
struct for typed errors of method derive_and_sync_new_change_addresses

struct for typed errors of method derive_and_sync_new_receiving_addresses

struct for typed errors of method get_hd_wallet__x_pub_y_pub_z_pub_assets

struct for typed errors of method get_hd_wallet__x_pub_y_pub_z_pub_details

struct for typed errors of method list_hd_wallet__x_pub_y_pub_z_pub_transactions

struct for typed errors of method list_hd_wallet__x_pub_y_pub_z_pub_utxos

struct for typed errors of method list_synced_addresses

struct for typed errors of method prepare_a_utxo_based_transaction_from_hd_wallet__x_pub_y_pub_z_pub

struct for typed errors of method prepare_an_account_based_transaction_from_hd_wallet__x_pub_y_pub_z_pub

struct for typed errors of method sync_hd_wallet__x_pub_y_pub_z_pub

struct for typed errors of method sync_new_hd_wallet__x_pub_y_pub_z_pub


Through this endpoint users can derive 100 change addresses, starting from the last index we have data for, which are then added to the xPub, subscribed for syncing, and start recording data. If no data is available, it will start from index 0.

Through this endpoint users can derive 100 receiving addresses, starting from the last index we have data for, which are then added to the xPub, subscribed for syncing, and start recording data. If no data is available, it will start from index 0.

This endpoint will return details on assets we support for a specified from the customer extended public key (xPub). These could be cryptocurrencies, fungible or non-fungible (NFT) tokens. Each asset has a unique identifier - assetId, and a unique symbol in the form of a string, e.g. "USDT".

HD wallet details is useful endpoint to get the most important data about HD wallet without the need to do a lot of calculations, once the HD Wallet is synced using Sync endpoint we keep it up to date and we calculate these details in advance.

This endpoint will list HD Wallet transactions.

Through this endpoint you can list HD wallet’s UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs) by providing extended public key of an already synced HD wallet.

Through this endpoint users can list all addresses that Crypto APIs has synced for a specific xPub. This includes previous and current/new xPubs, what addresses we’ve synced for them, etc.

Through the “Prepare a UTXO-based transaction from xPub” endpoint users can prepare a transaction for signing from all synced with Crypto APIs addresses for the specific xPub. This is based on the selectionStrategy and the addresses’ balances. In the case a user has an address not synced with Crypto APIs, it will not be included. This endpoint applies to all supported UTXO-based blockchain protocols, e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc.

Through the “Prepare an account-based transaction from xPub” endpoint users can prepare a transaction for signing from a synced with Crypto APIs address from the specific xPub. This endpoint applies to all supported account-based blockchain protocols, e.g. Ethereum, BSC, etc

HD wallets usually have a lot of addresses and transactions, getting the data on demand is a heavy operation. That’s why we have created this feature, to be able to get HD wallet details or transactions this HD wallet must be synced first. In addition to the initial sync we keep updating the synced HD wallets all the time.

Through this endpoint users can add a brand new xPub to the Crypto APIs system to be ready for deriving. Unlike our other similar endpoint “Sync HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub)”, this endpoint does not create new addresses nor syncs old data.