css-inline 0.14.1

High-performance library for inlining CSS into HTML 'style' attributes
# css-inline

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`css_inline` is a high-performance library for inlining CSS into HTML 'style' attributes.

This library is designed for scenarios such as preparing HTML emails or embedding HTML into third-party web pages.

For instance, the crate transforms HTML like this:

    <style>h1 { color:blue; }</style>
    <h1>Big Text</h1>


    <h1 style="color:blue;">Big Text</h1>

- Uses reliable components from Mozilla's Servo project
- Inlines CSS from `style` and `link` tags
- Removes `style` and `link` tags
- Resolves external stylesheets (including local files)
- Optionally caches external stylesheets
- Works on Linux, Windows, and macOS
- Supports HTML5 & CSS3
- Bindings for [Python]https://github.com/Stranger6667/css-inline/tree/master/bindings/python, [Ruby]https://github.com/Stranger6667/css-inline/tree/master/bindings/ruby, [JavaScript]https://github.com/Stranger6667/css-inline/tree/master/bindings/javascript, [C]https://github.com/Stranger6667/css-inline/tree/master/bindings/c, and a [WebAssembly]https://github.com/Stranger6667/css-inline/tree/master/bindings/javascript/wasm module to run in browsers.
- Command Line Interface

## Playground

If you'd like to try `css-inline`, you can check the WebAssembly-powered [playground](https://css-inline.org/) to see the results instantly.

## Installation

To include it in your project, add the following line to the dependencies section in your project's `Cargo.toml` file:

css-inline = "0.14"

The Minimum Supported Rust Version is 1.65.

## Usage

const HTML: &str = r#"<html>
    <style>h1 { color:blue; }</style>
    <h1>Big Text</h1>

fn main() -> css_inline::Result<()> {
    let inlined = css_inline::inline(HTML)?;
    // Do something with inlined HTML, e.g. send an email

Note that `css-inline` automatically adds missing `html` and `body` tags, so the output is a valid HTML document.

Alternatively, you can inline CSS into an HTML fragment, preserving the original structure:

const FRAGMENT: &str = r#"<main>
<p>who am i</p>

const CSS: &str = r#"
p {
    color: red;

h1 {
    color: blue;

fn main() -> css_inline::Result<()> {
    let inlined = css_inline::inline_fragment(FRAGMENT, CSS)?;

### Configuration

`css-inline` can be configured by using `CSSInliner::options()` that implements the Builder pattern:

const HTML: &str = "...";

fn main() -> css_inline::Result<()> {
    let inliner = css_inline::CSSInliner::options()
    let inlined = inliner.inline(HTML)?;
    // Do something with inlined HTML, e.g. send an email

- `inline_style_tags`. Specifies whether to inline CSS from "style" tags. Default: `true`
- `keep_style_tags`. Specifies whether to keep "style" tags after inlining. Default: `false`
- `keep_link_tags`. Specifies whether to keep "link" tags after inlining. Default: `false`
- `base_url`. The base URL used to resolve relative URLs. If you'd like to load stylesheets from your filesystem, use the `file://` scheme. Default: `None`
- `load_remote_stylesheets`. Specifies whether remote stylesheets should be loaded. Default: `true`
- `cache`. Specifies cache for external stylesheets. Default: `None`
- `extra_css`. Extra CSS to be inlined. Default: `None`
- `preallocate_node_capacity`. **Advanced**. Preallocates capacity for HTML nodes during parsing. This can improve performance when you have an estimate of the number of nodes in your HTML document. Default: `32`

You can also skip CSS inlining for an HTML tag by adding the `data-css-inline="ignore"` attribute to it:

  <style>h1 { color:blue; }</style>
  <!-- The tag below won't receive additional styles -->
  <h1 data-css-inline="ignore">Big Text</h1>

The `data-css-inline="ignore"` attribute also allows you to skip `link` and `style` tags:

  <!-- Styles below are ignored -->
  <style data-css-inline="ignore">h1 { color:blue; }</style>
  <h1>Big Text</h1>

Alternatively, you may keep `style` from being removed by using the `data-css-inline="keep"` attribute.
This is useful if you want to keep `@media` queries for responsive emails in separate `style` tags:

  <!-- Styles below are not removed -->
  <style data-css-inline="keep">h1 { color:blue; }</style>
  <h1>Big Text</h1>

Such tags will be kept in the resulting HTML even if the `keep_style_tags` option is set to `false`.

If you'd like to load stylesheets from your filesystem, use the `file://` scheme:

const HTML: &str = "...";

fn main() -> css_inline::Result<()> {
    let base_url = css_inline::Url::parse("file://styles/email/").expect("Invalid URL");
    let inliner = css_inline::CSSInliner::options()
    let inlined = inliner.inline(HTML);
    // Do something with inlined HTML, e.g. send an email

For resolving remote stylesheets it is possible to implement a custom resolver:

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct CustomStylesheetResolver;

impl css_inline::StylesheetResolver for CustomStylesheetResolver {
    fn retrieve(&self, location: &str) -> css_inline::Result<String> {
        Err(self.unsupported("External stylesheets are not supported"))

fn main() -> css_inline::Result<()> {
    let inliner = css_inline::CSSInliner::options()

You can also cache external stylesheets to avoid excessive network requests:

use std::num::NonZeroUsize;

#[cfg(feature = "stylesheet-cache")]
fn main() -> css_inline::Result<()> {
    let inliner = css_inline::CSSInliner::options()
            // This is an LRU cache
                NonZeroUsize::new(5).expect("Invalid cache size")

// This block is here for testing purposes
#[cfg(not(feature = "stylesheet-cache"))]
fn main() -> css_inline::Result<()> {

Caching is disabled by default.

## Performance

`css-inline` typically inlines HTML emails within hundreds of microseconds, though results may vary with input complexity.

Benchmarks for `css-inline==0.14.0`:

- Basic: **6.72 µs**, 230 bytes
- Realistic-1: **132.59 µs**, 8.58 KB
- Realistic-2: **86.01 µs**, 4.3 KB
- GitHub page: **228.97 ms**, 1.81 MB

These benchmarks, conducted using `rustc 1.77.1`, can be found in `css-inline/benches/inliner.rs`.

## Command Line Interface

### Installation

Install with `cargo`:

cargo install css-inline

### Usage

The following command inlines CSS in multiple documents in parallel. Resulting files will be saved
as `inlined.email1.html` and `inlined.email2.html`:

css-inline email1.html email2.html

For full details of the options available, you can use the `--help` flag:

css-inline --help

## Further reading

If you're interested in learning how this library was created and how it works internally, check out these articles:

- [Rust crate]https://dygalo.dev/blog/rust-for-a-pythonista-2/
- [Python bindings]https://dygalo.dev/blog/rust-for-a-pythonista-3/

## Support

If you have any questions or discussions related to this library, please join our [gitter](https://gitter.im/Stranger6667/css-inline)!

## License

This project is licensed under the terms of the <a href="LICENSE">MIT license</a>.