cosmic-text 0.11.2

Pure Rust multi-line text handling
use cosmic_text::{
    fontdb, Align, Attrs, AttrsList, BidiParagraphs, Buffer, Family, FontSystem, LayoutLine,
    Metrics, ShapeLine, Shaping, Weight, Wrap,

// Test for
// Being able to get the same wrapping when feeding the measured width back into ShapeLine::layout
// as the new width limit is very useful for certain UI layout use cases.
fn stable_wrap() {
    let font_size = 18.0;
    let attrs = AttrsList::new(
    let mut font_system =
        FontSystem::new_with_locale_and_db("en-US".into(), fontdb::Database::new());
    let font = std::fs::read("fonts/FiraMono-Medium.ttf").unwrap();

    let mut check_wrap = |text: &_, wrap, start_width| {
        let line = ShapeLine::new(&mut font_system, text, &attrs, Shaping::Advanced);

        let layout_unbounded = line.layout(font_size, start_width, wrap, Some(Align::Left), None);
        let max_width = layout_unbounded.iter().map(|l| l.w).fold(0.0, f32::max);
        let new_limit = f32::min(start_width, max_width);

        let layout_bounded = line.layout(font_size, new_limit, wrap, Some(Align::Left), None);
        let bounded_max_width = layout_bounded.iter().map(|l| l.w).fold(0.0, f32::max);

        // For debugging:
        // dbg_layout_lines(text, &layout_unbounded);
        // dbg_layout_lines(text, &layout_bounded);

            (max_width, layout_unbounded.len()),
            (bounded_max_width, layout_bounded.len()),
            "Wrap \"{wrap:?}\" with text: \"{text}\"",
        for (u, b) in layout_unbounded[1..].iter().zip(layout_bounded[1..].iter()) {
            assert_eq!(u.w, b.w, "Wrap {wrap:?} with text: \"{text}\"",);

    let hello_sample = std::fs::read_to_string("sample/hello.txt").unwrap();
    let cases = [
        "(6)  SomewhatBoringDisplayTransform",
        " ",
        "  ",
        "   ",
        "       ",
    // This has several cases where the line would wrap when the computed width was used as the
    // width limit.

    for text in cases {
        for wrap in [Wrap::Word, Wrap::Glyph] {
            for start_width in [f32::MAX, 80.0, 198.2132, 20.0, 4.0, 300.0] {
                check_wrap(text, wrap, start_width);
                let with_spaces = format!("{text}            ");
                check_wrap(&with_spaces, wrap, start_width);
                let with_spaces_2 = format!("{text}    ");
                check_wrap(&with_spaces_2, wrap, start_width);

fn wrap_extra_line() {
    let mut font_system = FontSystem::new();
    let metrics = Metrics::new(14.0, 20.0);

    let mut buffer = Buffer::new(&mut font_system, metrics);

    let mut buffer = buffer.borrow_with(&mut font_system);

    // Add some text!
    buffer.set_text("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui minim labore adipisicing\n\nweeewoooo minim sint cillum sint consectetur cupidatat.", Attrs::new().family(cosmic_text::Family::Name("Inter")), Shaping::Advanced);

    // Set a size for the text buffer, in pixels
    buffer.set_size(50.0, 1000.0);

    // Perform shaping as desired

    let empty_lines = buffer.layout_runs().filter(|x| x.line_w == 0.).count();
    let overflow_lines = buffer.layout_runs().filter(|x| x.line_w > 50.).count();

    assert_eq!(empty_lines, 1);
    assert_eq!(overflow_lines, 4);

fn dbg_layout_lines(text: &str, lines: &[LayoutLine]) {
    for line in lines {
        let mut s = String::new();
        for glyph in line.glyphs.iter() {