cov 0.0.5

gcov format (*.gcda/*.gcno) parser and analyzer in pure Rust
//! Errors related to the `cov` crate.
//! Please see documentation of the [`error-chain` crate]( for detailed
//! usage.

#![allow(renamed_and_removed_lints, unused_doc_comments)]
// ^ remove a release with is published.

use raw::{Ident, Type, Version};

use std::{fmt, io};
use std::error::Error as StdError;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::result::Result as StdResult;

error_chain! {
    foreign_links {
        Io(io::Error) /** Wrapper of standard I/O error. */;
        Json(::serde_json::Error) #[cfg(feature="serde_json")] /** Wrapper of JSON error. */;

    errors {
        /// Trying to read a file which is not GCNO/GCDA format.
        UnknownFileType(magic: u32) {
            description("unknown file type")
            display("unknown file type, magic 0x{:08x} not recognized", magic)

        /// Version of a [`Gcov`] does not match that of the [`Graph`] when using [`merge()`].
        /// [`Gcov`]: ../raw/struct.Gcov.html
        /// [`Graph`]: ../graph/struct.Graph.html
        /// [`merge()`]: ../graph/struct.Graph.html#method.merge
        VersionMismatch(expected: Version, actual: Version) {
            description("version mismatch")
            display("version mismatch, existing graph has \"{}\", incoming file has \"{}\"", expected, actual)

        /// Reached the end of a record when reading. Usually not fatal.
        Eof {
            description("encountered EOF record")

        /// Encountered an unknown record.
        UnknownTag(tag: u32) {
            description("unknown record")
            display("unknown record, tag 0x{:08x} not recognized", tag)

        /// Encountered an unknown block/arc flag.
        UnsupportedAttr(kind: &'static str, raw_flag: u32) {
            description("unsupported flags")
            display("unsupported {} flags 0x{:x}", kind, raw_flag)

        /// The GCNO/GCDA is created for a GCC version that is not recognized by the `cov` crate.
        UnsupportedVersion(version: u32) {
            description("unsupported gcov version")
            display("unsupported gcov version 0x{:08x}", version)

        /// The GCDA provides statistics of a function which cannot be found from the [`Graph`]. This error typically
        /// arises when merging a GCDA before its corresponding GCNO, or running an outdated version of program after
        /// the code has been recompiled (which generates a new GCNO).
        /// [`Graph`]: ../graph/struct.Graph.html
        MissingFunction(file_checksum: u32, ident: Ident) {
            description("missing function")
            display("function from *.gcda cannot be found in the *.gcno (checksum: {}, ident: {})", file_checksum, ident)

        /// Encountered a GCNO record without the corresponding function. This means the GCNO file is corrupt.
        RecordWithoutFunction {
            description("encountered a record without the corresponding function")

        /// The expected number of profilable arcs on the GCDA and GCNO differs.
        CountsMismatch(kind: &'static str, ty: Type, expected: usize, actual: usize) {
            description("counts mismatch")
            display("{0} counts mismatch on *.{3}, expecting {1} {0}, received {2} {0}", kind, expected, actual, ty)


/// The location where an error happened.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Location {
    /// No source location.
    /// Cursor position in a file.
    /// Record index in a GCNO/GCDA file.
    /// Path to a GCNO/GCDA file.

impl Location {
    /// Annotates the result with context information.
    pub fn wrap<T, E: Into<Error>, F: FnOnce() -> StdResult<T, E>>(self, f: F) -> Result<T> {
        f().map_err(|e| self.wrap_error(e))

    /// Annotates the error with context information.
    pub fn wrap_error<E: Into<Error>>(self, e: E) -> Error {
        let mut error = e.into();
        if self != Location::None {
            let cause = Box::new(AtError {
                location: self,
                cause: error.1.next_error,
            error.1.next_error = Some(cause);

struct AtError {
    location: Location,
    cause: Option<Box<StdError + Send + 'static>>,

impl fmt::Display for AtError {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self.location {
            Location::Cursor(cursor) => write!(fmt, "reading at file position {0} (0x{0:x})", cursor),
            Location::RecordIndex(index) => write!(fmt, "parsing record index #{}", index),
            Location::File(ref path) => write!(fmt, "parsing file {}", path.display()),
            Location::None => write!(fmt, "nothing"),

impl StdError for AtError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        "<error context>"

    fn cause(&self) -> Option<&StdError> {
        self.cause.as_ref().map(|e| -> &StdError { &**e })

/// A trait to check if an error is an EOF error.
pub trait IsEof {
    /// Checks whether the error is caused by an unexpected EOF.
    fn is_eof(&self) -> bool;

impl IsEof for ErrorKind {
    fn is_eof(&self) -> bool {
        match *self {
            ErrorKind::Io(ref e) => e.is_eof(),
            ErrorKind::Eof => true,
            _ => false,

impl IsEof for Error {
    fn is_eof(&self) -> bool {

impl IsEof for io::Error {
    fn is_eof(&self) -> bool {
        self.kind() == io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof