cosmic-text 0.6.0

Pure Rust multi-line text handling
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0

//! # COSMIC Text
//! This library provides advanced text handling in a generic way. It provides abstractions for
//! shaping, font discovery, font fallback, layout, rasterization, and editing. Shaping utilizes
//! rustybuzz, font discovery utilizes fontdb, and the rasterization is optional and utilizes
//! swash. The other features are developed internal to this library.
//! It is recommended that you start by creating a [`FontSystem`], after which you can create a
//! [`Buffer`], provide it with some text, and then inspect the layout it produces. At this
//! point, you can use the `SwashCache` to rasterize glyphs into either images or pixels.
//! ```
//! use cosmic_text::{Attrs, Color, FontSystem, SwashCache, Buffer, Metrics};
//! // A FontSystem provides access to detected system fonts, create one per application
//! let font_system = FontSystem::new();
//! // A SwashCache stores rasterized glyphs, create one per application
//! let mut swash_cache = SwashCache::new(&font_system);
//! // Text metrics indicate the font size and line height of a buffer
//! let metrics = Metrics::new(14, 20);
//! // A Buffer provides shaping and layout for a UTF-8 string, create one per text widget
//! let mut buffer = Buffer::new(&font_system, metrics);
//! // Set a size for the text buffer, in pixels
//! buffer.set_size(80, 25);
//! // Attributes indicate what font to choose
//! let attrs = Attrs::new();
//! // Add some text!
//! buffer.set_text("Hello, Rust! 🦀\n", attrs);
//! // Perform shaping as desired
//! buffer.shape_until_scroll();
//! // Inspect the output runs
//! for run in buffer.layout_runs() {
//!     for glyph in run.glyphs.iter() {
//!         println!("{:#?}", glyph);
//!     }
//! }
//! // Create a default text color
//! let text_color = Color::rgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
//! // Draw the buffer (for performance, instead use SwashCache directly)
//! buffer.draw(&mut swash_cache, text_color, |x, y, w, h, color| {
//!     // Fill in your code here for drawing rectangles
//! });
//! ```

// Not interested in these lints

// TODO: address ocurrances and then deny
// Indexing a slice can cause panics and that is something we always want to avoid
// Overflows can produce unpredictable results and are only checked in debug builds

// Soundness issues
// Dereferencing unalinged pointers may be undefined behavior
// Avoid panicking in without information about the panic. Use expect
// This is usually a serious issue - a missing import of a define where it is interpreted
// as a catch-all variable in a match, for example
// Ensure that all must_use results are used

// Style issues
// Documentation not ideal
// Document possible errors
// Document possible panics
// Ensure semicolons are present
// Ensure numbers are readable

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

extern crate alloc;

pub use self::attrs::*;
mod attrs;

pub use self::buffer::*;
mod buffer;

pub use self::buffer_line::*;
mod buffer_line;

pub use self::cache::*;
mod cache;

pub use self::edit::*;
mod edit;

pub use self::font::*;
mod font;

pub use self::layout::*;
mod layout;

pub use self::shape::*;
mod shape;

#[cfg(feature = "swash")]
pub use self::swash::*;
#[cfg(feature = "swash")]
mod swash;