crypto-ws-client 0.7.0

A versatile websocket client that supports many cryptocurrency exchanges.
# crypto-ws-client


A versatile websocket client that supports many cryptocurrency exchanges.

## Usage

use crypto_ws_client::{BinanceSpotWSClient, WSClient};

fn main() {
    let mut ws_client = BinanceSpotWSClient::new(Box::new(|msg| println!("{}", msg)), None);
    let channels = vec!["btcusdt@aggTrade".to_string(), "btcusdt@depth".to_string(),];

## Contribution

### How to add support for a new exchange

#### 1. Add a new file under `src/clients/`

Define a struct in the file, with the same name as the file.

Define a customized `serialize_command()`.

Define a customized `on_misc_msg()` to handle misc messages.

Use `define_client!` macro to implement the `WSClient` trait.

#### 2. Add a new file under `tests/`

Add a new file under `tests/` and put some integration tests in it.