cross 0.1.15-dev

Zero setup cross compilation and cross testing
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::{Command, ExitStatus};
use std::{env, fs};

use atty::Stream;
use semver::{Version, VersionReq};

use {Target, Toml};
use cargo::Root;
use errors::*;
use extensions::CommandExt;
use id;

const DOCKER_IMAGES: &[&str] = &include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));

lazy_static! {
    /// Retrieve the Docker Daemon version.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the version cannot be retrieved or parsed
    static ref DOCKER_VERSION: Version = {
        let version_string = Command::new("docker")
                                .expect("Unable to obtain Docker version");
        // API versions don't have "patch" version
        Version::parse(&format!("{}.0", version_string.trim()))
            .expect("Cannot parse Docker engine version")

    /// Version requirements for user namespace.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the parsing fails
    static ref USERNS_REQUIREMENT: VersionReq = {
        VersionReq::parse(">= 1.24")
            .expect("Unable to parse version requirements")

/// Add the `userns` flag, if needed
pub fn docker_command(subcommand: &str) -> Command {
    let mut docker = Command::new("docker");
        docker.args(&["--userns", "host"]);

/// Register binfmt interpreters
pub fn register(target: &Target, verbose: bool) -> Result<()> {
    let cmd = if target.is_windows() {
        "mount binfmt_misc -t binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc && \
            echo ':wine:M::MZ::/usr/bin/run-detectors:' > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register"
    } else {
        "apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
            binfmt-support qemu-user-static"
        .args(&["sh", "-c", cmd])

pub fn run(target: &Target,
           args: &[String],
           root: &Root,
           toml: Option<&Toml>,
           uses_xargo: bool,
           sysroot: &PathBuf,
           verbose: bool)
           -> Result<ExitStatus> {
    let root = root.path();
    let home_dir = env::home_dir().ok_or_else(|| "couldn't get home directory. Is $HOME not set?")?;
    let cargo_dir = env::var_os("CARGO_HOME")
        .unwrap_or_else(|| home_dir.join(".cargo"));
    let xargo_dir = env::var_os("XARGO_HOME")
        .unwrap_or_else(|| home_dir.join(".xargo"));
    let target_dir = root.join("target");

    // create the directories we are going to mount before we mount them,
    // otherwise `docker` will create them but they will be owned by `root`

    let mut cmd = if uses_xargo {
    } else {

    // We create/regenerate the lockfile on the host system because the Docker
    // container doesn't have write access to the root of the Cargo project
    let cargo_toml = root.join("Cargo.toml");
        .chain_err(|| "couldn't generate Cargo.lock")?;

    let mut docker = docker_command("run");

        .args(&["--user", &format!("{}:{}", id::user(), id::group())])
        .args(&["-e", "XARGO_HOME=/xargo"])
        .args(&["-e", "CARGO_HOME=/cargo"])
        .args(&["-e", "CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/target"])
        .args(&["-e", &format!("USER={}", id::username().unwrap().unwrap())]);

    if let Ok(value) = env::var("QEMU_STRACE") {
        docker.args(&["-e", &format!("QEMU_STRACE={}", value)]);

    if let Ok(value) = env::var("CROSS_DEBUG") {
        docker.args(&["-e", &format!("CROSS_DEBUG={}", value)]);

    if let Ok(value) = env::var("DOCKER_OPTS") {
        let opts: Vec<&str> = value.split(" ").collect();

    let mut runner = None;

    if let Some(toml) = toml {
        for var in toml.env_passthrough(target)? {
            if var.contains("=") {
                bail!("environment variable names must not contain the '=' character");

            if var == "CROSS_RUNNER" {
                bail!("CROSS_RUNNER environment variable name is reserved and cannot be pass through");

            // Only specifying the environment variable name in the "-e"
            // flag forwards the value from the parent shell
            docker.args(&["-e", var]);

        runner = toml.runner(target)?;

        .args(&["-e", &format!("CROSS_RUNNER={}", runner.unwrap_or_else(|| String::new()))])
        .args(&["-v", &format!("{}:/xargo:Z", xargo_dir.display())])
        .args(&["-v", &format!("{}:/cargo:Z", cargo_dir.display())])
        .args(&["-v", "/cargo/bin"]) // Prevent `bin` from being mounted inside the Docker container.
        .args(&["-v", &format!("{}:/project:Z,ro", root.display())])
        .args(&["-v", &format!("{}:/rust:Z,ro", sysroot.display())])
        .args(&["-v", &format!("{}:/target:Z", target_dir.display())])
        .args(&["-w", "/project"]);

    if atty::is(Stream::Stdout) && atty::is(Stream::Stderr) {

        .args(&["-i", &image(toml, target)?])
        .args(&["sh", "-c", &format!("PATH=$PATH:/rust/bin {:?}", cmd)])

fn image(toml: Option<&Toml>, target: &Target) -> Result<String> {
    if let Some(toml) = toml {
        if let Some(image) = toml.image(target)?.map(|s| s.to_owned()) {
            return Ok(image)

    let triple = target.triple();

    if !DOCKER_IMAGES.contains(&triple) {
        bail!("cross does not provide docker image for {} target, \
               specify a custom image in Cross.toml", triple);

    let version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");

    let image = if version.contains("dev") || version.contains("alpha") {
        format!("reitermarkus/cross:{}", triple)
    } else {
        format!("reitermarkus/cross:{}-{}", triple, version)
