cosmwasm-std 1.2.2

Standard library for Wasm based smart contracts on Cosmos blockchains
/// Never can never be instantiated. This can be used in places
/// where we want to ensure that no error is returned, such as
/// the `ibc_packet_receive` entry point.
/// In contrast to `Empty`, this does not have a JSON schema
/// and cannot be used for message and query types.
/// Once the ! type is stable, this is not needed anymore.
/// See <>.
/// ## Examples
/// When using `Never` in a `Result`, we can unwrap in a type-safe way:
/// ```
/// use cosmwasm_std::Never;
/// pub fn safe_unwrap<T>(res: Result<T, Never>) -> T {
///     match res {
///         Ok(value) => value,
///         Err(err) => match err {},
///     }
/// }
/// let res: Result<i32, Never> = Ok(5);
/// assert_eq!(safe_unwrap(res), 5);
/// ```
pub enum Never {}

// The Debug implementation is needed to allow the use of `Result::unwrap`.
impl core::fmt::Debug for Never {
    fn fmt(&self, _f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        // Unreachable because no instance of Never can exist
        match *self {}

// The Display implementation is needed to fulfill the ToString requirement of
// entry point errors: `Result<IbcReceiveResponse<C>, E>` with `E: ToString`.
impl core::fmt::Display for Never {
    fn fmt(&self, _f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        // Unreachable because no instance of Never can exist
        match *self {}