couch_rs 0.10.1

CouchDB library for Rust
use crate::{
    error::{CouchError, CouchResult},
    management::{ClusterSetup, ClusterSetupGetResponse, EnsureDbsExist, Membership},
    types::system::{CouchResponse, CouchStatus, DbInfo},
use base64::engine::general_purpose;
use percent_encoding::{utf8_percent_encode, NON_ALPHANUMERIC};
use reqwest::{
    header::{self, HeaderMap, HeaderValue, CONTENT_TYPE, REFERER, USER_AGENT},
    Method, RequestBuilder, StatusCode, Url,
use std::{collections::HashMap, io::Write, time::Duration};

fn construct_json_headers(uri: Option<&str>) -> HeaderMap {
    let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
    headers.insert(USER_AGENT, HeaderValue::from_static("reqwest"));
    headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, HeaderValue::from_static("application/json"));

    if let Some(u) = uri {
        headers.insert(REFERER, HeaderValue::from_str(u).unwrap());


fn parse_server(uri: &str) -> CouchResult<Url> {
    let parsed_url = Url::parse(uri)?;

pub(crate) async fn is_accepted(request: RequestBuilder) -> bool {
    if let Ok(res) = request.send().await {
        res.status() == StatusCode::ACCEPTED
    } else {

pub(crate) async fn is_ok(request: RequestBuilder) -> bool {
    if let Ok(res) = request.send().await {
        let status = res.status();
        status.is_success() || status == StatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED
    } else {

/// Client handles the URI manipulation logic and the HTTP calls to the `CouchDB` REST API.
/// It is also responsible for the creation/access/destruction of databases.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Client {
    _client: reqwest::Client,
    _gzip: bool,
    _timeout: Option<u64>,
    uri: Url,
    pub db_prefix: String,

const TEST_DB_HOST: &str = "http://localhost:5984";
const TEST_DB_USER: &str = "admin";
const TEST_DB_PW: &str = "password";
const DEFAULT_TIME_OUT: u64 = 10;

impl Client {
    /// new creates a new Couch client with a default timeout of 10 seconds.
    /// The timeout is applied from when the request starts connecting until the response body has finished.
    /// The URI has to be in this format: http://hostname:5984, for example:
    pub fn new(uri: &str, username: &str, password: &str) -> CouchResult<Client> {
        Client::new_with_timeout(uri, Some(username), Some(password), Some(DEFAULT_TIME_OUT))

    /// `new_no_auth` creates a new Couch client with a default timeout of 10 seconds. *Without authentication*.
    /// The timeout is applied from when the request starts connecting until the response body has finished.
    /// The URI has to be in this format: http://hostname:5984, for example:
    pub fn new_no_auth(uri: &str) -> CouchResult<Client> {
        Client::new_with_timeout(uri, None, None, Some(DEFAULT_TIME_OUT))

    /// `new_local_test` creates a new Couch client *for testing purposes* with a default timeout of 10 seconds.
    /// The timeout is applied from when the request starts connecting until the response body has finished.
    /// The URI that will be used is: http://hostname:5984, with a username of "admin" and a password
    /// of "password". Use this only for testing!!!
    pub fn new_local_test() -> CouchResult<Client> {

    /// `new_with_timeout` creates a new Couch client. The URI has to be in this format: http://hostname:5984,
    /// The timeout is applied from when the request starts connecting until the response body has finished.
    /// Timeout is in seconds.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics when the AUTHORIZATION header can not be set on the request.
    pub fn new_with_timeout(
        uri: &str,
        username: Option<&str>,
        password: Option<&str>,
        timeout: Option<u64>,
    ) -> CouchResult<Client> {
        let mut headers = header::HeaderMap::new();

        if let Some(username) = username {
            let mut header_value = b"Basic ".to_vec();
                let mut encoder = base64::write::EncoderWriter::new(&mut header_value, &general_purpose::STANDARD);
                // The unwraps here are fine because Vec::write* is infallible.
                write!(encoder, "{username}:").unwrap();
                if let Some(password) = password {
                    write!(encoder, "{password}").unwrap();

            let auth_header = header::HeaderValue::from_bytes(&header_value).expect("can not set AUTHORIZATION header");
            headers.insert(header::AUTHORIZATION, auth_header);

        let mut client_builder = reqwest::Client::builder().default_headers(headers).gzip(true);
        if let Some(t) = timeout {
            client_builder = client_builder.timeout(Duration::new(t, 0));
        let client =;

        Ok(Client {
            _client: client,
            uri: parse_server(uri)?,
            _gzip: true,
            _timeout: timeout,
            db_prefix: String::new(),

    pub fn get_self(&mut self) -> &mut Self {

    pub fn set_uri(&mut self, uri: &str) -> CouchResult<&Self> {
        self.uri = parse_server(uri)?;

    pub fn set_prefix(&mut self, prefix: String) -> &Self {
        self.db_prefix = prefix;

    /// List the databases in `CouchDB`
    /// Usage:
    /// ```
    /// use std::error::Error;
    /// const DB_HOST: &str = "http://localhost:5984";
    /// const DB_USER: &str = "admin";
    /// const DB_PW: &str = "password";
    /// const TEST_DB: &str = "test_db";
    /// #[tokio::main]
    /// async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    ///     let client = couch_rs::Client::new(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PW)?;
    ///     let db = client.db(TEST_DB).await?;
    ///     let dbs = client.list_dbs().await?;
    ///     dbs.iter().for_each(|db| println!("Database: {}", db));
    ///     Ok(())
    /// }
    pub async fn list_dbs(&self) -> CouchResult<Vec<String>> {
        let response = self.get("/_all_dbs", None).send().await?;
        let data = response.json().await?;


    fn build_dbname(&self, dbname: &str) -> String {
        // percent encode the dbname to ensure special characters are not misinterpreted
        let dbname = utf8_percent_encode(dbname, NON_ALPHANUMERIC).to_string();
        format!("{}{}", self.db_prefix, dbname)

    /// Connect to an existing database, or create a new one, when this one does not exist.
    pub async fn db(&self, dbname: &str) -> CouchResult<Database> {
        let name = self.build_dbname(dbname);

        let db = Database::new(name.clone(), self.clone());

        let head_response = self
            .head(&name, None)

        match head_response.status() {
            StatusCode::OK => Ok(db),
            _ => self.make_db(dbname).await,

    /// Create a new database with the given name
    pub async fn make_db(&self, dbname: &str) -> CouchResult<Database> {
        let name = self.build_dbname(dbname);

        let db = Database::new(name.clone(), self.clone());

        let put_response = self
            .put(&name, String::default())

        let status = put_response.status();
        let s: CouchResponse = put_response.json().await?;

        if let Some(true) = s.ok {
        } else {
            let err = s.error.unwrap_or_else(|| s!("unspecified error"));
            Err(CouchError::new(err, status))

    /// Destroy the database with the given name
    pub async fn destroy_db(&self, dbname: &str) -> CouchResult<bool> {
        let response = self
            .delete(&self.build_dbname(dbname), None)

        let s: CouchResponse = response.json().await?;


    #[cfg(feature = "integration-tests")]
    /// Checks if a database exists
    /// Usage:
    /// ```
    /// use couch_rs::error::CouchResult;
    /// const TEST_DB: &str = "test_db";
    /// #[tokio::main]
    /// async fn main() -> CouchResult<()> {
    ///     let client = couch_rs::Client::new_local_test()?;
    ///     let db = client.db(TEST_DB).await?;
    ///     if client.exists(TEST_DB).await? {
    ///         println!("The database exists");
    ///     }
    ///     return Ok(());
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub async fn exists(&self, dbname: &str) -> CouchResult<bool> {
        let result = self.head(&self.build_dbname(dbname), None).send().await?;

    /// Gets information about the specified database.
    /// See [common]( for more details.
    pub async fn get_info(&self, dbname: &str) -> CouchResult<DbInfo> {
        let response = self
            .get(&self.build_dbname(dbname), None)
        let info = response.json().await?;

    /// Returns meta information about the instance. The response contains information about the server,
    /// including a welcome message and the version of the server.
    /// See [common]( for more details.
    pub async fn check_status(&self) -> CouchResult<CouchStatus> {
        let response = self.get("", None).headers(construct_json_headers(None)).send().await?;

        let status = response.json().await?;

    /// Returns membership information about the cluster.
    /// See [_membership]( for more details.
    pub async fn membership(&self) -> CouchResult<Membership> {
        let response = self.get("/_membership", None).send().await?;
        let membership = response.json().await?;

    /// Returns `cluster_setup` information about the cluster.
    /// See [_cluster_setup]( for more details.
    pub async fn cluster_setup(&self, request: EnsureDbsExist) -> CouchResult<ClusterSetup> {
        let ensure_dbs_array = serde_json::to_value(&request.ensure_dbs_exist)?;
        let ensure_dbs_arrays = serde_json::to_string(&ensure_dbs_array)?;
        let response = self
            .get("/_cluster_setup", None)
            .query(&[("ensure_dbs_exist", &ensure_dbs_arrays)])
        let response: ClusterSetupGetResponse = response.json().await?;

    pub fn req(&self, method: Method, path: &str, opts: Option<&HashMap<String, String>>) -> RequestBuilder {
        let mut uri = self.uri.clone();

        if let Some(map) = opts {
            let mut qp = uri.query_pairs_mut();
            for (k, v) in map {
                qp.append_pair(k, v);

            .request(method, uri.as_str())

    pub(crate) fn get(&self, path: &str, args: Option<&HashMap<String, String>>) -> RequestBuilder {
        self.req(Method::GET, path, args)

    pub(crate) fn post(&self, path: &str, body: String) -> RequestBuilder {
        self.req(Method::POST, path, None).body(body)

    pub(crate) fn put(&self, path: &str, body: String) -> RequestBuilder {
        self.req(Method::PUT, path, None).body(body)

    pub(crate) fn head(&self, path: &str, args: Option<&HashMap<String, String>>) -> RequestBuilder {
        self.req(Method::HEAD, path, args)

    pub(crate) fn delete(&self, path: &str, args: Option<&HashMap<String, String>>) -> RequestBuilder {
        self.req(Method::DELETE, path, args)