cranelift-codegen 0.24.0

Low-level code generator library
Generate constant hash tables.

The `constant_hash` module can generate constant pre-populated hash tables. We
don't attempt perfect hashing, but simply generate an open addressed
quadratically probed hash table.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from cdsl import next_power_of_two

    from typing import Any, List, Iterable, Callable  # noqa
except ImportError:

def simple_hash(s):
    # type: (str) -> int
    Compute a primitive hash of a string.

        >>> "0x%x" % simple_hash("Hello")
        >>> "0x%x" % simple_hash("world")
    h = 5381
    for c in s:
        h = ((h ^ ord(c)) + ((h >> 6) + (h << 26))) & 0xffffffff
    return h

def compute_quadratic(items, hash_function):
    # type: (Iterable[Any], Callable[[Any], int]) -> List[Any]
    Compute an open addressed, quadratically probed hash table containing
    `items`. The returned table is a list containing the elements of the
    iterable `items` and `None` in unused slots.

    :param items: Iterable set of items to place in hash table.
    :param hash_function: Hash function which takes an item and returns a

    Simple example (see hash values above, they collide on slot 1):
        >>> compute_quadratic(['Hello', 'world'], simple_hash)
        [None, 'Hello', 'world', None]

    items = list(items)
    # Table size must be a power of two. Aim for >20% unused slots.
    size = next_power_of_two(int(1.20*len(items)))
    table = [None] * size  # type: List[Any]

    for i in items:
        h = hash_function(i) % size
        s = 0
        while table[h] is not None:
            s += 1
            h = (h + s) % size
        table[h] = i

    return table