-multiplex in your cursive application add to your crate root

extern crate cursive_multiplex;

And then use the MuxBuilder to build a new Mux View

let builder = cursive_multiplex::MuxBuilder::new();
let (mut mux, root_node)_="Hello World!".to_string()));

With the MuxBuilder defaults are automatically set for controls of course you can still change them, have a look at the docs.

Adding views

You can add views by giving a path or an id to an existing node e.g.

let new_node = mux.add_horizontal_id(cursive::views::TextView::new("Foo"), node1).unwrap();

Its also possible to add views by their path.

let new_node = mux.add_horizontal_path(cursive::views::TextView::new("Foo", Path::LeftOrUp(Box::new(None))));

Returned will be a Result Ok contains the new id assigned to the view, or an error in case of failure.

Removing Views

You can also remove views, by giving the id of the views.


On success the id of the removed node is returned.

Switch Views

If you want to reorder your views you can easily switch them by using

mux.switch_views(new_node, old_node)?;

Add to your project

Add the crate to your Cargo.toml under dependencies

cursive-multiplex = "0.1.0"


If you find any bugs/unexpected behaviour or you have a proposition for future changes open an issue describing the current behaviour and what you expected.



Running the tests

Preparing integration tests

In order to run the integration tests, you first need to install a recent version of npm!

After npm is installed, install required dependencies:

$ ./scripts/

This will use npm to install jest and shellshot in the `tests** folder.

Running all test suites

Just run

$ cargo test

to execute all available tests. endpoints endpoints are generated inside the ./target/shields folder. They are used in this README.


Fin Christensen

:octocat: @fin-ger
:bird: @fin_ger_github

Johannes Wünsche

:octocat: @jwuensche
:bird: @Fredowald

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