cosmwasm-std 1.5.0-rc.0

Standard library for Wasm based smart contracts on Cosmos blockchains
use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use crate::binary::Binary;
use crate::to_json_binary;

/// This is a standard IBC acknowledgement type. IBC application are free
/// to use any acknowledgement format they want. However, for compatibility
/// purposes it is recommended to use this.
/// The original proto definition can be found at <>
/// and <>.
/// In contrast to the original idea, [ICS-20]( and CosmWasm IBC protocols
/// use JSON instead of a protobuf serialization.
/// For compatibility, we use the field name "result" for the success case in JSON.
/// However, all Rust APIs use the term "success" for clarity and discriminability from [Result].
/// If ibc_receive_packet returns Err(), then x/wasm runtime will rollback the state and
/// return an error message in this format.
/// ## Examples
/// For your convenience, there are success and error constructors.
/// ```
/// use cosmwasm_std::StdAck;
/// let ack1 = StdAck::success(b"\x01"); // 0x01 is a FungibleTokenPacketSuccess from ICS-20.
/// assert!(ack1.is_success());
/// let ack2 = StdAck::error("kaputt"); // Some free text error message
/// assert!(ack2.is_error());
/// ```
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum StdAck {
    #[serde(rename = "result")]

impl StdAck {
    /// Creates a success ack with the given data
    pub fn success(data: impl Into<Binary>) -> Self {

    /// Creates an error ack
    pub fn error(err: impl Into<String>) -> Self {

    #[must_use = "if you intended to assert that this is a success, consider `.unwrap()` instead"]
    pub const fn is_success(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(*self, StdAck::Success(_))

    #[must_use = "if you intended to assert that this is an error, consider `.unwrap_err()` instead"]
    pub const fn is_error(&self) -> bool {

    /// Serialized the ack to binary using JSON. This used for setting the acknowledgement
    /// field in IbcReceiveResponse.
    /// ## Examples
    /// Show how the acknowledgement looks on the write:
    /// ```
    /// # use cosmwasm_std::StdAck;
    /// let ack1 = StdAck::success(b"\x01"); // 0x01 is a FungibleTokenPacketSuccess from ICS-20.
    /// assert_eq!(ack1.to_binary(), br#"{"result":"AQ=="}"#);
    /// let ack2 = StdAck::error("kaputt"); // Some free text error message
    /// assert_eq!(ack2.to_binary(), br#"{"error":"kaputt"}"#);
    /// ```
    /// Set acknowledgement field in `IbcReceiveResponse`:
    /// ```
    /// use cosmwasm_std::{StdAck, IbcReceiveResponse};
    /// let ack = StdAck::success(b"\x01"); // 0x01 is a FungibleTokenPacketSuccess from ICS-20.
    /// let res: IbcReceiveResponse = IbcReceiveResponse::new().set_ack(ack.to_binary());
    /// let res: IbcReceiveResponse = IbcReceiveResponse::new().set_ack(ack); // Does the same but consumes the instance
    /// ```
    pub fn to_binary(&self) -> Binary {
        // We need a non-failing StdAck -> Binary conversion to allow using StdAck in
        // `impl Into<Binary>` arguments.
        // Pretty sure this cannot fail. If that changes we can create a non-failing implementation here.

    pub fn unwrap(self) -> Binary {
        match self {
            StdAck::Success(data) => data,
            StdAck::Error(err) => panic!("{}", err),

    pub fn unwrap_err(self) -> String {
        match self {
            StdAck::Success(_) => panic!("not an error"),
            StdAck::Error(err) => err,

impl From<StdAck> for Binary {
    fn from(original: StdAck) -> Binary {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn stdack_success_works() {
        let success = StdAck::success(b"foo");
        match success {
            StdAck::Success(data) => assert_eq!(data, b"foo"),
            StdAck::Error(_err) => panic!("must not be an error"),

    fn stdack_error_works() {
        let err = StdAck::error("bar");
        match err {
            StdAck::Success(_data) => panic!("must not be a success"),
            StdAck::Error(err) => assert_eq!(err, "bar"),

    fn stdack_is_success_is_error_work() {
        let success = StdAck::success(b"foo");
        let err = StdAck::error("bar");
        // is_success
        // is_eror

    fn stdack_to_binary_works() {
        let ack1 = StdAck::success(b"\x01");
        assert_eq!(ack1.to_binary(), br#"{"result":"AQ=="}"#);

        let ack2 = StdAck::error("kaputt");
        assert_eq!(ack2.to_binary(), br#"{"error":"kaputt"}"#);