cubic_spline 0.9.3

Function that calculates curve points for cubic spline

cubic_spline npm

Interpolation methods for computation of cubic spline points within the range of a discrete set of known points.

Online documentation Demo


use cubic_spline::{CalcPoints, SplineOptsBuilder, SplineResult, SrcPoints};

let points = vec![(10.0, 200.0), (256.0, 390.0), (512.0, 10.0), (778.0, 200.0)];

let opts = SplineOptsBuilder::new()

let pts: SrcPoints<(f64, f64)> = SrcPoints::new(&points);
let mut result = SplineResult::<(f64, f64)>::new();
pts.calc(&opts, &mut result);

assert_eq!(result.get().len(), 51);

// Same as:
use cubic_spline::{Spline};
let spline_points = Spline::from_tuples(&points, &opts);

assert_eq!(spline_points.len(), 51);

For now source and resulting points may be Vec<f64> - (vec![x,y,x,y,...]) or Vec<(f64, f64)> - (vec![(x,y),(x,y), ...]). For this types of points there are two helper functions Spline::from_flatten_points and Spline::from_tuples

Custom points

If you allready have some points to avoid unnecessary copying, creating new Vec etc. you can implement GetPoint trait. And if you need some particular result implement PushPoint.


use cubic_spline::{CalcPoints,SrcPoints,SplineResult,PushPoint,GetPoint,SplineOpts};

struct MyPoint {
  pub top: f32,
  pub left: f32,
  pub label: Option<String>,

struct MyResult<T>(T);
struct MySrcPoints<T>(T);

impl<'a> GetPoint for MySrcPoints<SrcPoints<'a, MyPoint>> {
  fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<(f64, f64)> {
    self.0.pts().get(index).and_then(|p| {
      Some((f64::from(p.left), f64::from(
  fn len(&self) -> usize {

impl PushPoint for MyResult<SplineResult<MyPoint>> {
  fn push_spline_point(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
    let calculated_point = MyPoint { top: y as f32, left: x as f32, label: None };

impl<'a> CalcPoints for MySrcPoints<SrcPoints<'a, MyPoint>> {}

let points: Vec<MyPoint> = vec![];
let pts = MySrcPoints(SrcPoints::new(&points));
let mut result = MyResult(SplineResult::default());
pts.calc(&SplineOpts::default(), &mut result);

See here for implementation example

Example for js

import { getCurvePoints } from 'cubic-spline-rs'

const NUM_OF_SEGMENTS = 22

const points = [10.0, 200.0, 256.0, 390.0, 512.0, 10.0, 778.0, 200.0]

const curvePoints = getCurvePoints( points, {
  num_of_segments: NUM_OF_SEGMENTS, // *optional
  // tension: 0.5, // *optional
} )

If you want to draw result points to canvas - code like this:

const ctx = getMyCanvas2DContext()

ctx.lineWidth = 3
ctx.strokeStyle = '#ffcc00'

ctx.moveTo(curvePoints[0], curvePoints[1])
const length = curvePoints.length - 1
for (let i = 2; i < length; i += 2) {
  ctx.lineTo(curvePoints[i], curvePoints[i + 1])


See example here.


Name Type Default Description
tension f64 0.5 Tension
num_of_segments u32 16 Number of calculated points between known points
invert_x_with_width Option<u32> None If set to Some(canvas_width) generated points will be inverted by X-axis.
invert_y_with_height Option<u32> None If set to Some(canvas_height) generated points will be inverted by Y-axis.
hidden_point_at_start Option<(f64,f64)> None A point that will not be drawn, but the beginning of the graph will bend as if it is there.
hidden_point_at_end Option<(f64,f64)> None A point that will not be drawn, but the end of the graph will bend as if it is there.
use cubic_spline::{SplineOpts, SplineOptsBuilder};
let opts = SplineOpts {
  tension: 0.6,

// or use builder

let opts2 = SplineOptsBuilder::new()

Enjoy using!


This module is MIT licensed.