crystal-engine 0.4.0

A simple 3D engine
//! This is a prototype game engine, focussed on abstracting away all rendering logic and focussing purely on the game logic.
//! # Example
//! ```no_run
//! use cgmath::{Matrix4, Point3, Rad, Vector3};
//! use crystal_engine::{GameState, ModelHandle, Window, event::VirtualKeyCode};
//! fn main() {
//!     // Create a new instance of your game and run it
//!     let window = Window::<Game>::new(800., 600.).unwrap();
//! }
//! pub struct Game {
//!     // Your game state is stored here
//!     model: ModelHandle,
//! }
//! impl crystal_engine::Game for Game {
//!     fn init(state: &mut GameState) -> Self {
//!         // Load an object. This will automatically be rendered every frame
//!         // as long as the returned ModelHandle is not dropped.
//!         // Note that "new_obj_model" is only available when using the "format-obj" feature
//!         // for more information and different model formats, see the documentation of "GameState"
//!#        #[cfg(feature = "format-obj")]
//!         let model = state.new_obj_model("assets/some_object.obj")
//!             .with_position((0.0, -3.0, 0.0))
//!             .with_scale(0.3)
//!             .build()
//!             .unwrap();
//!#        #[cfg(not(feature = "format-obj"))]
//!#        let model: ModelHandle = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
//!         // Update the camera by manipulating the state's field
//! = Matrix4::look_at(
//!             Point3::new(0.3, 0.3, 1.0),
//!             Point3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
//!             Vector3::new(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
//!         );
//!         Self { model }
//!     }
//!     fn keydown(&mut self, state: &mut GameState, key: VirtualKeyCode) {
//!         // Exit the game when the user hits escape
//!         if key == VirtualKeyCode::Escape {
//!             state.terminate_game();
//!         }
//!     }
//!     fn update(&mut self, state: &mut GameState) {
//!         self.model.modify(|data| {
//!             // Rotate either left or right, based on what the user has pressed
//!             if state.keyboard.is_pressed(VirtualKeyCode::A) {
//!                 data.rotation.y -= Rad(0.05);
//!             }
//!             if state.keyboard.is_pressed(VirtualKeyCode::D) {
//!                 data.rotation.y += Rad(0.05);
//!             }
//!         });
//!     }
//! }
//! ```

#![allow(clippy::borrowed_box)] // There are two incorrect suggestions for this lint:

mod error;
mod game_state;
mod gui;
mod internal;
mod model;
mod render;

pub use self::{
    model::{ModelBuilder, ModelData, ModelHandle},
        lights::{DirectionalLight, LightColor, PointLight, PointLightAttenuation},
pub use rusttype::Font;

/// Contains the states that are used in [GameState]. These are in a seperate module so we don't pollute the base module documentation.
pub mod state {
    pub use crate::{
            GuiElementBuilder, GuiElementCanvasBuilder, GuiElementData, GuiElementTextureBuilder,
        render::lights::{FixedVec, LightState},

/// Re-exported module of `winit`, with some additional structs that are useful
pub mod event {
    pub use winit::{dpi::PhysicalPosition, event::*};

/// The entry point of the game implementation.
/// In your game you will have to implement this trait for your own Game object. See the main module documentation for an example.
pub trait Game {
    /// Create a new instance of the game. This will be called exactly once, whenever the game window is created.
    fn init(state: &mut GameState) -> Self;
    /// Update the game. This will be called every frame. Use this to implement your game logic.
    fn update(&mut self, state: &mut GameState);
    /// Checks if the game can shut down. This is called when a player tries to close the window by clicking X or pressing alt+f4
    fn can_shutdown(&mut self, _state: &mut GameState) -> bool {
    /// Triggered when a winit event is received.
    fn event(&mut self, _state: &mut GameState, _event: &event::WindowEvent) {}
    /// Triggered when a key is pressed.
    /// Note that the [GameState.keyboard](struct.GameState.html#structfield.keyboard) is updated *before* this method is called.
    /// This means that `state.keyboard.is_pressed(key)` will always return `true`.
    fn keydown(&mut self, _state: &mut GameState, _key: event::VirtualKeyCode) {}
    /// Triggered when a key is released.
    /// Note that the [GameState.keyboard](struct.GameState.html#structfield.keyboard) is updated *before* this method is called.
    /// This means that `state.keyboard.is_pressed(key)` will always return `false`.
    fn keyup(&mut self, _state: &mut GameState, _key: event::VirtualKeyCode) {}