Crate currencies

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§💰 currencies Build Status MIT License

This crate allows for generic manipulation of currencies (both real-world and cryptocurrencies) via the Amount struct and the Currency trait.

The Amount struct is able to represent arbitrary amounts of any supported Currency with the ability to restrict the underlying currencies at compile-time to only allow checked arithmetic operations and requires consuming an Option in all fallible circumstances.

§Currency math

use currencies::{*, currency::*};

let apple_cost = amt!(USD, "$3.24");
let orange_cost = Amount::<USD>::from_raw(7_97);
assert!(apple_cost < orange_cost);
assert!(apple_cost + orange_cost > orange_cost);
assert_eq!(format!("{}", apple_cost * orange_cost), "$25.82");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", apple_cost * 3), "$9.72");

let mut total = amt!(DOT, "57622449841.0000000004 DOT");
total -= amt!(DOT, "1000.0 DOT");
total *= Amount::from_raw(2_0000000000u64.into());
assert_eq!(format!("{}", total), "115244897682.0000000008 DOT");

§Checked Math

use currencies::{*, currency::*, safety::*};

// When using currency amounts with `Safety = Checked`, the Amount struct has been specially set
// up so that only checked math will be allowed, and you can still use the normal
// operator-based syntax. Thus currency amounts like this should never panic and are
// suitable for use in critical/infallible environments.

let drink_cost = amt_checked!(USD, "$6.29");
let movie_cost = Amount::<USD, Checked>::from_raw(24_99);
let Some(outing_cost) = drink_cost + movie_cost else {
	unimplemented!("compiler forces you to handle this!")
assert_eq!(format!("{}", outing_cost), "$31.28");





  • Automatically implemented on types capable of being used as the “base” / backing type for an Amount of Currency.
  • Uniquely defines a particular currency, such as USD, BTC, or ETH.